Chapter Eight - You

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“Do you accept defeat?” I ask the female Alpha, pressing my bloody blade against her large chest.

“Of course! I'm so happy you beat me!” She squeals and I flinch slightly.

When it appears she has forfeit, I sheathe my blade and head towards my Alphas. Sanemi opens his arms and I gladly run into them.

“Sanemi, let me make sure she's okay.” Giyuu states, his bored tone laced with worry as the scarred Alpha lets me go.

Kanroji had put up a hell of a fight and I could understand how she became a Hashira. The way her katana bends and expands is truly remarkable. Unlike Kocho, I could feel the raw power radiating off the woman. I kept the battle short because I couldn't help but compare her sword to Daki’s blood demon art.

The Water Hashira gently pulls off the simple black haori I wore. His hands are gentle as he examines my wounds. Kanroji’s blade had gotten me a few times due to my wounded leg - which I injured fighting the Mist Pillar. Giyuu growls his annoyance as he sees the bandage on my thigh completely saturated with red. My leg isn't the only injury, I could feel blood trickling down my cheek and chest.

“Sanemi, go to the Butterfly Estate to get a couple first aid kits.” He says but before the white haired Alpha is able to leave I protest.

“Um, I think I can go there to be treated.” The battle with Kanroji had me determined to overcome my fear of women.

“Are you sure baby?” Sanemi asks, sandwiching me into an embrace with my Alphas.

“Yes. I cannot be a demon slayer if I'm afraid of women.” They think over my words before Giyuu lifts me up.

“Okay but the moment you feel uncomfortable - tell us and we will protect you.” The blue eyed Alpha says and I nod.


“I will send in Aoi, I want nothing to do with that Omega.” Kocho states as we walk into the Butterfly Estate.

“Fucking watch how you talk, Mosquito.” Sanemi growls, baring his giant fangs.

Giyuu goes to lie me down on the hospital bed but I whine and he sighs. He settles down on the bed himself instead, holding me close to him. Sanemi appears in the room after a few minutes of loud arguing between him and the Insect Hashira. Beside him is a small Omega woman with her hair up in pigtails complete with the signature butterfly hair clips.

Her presence isn't intimidating in the slightest but seeing her so close to my Alpha had me baring my small fangs with a feral snarl. Her blue eyes widen for a moment before she distances herself from Sanemi.

“Hello, Lady (Last Name) my name is Aoi. I mean no harm, may I tend to your wounds?” Her voice is calm, showing no hint of malicious intent.

I shyly nod as Sanemi settles in a chair beside the bed. Aoi slowly walks over, sliding gloves on her hands before looking at my Alphas for permission.

“Tomioka-San, Shinazugawa-San, may I?” They both answered in affirmation before she began unwrapping the bandage on my thigh.

Aoi doesn't speak, just gently examines my wounds. She winces slightly at the sight of the deep laceration in my thigh.

“Do you want me to stitch this up? It will leave a horrible scar if I leave it like this.”

“Stitches are out of the question. I have to be able to fight tomorrow.” I tell her and her face pales.

“Lady (Last Name), you cannot fight in this condition.” Aoi protests.

“I can and I will.” I reply, lifting my head stubbornly.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now