Chapter Four - Giyuu

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My eyes seemed to be incapable of looking away from the (Hair Color) haired woman as she moved gracefully across the training ground. Her attack hits Shinazugawa - but he blocks it just in time. I could feel my fangs dropping as she dropped the practice sword, watching as it disintegrated. The raw, carnal desire to pick her up and take her back to the Water Estate hits me like a physical blow.

Like myself, Shinazugawa’s legs seem to buckle at this display of pure power from our Omega. I didn't hear what she said, but he rushes into his estate and brings out a scabbard for her. Utter disbelief fills me as I watch the blade change from green to lavender. (Name) says something to him and he says something back but goes and sits down on the engawa.

She moves the training dummy and I now have a perfect view. I knew the other male Hashiras were gathered beside me but none of us spoke as we watched her slide the blade against her palm. My instincts had me ready to run forward, but my inner Alpha wanted to see this unfold.

(Name) allows her Marechi blood to drip onto the blade before getting into a picture perfect fighting stance. With a graceful movement, she swings the bloodied blade in a horizontal slash that curves into a crescent.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace!” She shrieks when the crescent is complete.

Crescent shaped, pale pink projectiles shimmering with her blood are thrown at the dummy as she sheathes the blade. As soon as they touch it, the entire training dummy starts to disintegrate.

“What the fuck was that?” Rengoku yells out, snapping the duo’s attention to their audience.

(Name) looks over the Hashiras beside me in fear before relaxing upon realizing they were all men. My Omega drops the scabbard and rushes towards us, unnaturally fast. I barely had time to open my arms before she crashed into me.

“TOMIOKA!” (Name) yells, nuzzling her face into my hair.

I blush, holding her up by her thighs. My colleagues are looking at us in shock - aside from Shinazugawa. He grunts his greeting when he makes it to us.

“Hey.” I say to the woman clinging to me.
“Sanemi told me I couldn't be a demon slayer.” She shamelessly tattles, making the scarred Alpha swear.
“You cannot be a demon slayer unless you pass Final Selection.” Iguro corrects and I internally sigh.
“Tomioka, I remembered something!” The omega gushes, not paying attention to the Serpent Hashira.

“Oh?” I say, shifting her so we could settle on the ground.
“I remember learning how to slay demons!” (Name) explains and I am confused, apparently so are my fellow Hashira.
“You aren't a member of the Corps though.” I tell her and she nods.
“No but I remember slaying demons. She had me dispose of the ones that displeased her.”
“Alright but why would Kibutsuji teach a human how to slay demons?” Iguro demands, his snake hisses in agreement.
That woman didn't teach me anything. The man who taught me was named Tsugikuni Michikatsu. A demon slayer turned into a demon.” (Name) explains and I furrow my brows, looking over at Shinazugawa in concern.

His eyes are already on mine and I could tell he felt uneasy too. A loud growl comes from the woman in my arms as Uzui lifts a strand of her hair.

“What a vivacious Little Omega! You are truly a stunning swordswoman, learning how to slay demons from a demon. How flashy! You must be my fourth Mate!” The Sound Hashira purrs, making me bare my fangs at the same time as Shinazugawa.
“Get your fucking hands off our Omega.” Shinazugawa demands, shoving the giant Alpha away from her.
“Your Omega?” Iguro asks, looking at us skeptically.
“Ours. Back off.” I snarl, flashing my large fangs at him.

Mated or not, I won't allow anyone to question our claim. I side eye Rengoku, who was being awfully quiet as he observed Shinazugawa and myself. His owlish eyes never showed any interest in the woman herself, but more curiosity about the technique she used.

“We should bring (Last Name) to the Master!” He bellows, eyes gleaming excitedly.

The Omega in my arms nuzzles into the patterned shoulder of my haori. She seemed unbothered by the men around her, focused solely on drowning herself in my scent. I gladly allowed her, knowing she feels safer when she can smell myself or Shinazugawa.

“Tomioka, we will take her. You guys can go get a fucking life.” Shinazugawa snaps, grabbing my belt to drag me alongside him.


“You were trained by who?” Oyakata-Sama asks, tilting his head curiously.
“A demon. His name is Tsugikuni Michikatsu. Do you remember him, Master?” (Name) replies, her (Eye Color) eyes gleaming with hope.

A smile spreads across Oyakata-Sama’s face as he motions for one of his children to bring him a book. He flips it to a page before nodding.

“Do you remember what he looked like?” I question, looking at my Omega.
“Black hair, purple eyes. A strange flame marking on his forehead and chin. He seemed quite old, not physically but in the way he acted. When she brought me to him, he said an Omega should be used to produce heirs, not dispatch demons.” Shinazugawa and I both growl at the words, already expecting the worst.

“But that woman forced him to teach me. I remember it very clearly, my first day of training before I was even allowed to touch a sword. She pumped me full of her blood, it burned and I thought I was going to die. Tsugikuni-Sensei made me learn Total Concentration Constant to keep it from changing me. They both were surprised I learned so quickly. This training went on for a long time, I don't think time works the same way there as it does here. She told me that it took a year to fully master it. According to the test results that Kocho has, nearly half of my blood is demon blood, yes?” This explanation piqued Oyakata-Sama's interest.

“You used Total Concentration Constant to keep yourself from transforming into a demon, that's hard to believe yet you are still human. My child, you are truly special.” Oyakata-Sama smiles warmly at her.
She believed that my Marechi blood combined with being an Omega allowed my body to adapt to the demon blood instead of changing. That woman thought I would be able to help her conquer the Sun.” The quivering woman between Shinazugawa and I answers.

If (Name) is right, people are in more danger than ever. But why did she end up here?

“Do you remember who brought you here?” Our Master asks and she nods furiously.
“Tsugikuni-Sensei found a human to bring me here. He went against her wishes because he heard word of a family consisting of his blood being slaughtered. Apparently she is looking for a demon slayer with Hanafuda earrings because he got away with his demon sister.” My heart sinks as I think of the Kamado siblings.
“I see. I believe you will be an asset to the Demon Slayer Corps. I have heard that you were able to nearly land a blow on Sanemi. Could you do it again?” Oyakata-Sama asks and I hear Shinazugawa huff in annoyance.
“I believe I could beat all of your Hashira,” (Name) deadpans, her tone matter-of-fact.
“(Name)! You cannot speak like that!” Shinazugawa interrupts.
“But I refuse to battle my Alphas, Oyakata-Sama.” She finishes, smiling shyly at us.
“I will make arrangements for each Hashira to come to the Wind Estate. You must defeat all 7 other Hashira if you wish to join our ranks. You have one week.” And with that, his children guide him out.

Shinazugawa and I look at each other. We both silently ask one another:

How will we convince her to turn down his offer?

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now