Chapter Twenty One - Sanemi 🍋🔞

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🍋 🔞
This chapter is full blown porn.
It contains but isn't limited to:
-Oral Sex

Don't fuckin cry to me if you don't like it. You were warned already. I will put a
🛑 when it starts and a 👍🏻 when it's over

I couldn't believe the blatant disrespect Giyuu used. First he asks if I would mark him, then he's pushing me against a wall and kissing my neck. Like what the actual fuck. But the tone of the dark haired Alpha’s orders left no room for argument. Which brought me to the present.

Lounging lazily beside me, (Name) was practically purring in delight while we waited for Tomioka. The whole room smelled intoxicating, full of honey and an even sweeter note of her arousal. I will deny this up until my death, but I was aroused by the words of my future co-mate. Never in my life will I tell him that I didn't mind his kisses or random sniffing at me.

“Sanemi?” My Omega asks beside me and I turn to face her with a smile.
“Hmm?” I hum, eyes dragging themselves down her naked body.
“It doesn't matter but have you um, done this before?” She questions and I sigh before nodding my head in shame.
“Do you think Giyuu has?” (Name)’s soft tone had me wondering the same thing myself.
“I haven't but I know I can please you both.” The husky voice of the Water Hashira gave away his presence and we both looked at him.
“Alpha~” She exclaims, shifting in the bed to show herself to us.


I am rewarded with a perfect view of her ass as she lays eye level with Giyuu’s exposed cock. (Name) didn't even seem to realize that she was already making a mess. The clear, shiny slick coated her thighs along with her own juices. I didn't want to look away but I did when I heard Giyuu whimper.

My eyes widen, seeing him standing at the foot of the bed - face flushed as he looks at me in shock. I look down and smirk, so Pretty Boy is completely virgin. (Name) happily licked around the large cock in front of her, seemingly attempting to ease Giyuu into it. So I suppose I am going to be in control for our Mating.

I lean forward, spreading the soft thighs of our Omega. She smelled so good with her pussy dripping with even more slick. (Name) startles a little as I lift her enough for me to slip under her. But the moment my tongue touches her quivering sex, she cries out in pleasure.

“Nemi!” She squeaks, squirming a bit.
“Shh, take care of Giyuu.” I order her, teasing the tip of my tongue along her swollen folds.
“Fuck.” I hear the other Alpha swear as (Name) begins bobbing her head.

I went back to worshiping our Omega. She tasted so sweet, so perfect. I could barely get enough, possessively dragging my tongue between her folds. Every once in a while, I allowed my tongue to lap at her clit. (Name) was a moaning mess, the sounds only slightly muffled by Tomioka's cock in her throat. Once I get her off, I can worry about hyping up Giyuu but right now my focus is on the Marechi riding my face.

My own cock was throbbing, spreading heat throughout my abdomen. I couldn't even lie, sharing our Omega had my body feeling more aroused than ever. Not even how I felt sharing my Rut with Giyuu could top this.

“Mmmph!” (Name) gags around Giyuu's cock and the shaking in her legs gave me a pretty good idea why.

I shift my focus, circling my tongue along her clit while adding a single finger inside her. She's so fucking tight. Her walls clench against my finger as I slowly move it, wanting to get her to at least three fingers before attempting to penetrate. Soon I was adding a second finger, still rubbing my tongue against her clit as I scissor my digits.

“Sanemi?!” Giyuu called out and he seemed concerned but I chose to ignore him momentarily to focus on (Name).
“Where?!” He begs and I roll my eyes.
“Down her throat.” I growl and add a third finger.

She was taking everything so well, so I rewarded her with curling the fingers inside her. (Name) whimpers and her hips buck so I knew I was close to her spot. I added a final finger before repeatedly rubbing the spot. Her legs were shaking so much that I was worried she would fall over.

“Fuck!” Tomioka growls out and I smirk.
“Nnghh~!” Our Omega moans, the beautiful cries muffled by his cock.

I doubled down my efforts, speeding up my tongue and fingers. It seemed Giyuu could see her struggling to stay still, so he held the (Hair Color) haired woman's wide hips in place. Only a few more passes of my tongue and she was pushed over the edge.


I stopped my licking, not wanting to overwhelm her before we can even get started. It occurred to me that I had only prepped one entrance when I knew damn well there were two of us. When she finally came down from her high, Giyuu lifted her off me and I sat up. Blue eyes meet mine and I smirk, leaning towards him.

“Wanna taste, Tomioka?” I ask, offering my fingers.

His face flushed but as always, he had to be weird. Giyuu places a hand behind my head and moves me closer, licking the juices off my face. He stayed away from my lips, which kind of pissed me off. Until I felt something warm and wet against my cock. I let out a gasp, my tongue falling from my mouth as I look down to meet the marked (Eye Color) eyes of our Omega.

“Shit.” I whimper as she wraps those pouty lips around my tip.
“Shh, take care of Giyuu.” (Name) teases and I growl until I feel pressure on my throat.

Oh hell, he remembered. I didn't hesitate this time, allowing him to finally seal our lips. It was different from kissing (Name) but my cock still throbbed. Our Omega easily took control, already finding the right spots on my sensitive member. Giyuu didn't bother to be gentle with his kiss, sliding his tongue against mine in a way that showed he refused to submit. A few times, our exposed canines clacked together but I didn't care.

Time blurred and I didn't know how long I kissed my fellow Alpha. But I knew with the way (Name) was gasping and moaning against my cock that I wouldn't last long. The heat in my stomach was coiling tighter and tighter. When she took my cock to the hilt, caressing the sensitive vein on the underside and Giyuu applied more pressure to my throat - it snapped.

Giyuu and (Name) pull away, both respectively swallowing. I didn't know why Giyuu felt the need to swallow my saliva after literally eating my face but it's whatever.

“How are you both going to fit?” (Name) asks, looking at both of the cocks in front of her.


“CAW! MISSION FOR WATER HASHIRA SHINAZUGAWA (NAME)! CAW HEAD NORTH SOUTH!” The elderly crow that belonged to Giyuu exclaims, happily settling inside and we all sigh.
“CAW! MISSION FOR WIND HASHIRA SHINAZUGAWA SANEMI! HEAD NORTHWEST! CAW!” Sorai corrects, settling beside his older companion.
“Mission for Moon Hashira (Last Name) (Name). Head northwest with the Wind and Water Hashira.” A small, feminine crow says softly as she joins the other Kasugi crows.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now