Chapter Thirty Five - You

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One Month Later

"Onee-San!" Tanjiro exclaims, finally being released from his rehabilitation training.

Two other boys accompanied him. One was a blond male with amber colored eyes full of hearts. He immediately shrieked in delight before falling to his knees in front of me.

"You're so beautiful! Marry me! I'm going to die!" He begs, crying into my kimono.

"Zenitsu! Get off her! (Last Name)-San is Mated!" Tanjiro scolds, yanking the sobbing teen off me.

I shifted my attention to the other boy. He didn't wear a shirt, just the standard hakama pants of a Slayer uniform. But that wasn't the issue, no. I didn't know how to describe him. What person in their right mind wears a boar head mask but doesn't wear a damn shirt?

"She seems strong, Ganpacho. I would ask her to fight me but even the mighty King Inosuke would fail." The rugged voice of the male says and I just look into the burgundy eyes of the teen with the Hanafuda earrings.

He smiles apologetically at me and I just nod because I was kind of creeped out by his friends but didn't want to hurt their feelings. I led the teens into the Moon Estate, knowing that Tanjiro had come to see his sister. Giyuu was in the kitchen making dinner and one look at the group had him cracking a smile.

"Should I make two extra servings, dear?" He asked and I could only nod.

Tanjiro happily walks through my home, already heading towards the room Nezuko lived in. He knocks on the door and a hum echoes through the hallway. Nezuko opens it, peeking out shyly.

"Nezuko! We have a mission!" Tanjiro exclaims and my eyes widen.

"What? No!" I immediately say, placing my hands on my hips.

"Onee-San, Mr. Rengoku has asked for our assistance. I want to see if he knows about the Hinokami Kagura." Dread filled me and I shook my head.

"No, absolutely not. You just finished recovering from your last mission. I will go instead. This is not up for discussion." I tell him before taking my leave.

Giyuu took one look at me and shook his head, already knowing he couldn't stop me. I went into our room, quickly changing into my uniform. After triple checking that I had everything, I headed out of the house.


Rengoku was waiting at the gates of Demon Slayer Headquarters. If he was surprised to see me, he doesn't show it. I stop in front of him with a glare.

"I am going with you." I state and his bold brows shoot up in surprise.

"It will be wonderful to work with you again, (Last Name)." The Flame Hashira chirps and we set off.

I didn't speak anymore on the journey and he seemed to be trying to find the words. Eventually, we arrived at the train station. Rengoku goes to buy the tickets and I wait patiently for his return.


By the time he made it back, Rengoku held two tickets in one hand and what looked to be two dozen bentos in the other. I roll my marked (Eye Color) eyes at him as we board the train. Immediately upon entering, I could smell a demon.

Rengoku settled in his seat and I sat across from him. Uneasiness settled in my stomach like a lead weight. Something wasn't right.

He began eating his bentos, proclaiming them to be delicious with every single bite. I was able to tune him out for the most part, focusing my senses on trying to find the demon. But the air was saturated with the scent, as if the whole cabin was filled with demons.

Not long after the train started moving, the ticket collector made his way through our car. The Flame Hashira and I both hand over our tickets and the man smiles as he punches the holes into them. When he returned them, I noticed the silence. The man exited the car and I felt strange.

Rengoku was still eating but the only sound apart from him was that of the train. A cursory glance around us revealed every single passenger was asleep. But not even five minutes ago, the cab was buzzing with various conversations. Something wasn't right.

My fear is confirmed as my comrade falls silent. I didn't hesitate to draw my blade and stand up from my seat. Whatever is affecting the other passengers must only work on humans. Which meant I would be dealing with the demon alone.

Slicing open my palm, I began marking every single passenger with my blood. Even if I can defeat this demon, this is the only way to guarantee there would be no casualties. When I made it back to my original location I was surprised to see Rengoku awake.

"I believe we are dealing with a Kiziuki." He says and I nod in agreement.

"Yes, I think you're right." I say, busying myself with filling a vial with my blood.

"What are you doing?" Rengoku asks and I don't speak until I finish.

"I am preparing for any possible outcome. My blood can heal people. I need you to trust me, Kyojuro." I say, looking into his fiery eyes.

"I trust you." He says and I hand him the vial.

"If you get severely injured, I need you to drink this okay?" I tell him and the Flame Hashira hesitates for a moment before accepting it.


When the demon revealed itself, I wasn't surprised to find out his identity. Enmu, Lower Moon One. We never met during my time in the Infinity Fortress but I heard rumors. So when he explained he had fused his body with the train, I didn't hesitate to leave Rengoku to protect the passengers.

If I wanted to kill the demon, I would have to sever his head. But based on the rough knowledge of him, I knew it wouldn't be easy. Which led me to going to the only logical place he could've placed his head: the engine.

My focus didn't waver as I ran through the cars. Each passenger would be safe as long as my blood was on them. Enmu wouldn't be able to consume them without ingesting a lethal amount of my blood.

When I made it to the engine block, I didn't expect the grotesque amalgamation of flesh and machinery. My stomach churned at the sight but I didn't hesitate. I jumped down into the cavern, already having a game plan. Dozens of eyes stared at me and I knew I would have to take them out first. I squeeze my injured hand, letting the blood coat my purple blade.

"Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace." I easily swing the katana in a horizontal slash before sheathing it again.

The airborne blood droplets turn into crescent moon blades, each one simultaneously striking their targets. As soon as the eyes shut, I dash towards the quivering flesh that made up Enmu's neck. I draw my blade again, throwing another attack.

"Total Concentration; Water Breathing, Second Form: Water Wheel." I jump, flipping my body to gain momentum as my blade slices through his neck.

When the flesh turned to ash and I jumped out of the engine block - I realized too late that by killing Enmu, I would end up crashing the train. Bracing myself, the impact throws me into the wall of the cab.

"(Last Name)!" I hear Rengoku yell out right as the train came to a halt.

I could tell immediately that my dominant arm was broken. The splintered, pink tinted bone jutted painfully out of my skin. Yet I knew my job wasn't done. I forced myself to get off the ground; I needed to make sure every passenger made it off the train.


Just as I settled the last civilian a safe distance from the wrecked train, I felt it. That familiar presence. Immediately, I get into a fighting stance. Beside me, Rengoku tensed and I knew he could feel the aura.

I watched in horror as the pink haired demon stepped out of the treeline. His eyes were all the confirmation I needed. This demon, Upper Moon Three, planned to attack us. I grit my teeth before pushing the Flame Hashira behind me.

"Let me handle this." I say but before he could respond, he was thrown away from me.

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