Chapter Seventeen - You

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Mūnchairudo means Moonchild
Musume means Daughter

Warnings for this chapter include:
-(Name) eating another demon cuz you a savage
-A nod to our favorite basketball
-Traumatizing the basketball

One Year Ago

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Forbidden Art: Hunter's Moon.” I call out, running towards Soyama-San.

I could smell the Marechi blood on his fists, my eyes closed as I twisted my body along the path of my sword. My inner eye focused on the only weak point a demon has: its neck. I felt my heart speeding up as steel bit into demon flesh. Before he can attack back, I jump to a safer distance.

My fangs were protruding from my mouth and I could feel my nails growing. I could hear the strange timber of Soyama-San’s heart. He seemed to be high on adrenaline as I felt him jump towards me. If his fists connect, it will be game over. I imagine something protecting me from his attack - unbreakable even to his superior demonic strength.

I focused on the blood pumping through my heart as it sped up with the mixture of adrenaline and fear. My sword swings in time with each fast beat, speeding up to the point I felt like my ribs would shatter.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Forbidden Art: Twilight Tide.” As the blade cuts through the empty air in perfect harmony of my thudding heart - I kept my eyes closed.

I could sense the large crescent shaped blades surrounding me like an extension of my body. They were strong - too strong for him to break. The sound of them slicing into his leg combined with it falling to the floor made my heart beat even faster.


“You are getting better, Mūnchairudo-Chan. Truly, the only woman I will ever fight.” Soyama-San praised me and I felt him jumping over the barrier of blades.

My eyes snap open as I quickly kick him away from me. The punch meant for my arm, hits my ankle and the snap of the delicate bone echoes the air. As my eyes meet his, I think of a way to immobilize him.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Forbidden Art: Eclipse of The Soul.” I drag my blade up my forearm - feeling the droplets elongating into thin pointed senbon needles.

Pressure points still remain after a human becomes a demon. A quick horizontal slash of my sword sends the needles raining towards him. Too fast for him to block, thousands of them hit his pressure points. This should paralyze him long enough to see into his soul; to find the weakness that I can exploit.

After what seemed to be hours, the demon slows. Our eyes lock and as soon as he stills completely, I am hit with waves of regret and loneliness. The image of a woman, hair dark as night and eyes the color and shape of sakura blossoms, flashes in my eyes. A memory of her name, Koyuki, pulls me out of my trance.

My heartbeat slowed as I looked into the tear filled eyes of Soyama-San. If my technique worked, he sees her instead of me. As his eyes blink in confusion, I place my blade to the junction of his neck and shoulder.

“Ko…Yuki…?” His voice is ragged and I nod.
“Hakuji…” I softly say and I knew the technique worked.
“Why are we fighting, my love?” Soyama-San asks and I whimper.
“I want to be strong enough to protect our children. Do you yield?” He hadn't noticed the blade in his neck.
“Of course, Koyuki.” The tears flow down his face as I flick my wrist, decapitating him.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Forbidden Art: Lunar Renewal." My heartbeat slowed as I felt immense pain in my eyes and forehead.

I wanted to take back the painful memories from Soyama-San. He is the only one besides Sensei that respects me. The thought of hurting him emotionally, made my chest hurt.

“Marvelous!” Soyama-San exclaims after his head regenerates.

My heart felt like it was going to stop and he could hear it. I felt strong arms catch me right as I fell. My eyes closed and I knew I was going to lose consciousness.

When I woke up, the wounds on my body had regenerated - leaving no trace of my battle. At my side, Sensei and Soyama-San were arguing. My eyes opened but I couldn't see.

“How do we explain to Our Lady that the Mūnchairudo-Chan has turned?” Soyama-San asks in a hushed voice.
“My student is merely healing. Most times, she sleeps through this countdown. She won't stay like this for long. Bring in the demon that the Omega is tasked with exterminating.” Sensei said and I felt something on my forehead yet I couldn't see what.

The sound of footsteps and the door closing fades before Sensei speaks.

“What have I told you?” He asks and I turn my head towards his voice.
“Not to use the Forbidden Arts unless I am close to death.” I reply, closing my blind eyes.
“Did you forget the consequences of overusing your inner eye?” Sensei demands and I wince at the scent of his pheromones.
“Overusing it will lead to blindness.” I manage to get out, feeling like a child.
“You're lucky that your demon form has another eye, Musume.” Sensei tapped the top of my forehead and I felt something skittering around.

I open my eyes but gasp as I can finally see, even if the vision is limited. My stomach growls and I hear footsteps approaching. Sensei ruffles my hair before opening the door, allowing Soyama-San to throw a demon inside. The demon wasn't anything special looking, just a regular human with more feral features. I could sense the Alpha in him. He sniffs at me, red eyes focusing on my unmarked scent gland. I decided to close the eye on my forehead, already knowing he hadn't seen it.

“An Omega?” Soyama and Sensei leave the room and the Alpha walks towards me.

I felt my fangs throbbing at the prospect of eating his flesh. A hand goes to my face and I smile, showing off the abnormally large fangs. He didn't seem fazed by my smile or the blindness of my eyes.

“What a treat, a blind Omega all for me.” He chuckles, dragging a forked tongue against my cheek.

As he leans forward, taking in the intoxicating mixture of Marechi blood and Omega pheromones - I strike. My teeth sink into his neck, greedily taking large bites. The screams he makes are cut off as I devour his windpipe. Clawed hands go to my soft flesh but I don't allow him to shove me off.

He tasted delicious.


Present Time

When I finally am snuggled between my Alphas for bed, both caging me protectively, I felt comfortable enough to explain my condition. They both had their heads on my chest, listening to the strange beat of my heart. The memory of my fight with Soyama-San and my subsequent cannibalism had it racing.

“Baby doll, are you alright?” Giyuu murmurs, sitting up onto his elbow to look at me.
“Darling? What's wrong?” Sanemi echoes the dark haired Alpha’s worry and copies his movements.

“Using the Forbidden Arts of Moon Breathing causes my body to stop suppressing the demon blood in my veins. I trade my humanity for power. But the downside is when I use the final form. I trade a piece of my immortality as a demon to heal myself and those with my blood. If I don't use it in time, it penalizes my inner eye. By unlocking my inner eye, I have to abide by the principles surrounding it. Choosing to do harm is the principle it penalizes me for. By passing judgment on my opponent, if I don't right the wrong with my final form - I am susceptible to the curse of the evil eye. Overusing my inner eye while under the curse of the evil eye shortens my lifespan, which causes my body to transition to a demon form to survive.” I finally explained to my future Mates.

“You're telling me that by using your breathing style - it fucking endangers your life?” Sanemi growls out and I nod slowly.
“You are not allowed to be a Hashira.” Giyuu adds in and I snarl, baring the giant fangs that marked me as a predator.

They smelled good, but I knew my Alphas weren't prey. I jumped up, rushing out of the house to find something to hunt - surely there were animals around. The scent of the other female demon in the former Water Hashira’s house smelled too human for my taste. I needed something wild. Something that would fight back.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now