Chapter Forty - Giyuu

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After having left with Tanjiro and Zenitsu in tow, I decided to swing by Gyomei's estate to grab Muichiro. The teen didn't seem bothered at all as the older boys chatted to him. But it was obvious that he was waiting for (Name) to join us.

“Where's (Name)-Chan?” Muichiro asks as we all walk towards the Flame Estate.
“She's away on a mission. So, we're going to grab Kyojuro and then we can all train together until she gets home.” I explain and he thinks for a moment before nodding.
“Rengoku is so cool, Tomioka-San! I wish Onee-Chan would've let us go with her on the train mission.” Tanjiro adds and I shake my head.
“She would've gotten more injured trying to protect you than she already did.” The Mist Hashira states and I mentally remind myself to have (Name) explain the finer points of socializing with his peers.


“Tomioka! Tokito! Kamado! Agatsuma! Welcome to my estate!” Kyojuro exclaims as he allows us inside.
“Hello Rengoku.” I greet and he smiles widely at all of us.
“I'm so glad you visited me! What do I owe this pleasure to?”
“Well, as you know, Tanjiro isn't meant to use water breathing. I figured he would benefit from training under you. Zenitsu can only use the first form of Thunder Breathing so Tokito and I are going to see if he is compatible with other breathing styles.” I explain and the fiery man nods his head excitedly.
“Of course!”


I was surprised when Atsuka settled on my shoulder as we took a break from training. One look at the dainty crow was enough to see she was still in bad shape. I settled her in front of one of the water bottles (Name) had scattered throughout the house.

“Tomioka! Lady (Last Name) is in need of assistance! Gather the unoccupied Hashira and head to the Entertainment District! Kanroji, Uzui and Kocho are already there! En¹ has sent for the kakushi and Unara² has gone to fetch Iguro.” Atsuka informs as she takes greedy sips of her water.

Rengoku and Tokito had followed me in, so we just needed Gyomei. The Flame Hashira doesn't hesitate to run off to grab him. One look at Muichiro showed his unusual sense of urgency. I didn't plan to wait either.

“Atsuka, if Rengoku returns, please inform him we left already.” I tell the small bird and she just chirps softly in response.


Muichiro and I didn't speak as we ran towards the Entertainment District. His crow was trailing behind us while we picked up our pace. If we continue at the speed we are going, we should be able to reach (Name) in a day. I know it's not fast enough but I can't run faster.

It seemed like years - like every single step was making the destination stretch out further away. But I knew it was just an overwhelming sense of dread. I no longer feared losing my Omega physically. She's a demon that can walk in the fucking sun and that means she's strong enough to handle herself.

But it's her inability to be selfish, never being able to put herself first when human Slayers are in danger, that makes me afraid. After the incident with Rengoku and Upper Moon Three, I had resigned myself to accepting that she wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice herself.

There was a Wisteria House coming up but I was unsure if we should rest. A glance at Muichiro answered the question for me. Even if he's a Hashira, he's still a child. I hold up a hand and slow down. He halts beside me and I see the determination in his cyan eyes.

“(Name)-Chan needs us, why are we stopping?” He asks and I shake my head.
“We won't be any help if we are exhausted when we get there.” I explain and Muichiro sighed before nodding.

The elderly man that greeted us didn't introduce himself. He just welcomed us inside. We follow him, both of us too exhausted to speak.

“I will have dinner ready in about ten minutes. Your rooms are here. The dining room is across the hall.” The old man points at each door in turn.
“Arigato.” I tell him and walk into one of the rooms he indicated.


The next morning, we were off before the sun rose. Pale purples still blanketed the sky as we took up our journey once more. If we travel at the same pace as we did yesterday, we should reach the Entertainment District by nightfall.

Hours go by and before I knew it, we were passing through a small village. The sun was already high in the sky and my stomach growled. I slow down and the Mist Hashira beside me does the same.

“We should eat.” I state and Muichiro nods in agreement.
“There's a ramen shop over there.” The teen says, pointing towards the small restaurant.

Thanks to always carrying my wallet in case I see something (Name) would like, I was able to afford food. I allowed Mui to order first and surprisingly, he only ordered a single bowl of miso ramen. Deciding to do the same, I pay the man running the stall and he smiles. It only took a few minutes before he was placing the steaming bowls in front of us.

“Itadakimasu.” Muichiro says softly and I do the same.

We didn't speak as we ate. The only sounds were the slurping of noodles and the chatter of people milling about. As soon as we finished our meal, we took up our journey once again.


Chaos. That's how I would describe it. The forever bustling streets of the Entertainment District were on fire. People were running, some lay dying underneath the broken ruins of buildings. Screams and the sound of stone meeting the pavement filled the air. The smell of burnt flesh stung my nose. It felt like my heart dropped into my stomach when I realized what caused this.

A loud explosion silenced the air. My ears were ringing and the smoke from the fires made my eyes water. Yet I ran on. I couldn't stop, not when I didn't know where (Name) is.

I jump onto a roof, using an already collapsed building as a stepping stone. Before my feet even hit the shingles, I was sprinting towards the heart of the city. With each second that passes, it could be the difference between life and death.

As soon as I see Uzui, collapsed on a halfway caved in roof, I halt. He was unconscious. I check for a pulse, find it and when Tokito catches up with me I turn to face him.

“Stay here.” I tell the teen who just nods and sits beside the Sound Hashira’s unmoving form.

Continuing, I find Kanroji and Kocho about ten houses down. The Alpha female was in a defensive stance over the closest thing to a medic we had on scene. When her green eyes met mine, she looked relieved.

“Tomioka! Thank God! (Name) is still fighting. Please go assist her, Shinobu isn't awake yet.” Kanroji explains, gesturing to what looked to be the center of the city.

From this distance, I could see four figures fighting but I was unable to determine what was actually happening. I nod at the Love Hashira before hopping off the roof.

I run the remaining distance, finally catching sight of the familiar (Body Type) figure of my Mate. She was wearing a beautiful kimono, long hair billowing in the early summer breeze as she launched attack after attack.

Beside her, Nezuko was doing the exact same. Throwing Nichirin kunai coated in pink flames, the teen didn't hesitate to fight against the female demon. As soon as I got close enough, (Name) jumps back and places an arm in front of me.

“Stay back.” Her voice was raw and scratchy and I could see she was missing half of her fingers on her left hand.
“You brought more humans?” The demon Nezuko was fighting laughs at her and I scowl.
“Shut the fuck up Daki.” My Mate hisses, immediately raising her sword to parry a projectile that had been thrown by the male demon in front of her.

Upper Moon Six.

1 En is Shinobu's crow
2 Unara is Mitsuri's crow

Next chapter is going back a few days to when the Entertainment District Mission starts

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