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 "Is it ready?" asked Hunter.

"Yes," said Bastilla, "Now all we need is Head Engineer The Dark Lord."

"I'll call him," said Hazard.

After Smith's death, the remaining three mercenaries were depressed from the loss. However, Hazard had thought of an idea. If this plan fails, then they'll have no choice but to accept the fact that their team leader was forever gone.

The plan was to use their technology to bring Smith back.

"This is Hazard, reporting to Head Engineer The Dark Lord," Hazard said to his earpiece, "We are trying a method to bring back Agent Smith, and we need your help as soon as possible. I repeat, we need your help as soon as possible."

A few seconds later, the mercenaries heard The Dark Lord's reply.

"This is The Dark Lord, reporting to the mercenaries. I am currently busy with another issue. Please find someone else to do the job."

"But... Who else could we find?" asked Hunter, "King Orange betrayed us, and there is no one else other than The Dark Lord who is skilled enough at technology to do the job."

"I mean..." said Bastilla, "We could let her do the job. She's a hacker, after all."

"For some reason, I don't really trust her..." said Hazard, "But I guess she is the only option left..."

"So, you got reincarnated as The Chosen One after you had died as Kelvin?" asked Dark.

"Yes," said The Chosen One, "That's what happened."

"I think the same might have happened to me," said Dark, "I might have been someone else, died for some reason, then got reincarnated as The Dark Lord. That would explain all those strange memories."

But he was still very confused. What was his connection with the Vira Band? What does The Second Coming has anything to do with Dark's past?

And most importantly...

Who was he?

The Masked Girl knew that this would happen.

"... We need your technological support for a plan to bring Agent Smith back. Please come as soon as possible."

"... Reporting to Rocket Organization leader, Victor Imanal," said The Masked Girl, "I'll have to leave for ten minutes. Please be careful during the battle."

She quickly headed towards the room that the mercenaries were in. The three mercenaries still felt a bit uncomfortable with her presence, but still explained the full plan to her. The Masked Girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"I'll help you guys," said The Masked Girl, "Give me the computer."

The Masked Girl used the pause effect of Smith's toolbar on the body of the agent himself, then she began typing quickly on the computer.

After several commands, the paused sign turned into a reverse sign. Agent Smith's body began to revert to what it was a few minutes ago, then a few hours ago. Finally, the reverse sign turned back into a pause sign.

Agent Smith's body was reverted to what it was like before the explosion that had killed him.

When Smith woke up, The Masked Girl had already left. He was very confused about why he was here.

"Smith!" said the remaining three mercenaries excitedly.

Bastilla immediately gave Smith a hug.

"Smith... We thought you would never come back..." said Bastilla, "We're so happy that you're with us again!"

All the mercenaries joined into a group hug as Hunter explained to Smith what had happened.

Finally, all the four mercenaries were together again.

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