Chapter Thirty One - Giyuu

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I don't waste time ogling my Omega. Seeing her in such a beautiful outfit had me desperate to sweep her into my arms. The short white kimono, with blue roses clung to her (Body Type) in a way that had my body heating up. Her long, silky (Hair Color) ponytail was accented by the silver and sapphire moon charm hair pin I bought her and those long legs covered by lacy, white socks that complimented her (Skin Tone) skin. Finally, the deep blue platform zori she paired with it added a few inches to her height.

She laughs as I sweep her into my arms. I didn't care who saw me as I gave her a passionate kiss. My Mate looked beautiful, more beautiful than the moon she represented. I felt Sanemi pulling her from my arms after a while and I relinquished the Marechi woman to him.

He does the exact same as I did and I scoff, content to sniff the wonderful combination of honey and ohagi that quickly had become my safe haven. Whistles and loud praises at our little trio didn't bother me anymore. Let them look, let them see what belonged to me.

“Nemi! Giyuu!” (Name) laughs as she is placed back on her feet.
“You look so fucking pretty baby.” Sanemi praises and I shyly smile at my Omega.
“Thank you, Nemi.” She purrs and I blush at her tone.

The beautiful woman turned to me and I felt my Total Concentration Constant stop. I never was one for words but somehow, (Name) doesn't need my reassurances. She leans up and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Beautiful.” I murmur into her ear and she beams.

” I murmur into her ear and she beams

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“Yuuuuu…!” The Omega slurs and I sigh before looking over to Sanemi for help.
“Pretty fuckin boiiiii…” He says, equally drunk.
“Ugh.” I groan, trying to think of a way to get them home.
“Tomioka-San.” The quiet voice of the Mist Hashira says from behind me and I look at him.
“I can carry (Last Name)-San.” He offers and I nod.

I scoop up Sanemi while Tokito picks up (Name). She clings to him and smiles before beginning to chat his ear off. The Alpha in my arms babbles incoherently as we walk towards the Moon Estate.

“Tokito-San, are you excited?” (Name) drunkenly demands and I glance over.
“To find out my secondary gender? Not really.” Muichiro says softly.
“But what about Genya?” She presses and Sanemi snorts.
“Genya wouldn't ever… Right, Giyuu?” The Wind Hashira slurs and I sigh.

Both Tokito and I share a look before we roll our eyes. The Moon Estate comes into view and after getting through the gate, I smile. Finally we're home.

Muichiro follows me as I walk towards the living room. I lay Shinazugawa on the couch before opening my arms for (Name). She whines.

“...Yuu, is Tokito-San staying?” The Omega whimpers as I take her from the youngest Hashira.
“He has to go back to Gyomei and Genya, remember?” I hush her and she smiles brightly at me.
“Tokito-San, go have fun with your Shinazugawa!” (Name) squeals, causing both Sanemi and Muichiro to blush.


(Name) bounced excitedly as she watches the swordsmith with the sunflower hoari approach. It had been fifteen days since Final Selection and she would finally be getting her own sword. As soon as he made it past the gate, she ran towards the poor man.

“I am here for (Last Name) (Name).” He says, ignoring the excited Omega.
“That's me!” She squeals, jumping in excitement.
“I understand this is the residence of the Moon Hashira, why are you here?” The swordsmith says.
“She is the Moon Hashira, dumbass.” Sanemi snaps and the man shakes his head.
“I received the order from a woman who completed Final Selection not even a month ago. How can she be a Hashira?”
“Just give her the sword.” I state and he seemed excited as he passed the scabbard over to her.
“Draw it! I can't wait to see the color! You're the first Moon breather I've heard of.”

(Name) easily slides the blade out and I see the strange golden pattern along the back of the blade. Yet the blade doesn't change color. What?

“Why isn't it changing color?” I ask and (Name) giggles

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“Why isn't it changing color?” I ask and (Name) giggles.
“I chose an ore that was tainted.” She explains before dragging her thumb across the point of the pink crescent moon on her tsuba.

When it slices through the (Skin Tone) flesh, she places her injured thumb on the golden pattern. The blood flows through the inlayed grooves and only then does the Nichirin sword change color. Yet it wasn't what we had become accustomed to.

The lavender color spread wherever the blood touched yet the edge of the blade remained the same color. A look at the swordsmith showed he was concerned.

“What are you?” He asks her and she scoffs.
“I swear, if I have to explain to one more idiot-” (Name) growls and he moves backwards a few steps.
“Your eyes…” Hotaru whimpers and she laughs.
“Hey fuck face, don't talk to her like that!” Sanemi snarls and I sigh.
“Hotaru, please just leave. Thank you for the sword and tsuba.” I tell him and he doesn't hesitate to run away.

As soon as he leaves, (Name) looks over at us with tears shining in her marked (Eye Color) eyes. Sanemi and I immediately rush over to soothe the Omega. She nuzzles into my haori, sobbing.

“What more do I have to do, to prove myself?” She hiccups and I rub her back.
“Shh, it's alright baby, we're here. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone.” I hush her and she just snuggles further into us.
“But…” (Name) tries to argue.
“Listen, darling. Who gives a fuck what others think? The other Hashiras and Oyakata-Sama all love you and that's what matters. Giyuu and I love you.” Sanemi speaks and she finally stops talking.

After a while she collected herself but didn't remove herself from our embrace. I could've stayed like that forever. But of course, we had to be interrupted.


It had been unanimously decided that Kanzaboru would retire and live the rest of his days being coddled by (Name). So, when I had a mission and Sanemi or (Name) didn't, one of their crows would find me. With a sigh, I stand up.

(Name) gives me a kiss, not anything heated but full of love. I kiss her back with equal emotion and after a few minutes she pulls away. Sanemi leans over and shyly gives me a hug.

“Don't do anything reckless, bitch.” He says and I roll my eyes.
“Stay safe, you better come back in one piece my love.” The Moon Hashira tells me and I nod.
“I love you guys.” I say before they could beat me to it.
“I love you too, Giyuu.” (Name) coos, kissing my cheek.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever shithead.” Sanemi mutters and then I'm off.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now