Chapter Thirty Two - You

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“Oyakata-Sama has called an emergency Hashira meeting. The Kamado siblings are to be put on trial alongside Water Hashira, Tomioka Giyuu.” Atsuka informs, settling herself on my shoulder.

Worry tore through me and I dropped the mug of herbal tea I had been drinking. The porcelain shatters on the wooden floor and I drop to my knees along with it. Warm liquid and jagged shards sink into my kimono. I felt the sticky warmth of blood blossoming against the white fabric but I was frozen in place.

“(Last Name)-Sama, please collect your thoughts later. Your Alpha needs you.” My Kasugai Crow pleaded and I just shook my head.

I couldn't attend, not when I would be so biased. Where is Sanemi? Has he received a message as well? I wanted to ask, to scream and cry, but the words eluded me.


I stayed there, I didn't know how long it was. But I could see the sky had begun to lighten and for once in my life, I felt the carnal desire of my demonic strength calling to me. It was as if something in me had snapped and I couldn't control my breathing.

“(Last Name)-Sama, you mustn't give in.” Atsuka protests but I felt the heat already consuming me.

My vision faded and I felt the veins creeping along my cheeks. After an eternity of burning, I open them - unable to see anything but darkness. But after a few seconds I could see from the eye on my forehead.

It was broad daylight but I felt no fear. My fangs, undeniably those of a dangerous predator, were too big to remain hidden by my lips. I felt them scraping against the pink flesh. My body felt so strong, I staggered to my feet and made my way to where I was needed.

The sun didn't burn, no, it felt like a soft caress as I stormed towards the Ubuyashiki Manor. Slayers stopped and stared in shock, some even drew their swords. I paid no attention to them as I speed walked the pathway.

I could vaguely make out the garden but the scent of Marechi blood had me picking up my pace. When I stumbled into the meeting, my peers gasp in shock. But my focus was on the scarred Alpha in the shade of the engawa.

“Shinazugawa.” I growl, unable to believe the sight in front of me.

My Mate stood beside a familiar dark oak box. Sword plunged through it, several cuts along his forearm weeping crimson on the poor demon girl it contained. The twisted grin on his face as the box opened made me sick.

“(Name)! What are you doing?” Giyuu frets, tackling me into the shade of the engawa next to the white haired Alpha.
“Let go.” I snap, baring my fangs at the Water Hashira.

He doesn't listen, caging my body in a futile attempt to subdue me. Why isn't Giyuu beating some sense into Sanemi? I easily overpowered him, impaling several kunai in the excess fabric of his uniform pants to keep him down.

I don't hesitate to stand up and walk towards Sanemi. The violet eyes of my Alpha were full of emotions - but the glimpse of worry doesn't go unnoticed. He doesn't even attempt to fight as I snatch the demon girl from him.

“Shinazugawa. How dare you harm the Kamado siblings? Giyuu is out on trial alongside them and you choose to attack the very same children you know aren't a threat? I've never understood why the other slayers look at you with such apprehension until now. You should be ashamed of yourself because I'm certainly ashamed of you.” I spit, my tone full of fury and venom and I cuddle the injured demon child to my chest.

“(Name), I-” He begins but I growl, cutting him off.
“No. You will return to the Wind Estate until further notice. I don't want to speak with you again.” I snap and his violet eyes widen.

With that, I turn to the other Hashira in disgust. The guilty looks on each and every face told me exactly what I needed to know. I felt sick, knowing the people I had spent years protecting and fighting alongside were nothing but liars.

“You would condemn innocent children to death?” I demand, my single eye focused on Iguro's kneeling form.

His heterochromic eyes were full of terror and I didn't have to ask before he was releasing his grip on Tanjiro. The teen runs to me, clinging to my side. I wrap a protective arm around him before turning to look at Rengoku.

“Rengoku. I believed you to be a man that had a strong moral compass. How can you so quickly pass judgment without all of the facts?” The Flame Hashira had the nerve to look stricken by my words as I turned to Uzui.
“(Last Name), I-” The Sound Hashira began but the deep, animalistic snarl that rumbled in my chest silenced him.
“Uzui. Do you believe your siblings would be proud to see the man you have become? A pathetic coward who finds joy in the slaughter of Innocents?” I could hear his strange heart pause at my words but I didn't care as I turned to Gyomei.
“Gyomei, you of all people? A gentle soul like yours, allowing itself to be corrupted by the stain of hypocrisy. The Gods will turn their back on you and they won't be as lenient as I am.” Tears flowed down the Stone Hashira’s face as he silently bent his head in shame.

My focus goes to Kocho and I don't bother to filter myself when I see the fake smile plastered to her face.

“I may not have had the pleasure of meeting Kanae, but from the way you speak of her, I feel like I knew her. The woman you have described, so full of kindness and love - the woman who taught you that even demons deserve mercy. Do you think you could look her in the eyes when your time comes and tell her what you have become? A medic that wishes to do harm. A slayer that turned her back on two human children when she could've helped?” The Insect Hashira had tears streaming down her face and sobs wracked her petite frame but I didn't care as I turned to Oyakata-Sama.

“Master, I respect you, but I believe that your choice to ask the Hashira to accept the Kamado siblings without telling them the whole truth was a mistake.”
“My dear (Name), forgive me. I intended to tell them when you arrived.” The blind Beta smiled sadly at me.
“Kamado Tanjiro has met Kibutsuji and survived. The demon king slaughtered the Kamado family two years ago. The day before I was found. But even Tanjiro doesn't know why his family was targeted. The Kamado clan was the only known bloodline intertwined with my own. The bloodline of the original Demon Slayers - whittled away with the passage of time until only one family survived.

My own family, the (Last Name) clan, aren't directly related to the Kamados or even the original Demon Slayers. The (Last Name) family, a family that for thousands of years developed an experimental cure for the exact illness the Master suffers from to this day.

It was this cure that Kibutsuji consumed and the exact same substance that turned him into a demon. The blue spider lily. But it isn't a flower. He believes to this day that it is some plant he can find. That is the only advantage we have against him because if he finds out the true meaning of the blue spider lily - humanity is fucked.”

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