Chapter Six - Sanemi

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Watching our Omega defeat Kocho so easily, gave Tomioka and I something to talk about. (Name) lay exhausted in the nest she built in the Wind Estate, which meant I could speak with Tomioka.

"Oi, fucker." I gesture for him to follow me into the kitchen.

The arrogant bastard sighs before leaning against the counter. I run a hand through my hair, unsure of how to have an actual conversation with the stoic Alpha. I wouldn't admit it even if my life was at stake, but he isn't that bad.

"Shinazugawa?" He asks after a long silence.
"I think she's strong enough to be a Hashira." I say, looking up at him.
"I know."
"Do you think (Name) will be able to take on Mui?" Tomioka sighs, unsure of how to answer my question.
"I believe Tokito will be a difficult opponent but our Omega can do it. She almost landed a blow on you, didn't she?" The Water Hashira smiles softly at me and I huff.
"I was going fucking easy on her!" He chuckles at my attempt to defend myself.
"You didn't expect her to throw your own attack at you, right? (Name) seems to have the same unpredictable style that demons do. You expect her to do one thing, but she does another. It makes her a dangerous opponent." He praises and I smirk.
"Our Omega really is something, huh Pretty Boy?" I tease and Tomioka chuckles.
"She really is."

Tomioka doesn't make a move to leave the kitchen, so I don't either. I can't deny that the lean Alpha wouldn't make a good co-mate. He dotes on (Name), always carrying her everywhere. Plus, he makes some delicious ohagi. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the man himself, who once again has leaned over to sniff me.

"Why do you keep smelling me, Tomioka?" I ask, not bothered by his actions anymore.

He doesn't respond for a moment, just closing his blue eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Giyuu." Is all he says before patting my head and leaving the kitchen.

This motherfucker...


"Sanemi!" My Omega greets, yawning sleepily as I settle down beside her at the table.

I hum in reply, letting her nuzzle her face into my shoulder. Tomioka - Giyuu is at the stove making breakfast. (Name) stares up at me for a few moments before Giyuu brings the food over. He places a large plate of onigiri on the table before turning around to grab another plate of food.

Once he finishes placing everything down, I see he has made quite a decent amount of food. I eagerly put a bit of everything on my plate. Giyuu has spoiled us with his cooking. Just one look at the table filled with tamagoyaki, grilled fish, miso soup with boiled veggies and onigiri has me licking my lips.

"Thank you for the food." The (Hair Color) haired Omega beside me chirps, placing a small variety of food on her plate.
"Thanks." I say, then begin to dig into my food.

We eat in silence, save for the sounds of both myself and (Name) moaning at the delicious food. Somehow, Tomioka cooks almost as well as Kanroji. After I finish my plate, as well as my second helping, I pat my stomach contently.

"CAW! MIST HASHIRA TOKITO MUICHIRO HAS ARRIVED! CAW!" My crow, Sorai, calls as he settles on (Name)'s shoulder.
"Arigato, Sorai. It's nice to see you." My Omega croons, petting his dark plumage fondly.
"CAW! MY FAVORITE OMEGA! CAW!" He chirps, leaning into her touch.

She pays him a bit more attention before standing up. Giyuu and I watch as she takes Sorai with her to get ready. She was given a uniform to wear by Oyakata-Sama but thanks to Scum Glasses, (Name) can't wear it. So, out of necessity she got an old shirt from Giyuu and an old pair of pants from me. Both were huge on her, so she had to slice them both into smaller portions. It was actually funny seeing her all dressed in our baggy uniforms.

Unfortunately, Giyuu's top ended up becoming basically a loincloth while my pants became a pair of shorts. So, in a last ditch effort - I sent Sorai to gather a shirt from one of Uzui's wives. We haven't seen the top yet so Giyuu and I are anxiously watching the doorway for her to appear.

My eyes widen when she finally walks out. She wore a sleeveless pale purple shirt that left her midriff bare. Apparently it had a fishnet (damn shinobis) undershirt that she had tucked under her skirt. My fangs drop as I see the absolutely revealing neckline, which she didn't even bother to cover - much like my own uniform top. Luckily for us, she had the bright idea to at least tie the collar closed. I noticed a shimmering pink moon charm on either side of the collar.

Her bottoms, which consisted of a white pair of shorts (made out of an old pair of my uniform pants) underneath the deep gray open thigh skirt (made out of Giyuu's old uniform top). (Name) wore simple white kyahan leg coverings and for some fucking reason is barefoot.

I hear a growl from beside me as she walks up to the sword rack, most likely wanting to grab her sword and scabbard. A glance over at Tomioka shows he definitely didn't want anyone seeing our Omega in this outfit. (Name) clips the scabbard to her belt and walks over to us.

"You look beautiful." I breathe out, eyeing the expanse of her smooth (Skin Color) cleavage.
"Shinazugawa, give her your haori." Giyuu snarls and I don't hesitate when I remember that Uzui and Rengoku will be watching this match.

The (Hair Color) haired Marechi easily slides on my haori, even if it clashed with her outfit. She leans up, placing a soft kiss to my cheek before doing the same for Giyuu. Then we head outside.

Muichiro is already in position, facing the engawa while the other Hashira are all sitting on the sidelines. (Name) walks over to her opponent and bows. This confused all of us until she spoke up.

"My Sensei would be proud of how strong his bloodline has become."

Her statement doesn't do anything to clear our confusion - since it seemed even Muichiro had no clue what she was speaking about. He bows slightly before jumping back to create distance.

"Ladies first." Is all he says, getting into stance.

The (Hair Color) haired Marechi scoffs before assuming her own stance.

"Go!" Uzui calls out and our Omega is already drawing her blade across her collarbone.

"Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing!" She calls out, performing three crescent shaped horizontal slashes.

As soon as she finishes the last slash, several large, pale pink crescent shaped blades coated in her blood are launched at the Mist Hashira. The speed is almost too fast to see and everyone takes a deep breath as Muichiro hops into the air.

"Total Concentration; Mist Breathing, Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash." He calmly states as he unleashes a powerful circular slash.

When his counterattack meets the blades, they dissolve and he lands unscathed. We all know he is strong - a 14 year old Hashira has to be - yet we were surprised at his strength. It didn't seem to phase (Name) as she rushed forward - faster than even I could run.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now