Chapter Thirty Nine - Sanemi

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Not even a week after the get together with the other Hashira, life decided to throw a curveball. It felt like an ordinary morning, like it's a goddamn Tuesday. Breakfast made by Tomioka was happily being eaten by the four teenagers that seemed to live with us. (Name) looked beautiful, she always does, but today she woke up and got ready as if she knew she had a mission coming up.

I was just swallowing the last bite of my tamagoyaki when the familiar, little crow came crashing through the open window. Atsuka landed in a heap on the counter and only then did I see she was injured. (Name) immediately picked up the small bird and held it close to her.

“Message… Moon… Hashira… Help Makio…” The crow coughs out and I see the small red ribbon attached to Atsuka’s leg had a broken kunai tied to it.

(Name) had grown rather close with most of the women in the upper ranks of the Corps but I couldn't recall who Makio is. But the reaction from both Giyuu and our Omega had me worried. The Moon Hashira immediately bolted out the door, grabbing her sword on the way out. Giyuu placed a hand on his chest and took a deep breath before looking at the four teenagers seated at the table.

“Nezuko, you should get ready to accompany (Name) on her mission. Tanjiro, Zenitsu, you'll be with me today. Inosuke, stay with Sanemi.” He says calmly and everyone nods before they all leave to get ready.

Everyone except me and the kid with the boar mask. Well, he wasn't wearing it now; he was too busy capitalizing on the fact his friends left their food unattended. I couldn't even blame him, Tomioka knows how to cook!

“Aye, wanna fight later, Scarface?” The teen asks and I chuckle.
“Fuckin’ bring it, it's been awhile since we had spicy pork ramen.” I smirk and he just shakes his head with a laugh.


Sorai landed on my shoulder later that afternoon after Inosuke had finally tired himself out. I had a mission apparently.

“Mission with Simp Hashira Kanroji Obanai - fuck- Iguro Obanai. Head northeast!” He caws and I roll my eyes before looking over at the teen I had been sparring with all day.

“Hey, pig ass.” I call him and he sits up.
“Fuck you want, wind bitch?”
“Want to come with me to fuck up some demons?” This had him laughing maniacally as he jumped up.
“Say less, Scarface.” I don't bother to hide my smile as we take off towards the direction Sorai indicated.

When we arrived at the location, it was damn near dark out. I spot my best friend immediately, sitting on the ground near the village gates. His snake hissed at us as we halted beside him.

“Simp ass.” I greet and he chuckles.
“You're not much better, Shinazugawa.” Obanai states, standing up.
“At least I can talk to my Mate.” I snap back with a smile.
“Still can't believe you talk with Tomioka.” He replied with a chuckle as we walked into the town.

Apparently, there was a former Upper Moon sighting that we are supposed to check out. It's not often that the Upper Moons are stripped of their ranks, so I was curious about this. Especially after (Name) killing Lower Moon One and Upper Moon Three. Maybe Kibutsuji decided his favorites are fucking weak, I mean to lose a Lower Moon isn't anything out of the ordinary but also an Upper Moon? Just the thought of how angry it made that bastard made me smile.

“Fight me!” Inosuke roars, rushing into the dense overgrown forest beside the town.

I draw my sword and so does Obanai as we run after him. Similar to my Mate, I don't hesitate to drag the pale green blade along my exposed chest. The scent of Marechi blood permeates the air as we step into a clearing. Immediately, I halt when I see the demon. Its eyes read: Former Upper Moon Three.

I couldn't tell how old this demon was, but she radiated power which meant she had eaten a lot of people. Long, brown hair cascaded down her shoulders while marked green eyes glared at the three of us. She sniffs the air before smirking, showing off rows of razor sharp teeth.

“A Marechi? How cute.” I barely had time to react before I felt the rush of wind as she lunged at me.

My blade slides through her as if she was made of air. Just as quickly, she disappears. Simultaneously, I see her manifest behind the boar kid. Immediately, he spins around and his chipped blades slice through her. But once again, she disappeared.

“She's using shadows.” Iguro hisses and finally I understood the situation.

Shadows, at night. Fuck me.

“Took you long enough!” She sings, beginning to appear and disappear in a circular pattern.

How do you fight the shadows? Obviously her main body must be somewhere right? Where the fuck would it be? Our blades aren't even hurting her!

“No wonder Kibutsuji got sick of you.” The Serpent Hashira growls.
“He didn't get sick of me!” She snaps, coming to a halt in front of him.
“I mean, considering the demon he replaced you with got killed by a mere Omega, I bet you're weak as fuck. Muzan must really hate you, huh?” I join in and she lets out an enraged howl.
“He doesn't!”
“Clearly he does, or you would still be able to call him by his name.” Iguro points out a trivial fact that seemed to really get under her skin.
“I could if I wanted to! Filthy slayers like you don't deserve to hear his name!”

I noticed Inosuke running off somewhere but didn't follow him. Maybe he can track down her actual body using his beast senses? The Former Upper Moon Three doesn't seem to notice him.

“I don't know, I think you'll die if you say it.” The masked slayer states, casually shrugging his shoulders.
“Honestly, she looks so weak that even thinking it would fucking kill her, man.” I add right as she stops her flickering movements.
“Where did the other slayer go?” She demands, looking around.
“He's new, got scared. Probably ran away.” Obanai says, not bothered in the slightest.
“I guess that means I only get to snack on you.” The demon sounded sad but I just rolled my eyes.

This caught her attention and she lunged for me again. I let out a growl when we go tumbling to the ground. Feeling a phantom touch along my bleeding chest, I grimace.

“You're quite bitter tasting for a Marechi.” She says as I hop to my feet.

Obanai had run off at the exact moment that she lunged at me so I was hopeful he could find Inosuke and kill this demon. I got back in my stance, ready to take as many hits as I had to.

“You're quite fucking weak for an Upper Moon.” I snap back and she comes at me again.

I sidestep the attack this time. As soon as she appeared again, I laughed. This is going to be fun.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now