Chapter Thirty - Sanemi

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“CAW! OMEGA IS IN THE BUTTERFLY ESTATE! SHE’S HURT AGAIN DAMMIT! CAW!” Sorai shrieks as he settles on my shoulder.

Worry builds in me and I quickly sprint up the mountain. Just like all those years ago, I had been on my morning run. The gates of Headquarters come into view and I don't bother to stop running. I crash through them and keep going.

As soon as the Butterfly Mansion is in view, I run straight into the Water Hashira. Giyuu doesn't hesitate to pick me up before we both throw ourselves through the doors.

“Ara Ara, you two never learn.” Kocho snickers when we land in a heap in front of her.

“Where is she?” Giyuu demands and she points to the hallway that we walked down all those years ago.

“Is (Name) okay? Like what the fuck happened?” I ask as we follow the Insect Hashira down the hall.

Kocho doesn't answer, just leads us into the same room we had met (Name) for the first time. Our beautiful Omega lie peacefully on the bed, long (Hair Color) hair spread over the pillow behind her. Multiple bandages covered her (Skin Tone) skin and she had what looked to be a cast around her waist.

“I received quite an ass kicking in Final Selection.” She giggles and I scoff.

“From my understanding, most of the wounds were self-inflicted but the back injury definitely wasn't.” Kocho says.

“Yeah, you guys should've warned me about the abominations on that mountain.” (Name) scolds while Giyuu and I settle in the bed next to her.

Giyuu frets over her like a mother hen while I just nuzzle into her and exhale in relief. When our Mate explained to us she was going to Final Selection, both Giyuu and I had been worried sick.

“Don't you ever do something so reckless and unnecessary again.” I could hear the upcoming tears in Giyuu's voice.

“I'm sorry baby, I couldn't say no to a mission. I'm fine, see?” The Moon Hashira reassures him.

“I already have to deal with one reckless Mate, I can't deal with both of you being reckless.” Giyuu cries and I roll my eyes before pulling the dark haired Alpha into a side hug.

“Calm the fuck down, Giyuu. (Name) is easily the strongest Hashira besides Gyomei. I bet she didn't even break a sweat during Final Selection.” I say, attempting to soothe the emotional man.

“I didn't break a sweat Nemi, I broke my back.” (Name) jokes and Giyuu finally chuckles, no longer worried.


When our Mate was discharged a week later, Giyuu and I made plans with our fellow Hashira to celebrate. Sure, passing Final Selection isn't that big of a deal when you're a Hashira, but since Kocho also wanted to celebrate her own Tsuguko’s success, we all agreed to do it.

“Nemi, where's Giyuu?” (Name) whines from the nest she built in our bed as soon as we made it home from the hospital.

“He had to discuss a few things with Muichiro.” I say, which is partially true.

“Oh, alright. Has he made an improvement with his memory yet?” My Omega frets and I smile, knowing the soft spot she held for the Mist Hashira.

“No but Giyuu has decided to spend some time with him so he doesn't feel lonely.” The smile that spreads across her beautiful face took my breath away.

“He's going to make such a good father someday.” She murmurs and I roll my eyes, knowing she wasn't intending to upset me.

“Hey, I'm great with kids.” I point out right as a familiar crow flies in the window.

“Message for the Moon Hashira and Wind Hashira from Water Hashira, Tomioka Giyuu.” Atsuka says calmly and I swear under my breath.

“Atsuka, my baby come here!” (Name) exclaims happily, holding a hand out for her crow.

When the small crow lands in her palm, (Name) passes me the scroll Atsuka carried. I unfold it and skim the paper.

We are invited to the Sound Estate for dinner. Wear something nice. Don't forget to button your shirt, Shinazugawa.


“What's it say?” The long haired beauty beside me asks and I smile at her.

“Uzui invited us over for dinner, Giyuu said to dress nicely.” I tell her and she squeals, hopping out of her nest to run to the closet.

I don't spend much time picking out an outfit, just grabbing the only “nice” shirt I owned. (Name) had it specially made for me in a deep green color and thankfully it was sleeveless. I only had uniform pants so I quickly changed my shirt and waited for my Mate.


“Nemi! Can I meet you at Tengen's place?” My Omega calls from the bathroom where she had set up shop.

“I fuckin' guess!” I yell back, rolling my eyes at her antics.

“I love you too Shinazugawa!” (Name) says, leaning her head around the corner of the closed door with a soft smile.

I give her a quick kiss and take my leave. It wouldn't be a long walk, so I took my time. Sorai settles down on my shoulder and I stroke his feathers while I walk along the path.

By the time I got to Tengen's, I could practically hear the amount of alcohol he had already ingested. The doors were open and I immediately spotted my co-mate. As always, hiding in the corner.

I made my way over to him and he smiled at me before offering me the cup in his hand. Knowing him, he had been pretending to drink it to avoid getting teased by our colleagues.

“Where's our Mate?” He asks, looking around the room with dull blue eyes.

“As usual, she fucking kicked me out to get ready. Apparently she wants to make an entrance. I swear to God, this woman.” I grumble and Giyuu chuckles.

“Even without knowing the party is for her, she wants to steal the show.” The Water Hashira says, smirking at me and I roll my eyes.

“More like she wants to stroke your egos.” The voice startled me and I looked around to see the Mist Hashira leaning against the wall beside Giyuu.

“Pfft, as if.” The dark haired Alpha snorts, leaning over to take a sip from the drink he had handed me.

“Do you think your brother will be attending?” Muichiro asks me and I grit my teeth.

Giyuu placed a hand on my shoulder and his blue eyes were screaming at me to play nice. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.

“(NAME)-CHAN!” I hear one of Tengen's wives screaming.

My eyes search for the Omega but I don't see her. I could smell her but where was she? But then my eyes see the familiar marked (Eye Color) eyes and it felt like time stopped.

 I could smell her but where was she? But then my eyes see the familiar marked (Eye Color) eyes and it felt like time stopped

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(What the boys wearing)

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now