Seventeen Years

70 2 16

Author notes:

I forgot to say this, but whenever the time is mentioned in a flashback (Example: June 3, 2006), it is always referring to our time and not the Outernet time. You'll see why this is important soon.



Victor was in his room. It was after the funeral of Agent Smith, and he had to think about something else.

Alan Becker was finally captured.

Victor already had a plan on how to deal with Alan. The only way Alan could have even come to the Outernet without Yellow's help meant that he was using VR. He had already electrocuted Alan through his VR goggles, now all he had to do was to do the next step before Alan wakes up.

When he finally finished the last part of the code, he closed his computer. All he had to do was to wait for tomorrow, June 2. Or at least, it's June 2 in the Outernet.

What most people in the Outernet knew is that time in the outside world goes faster than in the Outernet. Although only a day had passed here, a year had passed in the outside world.

There is an event that happens once in every Outernet year, or once in every eighteen years in the outside world, called The Crossover. The time outside will eventually slow down, until it passes in the same speed as the time in the Outernet, before speeding up again. Coincidentally, this always happens on June 3, Victor's birthday. The Crossover is the only day that happens in the same time in both worlds.

Almost one year had passed for Victor, and almost eighteen years had passed on outside. And both of them will meet exactly on June 3.

Seventeen years ago, Alan was seventeen years old.

That was when he almost killed me.

On June 3rd, the seventeenth year would be over.

The same with my revenge, and the same with Alan's life.

To Be Continued...

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