Chapter Twenty Six - You

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⚠️ The beginning of this chapter can be triggered to some so reader discretion is advised. ⚠️
I will put a 🛑 when it begins and a 👍🏻 when you're in the clear.
-Mentions of failed suicide attempt
-Mentions of self deprecating thoughts
-Really some depressing shit
-Justice for Giyuu I'm sorry baby

This part is highly important to the plot so I strongly encourage reading the A/N where I summarize at the end.


I couldn't breathe, the agony in my Mate’s blue eyes had me falling to my knees. Vague memories of him standing on a cliff, ready to jump. Images of him letting demons nearly kill him more than once filled my head. Broken sobs and unanswered questions fill my ears as if I was hearing them first hand. Feelings of inadequacy and isolation claw at my heart.

Blood falls from my lips as I claw helplessly at the pain building in my chest. I could hear screaming, real screaming coming from the Water Hashira but his words weren't clear to me.

Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Giyuu's voice echoes in my mind, broken and raspy from years of crying alone.

I felt familiar hands on my wrists, calloused from years of handling a sword. But I thrash, wanting to get away. I have to get away. When I'm pinned to the ground, I struggle against the weight I knew so well.

Even when his lips touch mine, I still kick and thrash to get free. I couldn't get close to him, everyone I love dies. Kocho is right, nobody likes me. My claws slice through scarred skin like paper and finally when the scent of his Marechi blood fills my nose do I snap out of it.


“Sword.” I gasp out, coughing up blood that I don't bother to wipe away.
“If you think I'm giving you a goddamn sword after you just had a breakdown, you're a fucking idiot, (Name).” Sanemi snorted as my eye focused on his face.
“I have to release the Forbidden Art. Dying.” I manage to get out between pained breaths.

My scarred Alpha stands up, grabbing my sword from the area I dropped it earlier, before bringing it back to me. I stab it in the ground, pulling myself upright. Once my legs are solid, I pull it out of the soil and spin it in a quick crescent.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Forbidden Art: Lunar Renewal.” I cough out, hacking up blood.

Giyuu collapsed to his knees and I struggled to get to him. I don't bother trying to be gentle, grabbing him in my arms bridal style and crushing him to my bare chest. Tears flow from his eyes and I kiss them away quickly.

“Baby, oh my God.” I manage to tell him, feeling awful for putting him through that.
“Are you okay?” He asks, beginning to fake a smile but I smack him on the head.
“Don't you dare! Are you okay? I didn't realize it would do that!” I nearly shriek, holding him tighter.
“Can't breathe.” Giyuu gasps out and I ease up but still hold him close.
“When we get back to headquarters, I'm going to find a way to help your depression!” I told him, standing up but I still felt dizzy from using the Forbidden Arts.

As soon as my vision tilts, I feel scarred hands holding us steady. Sanemi lets out a grunt before hauling us both up into his arms.

“Giyuu, (Name), you both are a fucking mess.” He declares and brings us back into the abandoned house to get dressed.

My stomach growls as soon as I finish pulling Giyuu's shirt around my chest, ready to button it. Both Alphas look at me with a smile and I roll my blind eyes, still staring at them with the golden one on my forehead.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now