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Everything was wrong. Alan knew that everything was wrong.

When he opened his eyes, he knew that something happened to him. He had been electrocuted. Alan looked around and realized that he was in a white box. He looked down at his own body, and was surprised to find out that he was in a form of a stick figure. A purple, hollow-headed stick figure with glasses.

Alan walked around in The Box. Something was wrong. This doesn't feel like VR. He tried to touch the walls, and was shocked. Alan could feel it. He tried over and over again, but the result was the same.

This was not a simple VR. He was literally brought into the Outernet. Although he didn't know how, Alan knew that only someone from his world could have done this.

But who? And why?

Everything was wrong. None of this was ever supposed to happen. Ever since the moment the third episode began, everything went out of his control.

None of this was in Alan's script of Animator vs. Animation VI.

The Dark Lord was in a cell along with The Chosen One, King Orange, and all the members of the Colored Gang except for Second. It would take the others a while before waking up, so Dark was alone.

He began to remember the decision he made that had brought him there...

June 1, 2024. Midnight.

The Dark Lord opened the door to Victor's office. He knew that sooner or later, he would have to reveal everything to the person who had saved his life. Dark decided that the sooner he did it, the better.

"Hey, Victor..." said The Dark Lord.

"Oh, you're back," said Victor with a smile on his face, "We've got Chosen captured again. You can try your revenge plan again."

Earlier, The Chosen One had escaped on his own, and the workers were trying to capture him again. The Dark Lord didn't know how to explain the situation, and he spent the whole day thinking what to do.

Dark took a deep breath. It was time to reveal everything.

"Victor, I..." said Dark, "Me and Chosen... We forgave each other. We became friends again. I really don't want to say this, but... We're no longer on the same side. I'm very sorry... I don't want to betray either side, and I don't want to fight against you. I just can't be helping you anymore..."

It took a long time for Victor to process what Dark had just said. His smile faded as he knew exactly what happened to his only friend. But there was no anger in him, not even the slightest. There was only an overwhelming wave of sadness that lasted for just a few seconds, before fading into the familiar feeling of emptiness.

"So I guess you got yourself redeemed, Dark..." said Victor with a sad smile on his face, "Well, at least you won't have to worry about me betraying you anymore, right?"

"Victor..." said Dark with tears in his eyes, "I don't want to hurt either of my two friends. Can you... Can you at least free Chosen? I don't want him to be locked up, all alone..."

"I wish I could..." said Victor, "But Dark, you have to know that he's now helping Alan. I am sorry, but I can't risk him ruin everything in the last minute."

"Then put me in prison with him," said The Dark Lord.

"Wha- What?!"

"This is the best solution I could think of. Chosen wouldn't feel as bad if I'm there with him, you won't have to face the risk of your revenge plan failing, and I'll stage an escape as soon as you are done," said The Dark Lord.

"So put me in prison with The Chosen One, Victor. Put me in prison with him."

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