Chapter Nineteen - Giyuu

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After I set the last trap back up, I wander over to the small collection of stones in the shade of the only wisteria tree on this mountain. They bore the names of the three most important people that ever set foot here.

Urokodaki Suiko

The final stone held the name of Sensei’s late Mate, the woman who he designed the warding masks after. I didn't hesitate to settle on the ground in front of my friends' stones, knowing their bodies weren't there. My arms wrap around the cold stones bearing their names. I didn't bother to stifle the tears or quiet my sobs.

“You guys must hate me… My Mate is a demon now… I let the Kamado siblings live… I don't deserve to be the Water Hashira!” I wail, content to just curl up and stay here forever.

But I couldn't. Whether it was divine intervention or dumb luck, my crow Kanzaboru came falling from the tree onto my head.

“CAW! OMEGA! CAW!” The grizzled crow demands as I pick him up.

Just as Sanemi's crow, Sorai, my own crow is also infatuated with (Name). Amazingly, his advanced age never caused him to forget her instructions. Even Oyakata-Sama had begun to have my future Mate brief the crow on my missions.

I get up from the graves, mumbling my apologies as I jump onto the closest tree. When Tanjiro gets further into his training, traps will be added to the trees as well. But for now, they were safe.


When I arrived at the house, I removed my shoes and sword. Both went into their places and I joined the trio of men around the table. Sanemi flashes me a smile and I just nod as I fill my plate.

“Giyuu, (Name)-” Urokodaki started to speak but my annoying crow interrupted.
“CAW! OMEGA! CAW! OLD MAN! CAW!” Kanzaboru eagerly shrieks from my shoulder and I wince.
“Quiet down.” I murmur to him, blushing in embarrassment as a sleepy (Name) peeks her head out from the darkened doorway of my old room.
“Kanzaboru?” She asks sleepily, rubbing the eye in the center of her forehead.
“Omega! CAW!” He flies over to (Name), nuzzling happily into her (Skin Tone) neck.
“It's time to sleep, Sorai is already here.” The Omega states, petting his graying feathers as she walks back into the room.

Urokodaki chuckles behind his mask, not offended in the slightest by the elderly crow. I stuff my face with onigiri to get out of speaking. Beside me, Sanemi is also snickering and across from me Tanjiro was smiling.

“As I was saying, (Name) is choosing to-” He is cut off again by Sorai’s voice.
“CAW! KANZABORU DON'T SHIT INSIDE! HAVE SOME FUCKING DIGNITY!” The younger crow swears and I groan, getting up.

Sanemi follows me and we walk into my old room together. I was surprised to see both crows settled on the shaded window sill, not fighting in the slightest. My eyes look around and see our smiling Omega. She was giggling softly and it took me a few more moments to understand this was a trick.

“Alpha~” She croons to us, opening her arms.

Sanemi and I look at each other before silently agreeing to dive in. We snuggle into our respective sides. The shorter Alpha nuzzles his face into her neck and I bury my head between the two. The scents of my Mates calmed me, almost washing away the pain from my soul.


I didn't know how long I slept for but when I woke up, I was alone. Sanemi and (Name) were both gone. I stretch and get dressed in my uniform. The window showed it was night time so I headed out of the room, already assuming my Mates would be outside.

They were, Sanemi leaned up against a tree while (Name) seemed to be practicing Water Breathing. Urokodaki stood a respectable distance away from them, observing the Omega. I stand over by my Sensei, looking over as the demon casually went through each form of Water Breathing. I couldn't even use every form in a concession like that.

“You taught her well, Giyuu.” Urokodaki says as (Name) finished the sixth form of Water Breathing.
“She learned by watching me. I didn't teach her anything.” I explain and he makes a sound of surprise.
“How remarkable, has she shown any aptitude for other breathing styles?” He asks and I nod.
“(Name)!” I call out as soon as she finishes the eighth form.

The blind demon looks over at me, head tilted curiously. I smile at her as she drops her sword. (Name) skips over, jumping into my arms.

“Sensei wants to know what styles you can do besides Moon Breathing, tell him.” I encourage and she smiles, showing off the giant fangs that marked her as a demon.
“So far I have only had a chance to perfect my observations of Wind and Water. I believe I could copy Mist as well as Serpent Breathing because they are branched from Wind and Water respectively.” (Name) babbles happily.
“I was told you fought the Insect, Love and Sound Hashiras as well. Why can't you copy their style?” Urokodaki asks and she thinks for a moment.
“My Sensei explained you cannot learn a branch breathing style without understanding the previous branch. The only exception to this rule is Moon Breathing because he created it. So I would have to learn Flower, Flame and Thunder Breathing first.” The (Hair Color) haired demon explains and it made sense, she hasn't seen anyone using those Breathing styles, so she couldn't copy them.
“You are quite an interesting slayer. I understand why you were given such a unique chance to prove your worth. Even if you only succeeded in five battles, you are strong enough to be a Hashira. Demon or not. I believe you could stay as a demon and still be a worthy Hashira.” Sensei says before bowing his head a bit.
“Thank you Urokodaki-San. I appreciate your words. But I believe I should go back to my human form until I have missions.” She replies as she jumps out of my arms.
“Whoa, wait a minute, you can change between the two?” I call out and (Name) points towards the bath house.


In the warm water, Sanemi and I allowed (Name) to sit on each of our legs. She seemed nervous as she bared her teeth. We both watch in fascination as she drags a clawed hand along her soft belly. Our Omega had instructed us not to intervene but watching the water slowly turn from clear to dark had me on edge.

The thick liquid, not bright enough to be human blood, poured from the torn flesh. I had heard of blood-letting but this was difficult to watch. It seemed like hours as she bled. Yet we waited, it had to run completely red before she could attempt Total Concentration Constant.

Every time her body began to regenerate, she repeated the original injury. By the time she finally began to bleed normally, her breathing was ragged and sweat poured down her beautiful face. She didn't make a sound to express the pain she must feel. It sickened me, watching as she focused her breathing to control her body once more. If this is what she must do to return to being human, I don't think I want her to do it again. A glance at the violet eyes of Sanemi told me he felt the same as I did.

When the flesh finally knitted together, I watched her face. The black veins retreated and the eye in her forehead disappeared. If she opened her eyes, I already knew we would see the beautiful (Eye Color) eyes instead of the milky white ones. The moon markings stayed and soon as her (Skin Color) returned to its normal shade, her hair went back to the original length. Then her eyes snapped open, showing off bright, (Eye Color) eyes - with one significant difference.

They bore the kanji of Upper Moon Child.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now