Before The Encounter

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A few minutes ago.

"Guys!" said The Chosen One, "We have to move now!"

Victor was talking to someone using his earpiece. After that, he left The Box. Everybody barely managed to not get caught by Victor, which was especially difficult due to the fact that The Second Coming was still unconscious. Then, a girl with a purple mask on her face walked into The Box and closed the door behind her.

"Who is that?" Red asked The Dark Lord.

"She's a hacker," said The Dark Lord, "She volunteered to help us, and Victor and her worked together to bring Alan into the Outernet. We actually have no idea who she is, but she's been quite helpful to us."

"Speaking of which," said The Chosen One, "How did you join the Rocket Organization and ALSO became Victor's Right-Hand Man?"

"Well," said Dark, "It all started after our battle..."

October 24, 2014.

After Dark had put the device on, he began to realize some things. He realized that the attacks that he and Chosen did were wrong, and began to regret the decision of killing those four kids during the battle, which he didn't realize until years later that they were still alive.

The pain all over him suddenly got worse. He was badly injured by the orange kid, who had powers that were somehow greater than his own. He struggled to get up, trying to get the bandages, but collapsed to the floor before he could.

The Dark Lord fell unconscious.

Victor was checking on Alan's Youtube account. Apparently, according to the new videos, The Chosen One ended up helping Alan and betrayed The Dark Lord. Dark seemed to be against Alan, he has powers and is good at engineering, which could be helpful in Victor's plan to defeat Alan.

The problem was, how could he find The Dark Lord?

Victor, I found where The Dark Lord is. I'll tell you the directions on the way there, but have to save him NOW. He's badly injured, and if you don't head there immediately HE WILL DIE!


Victor quickly brought all the medical supplies and headed outside as fast as he could. He got onto one of his flying vehicles and started heading towards the cliff where Dark was at maximum speed.

I hope we won't be too late...

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