Chapter Two - You

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I had woken up in an unfamiliar room, unable to remember how or why I was there. For some reason, there was a petite Beta hovering around me. Once I realized she was looking at me with such a fake smile - I growled at her.

“Calm down, Omega. I am a medic.” The woman's voice was sickly sweet and I already felt uncomfortable as her smile widened.
“Where am I?” I demand, struggling to sit up in the bed I lay upon.
“The Butterfly Estate, a hospital. You were attacked by a demon.” I couldn't sense any deception in her tone so I stored the information in my head for later.
“Who are you?” I ask and she giggles.
“Kocho Shinobu - the Insect Hashira and head Medic of the Butterfly Estate. What's your name? Why are you here? How did you find this place? How did you escape the demon?” Kocho pressed and I could feel my body tensing up.

My small fangs drop as I growl at her, seeing flashes of a woman with dangerous plum eyes and black hair dancing around my vision. Who is that woman? Why can't I remember? Kocho seemed unfazed by my threat but backed away nonetheless. She had retreated to the corner of the room, holding her hands out to show she meant no harm.

What if Kocho is just like her?

My growling went up in volume and I heard footsteps. I glance at the door just long enough to see two men come crashing in.

One of them had short white hair with scars all over his face. The other had long, inky hair and dull eyes. Something about the two men eased me, so I stopped growling. Men were safe. I could see and hear them talking but my brain was trying too hard to remember anything.

“Hello.” The inky haired man greets, his voice felt as calm as a lake - immediately putting me at ease.

From the look in his eyes, even if they were dull and lifeless - I could tell he is an Alpha. Kocho says something that I didn't pay attention to, focusing my attention solely on this calm Alpha with the mismatched haori. He took a small step in my direction and I had to suppress a purr of delight. Even though I had no idea why I am here, I felt no urge to leave. Something about this Alpha was familiar yet I'm certain I've never met him before.

My focus shifts over to the scarred man as he leans down to get my attention. I sniffed slightly, catching a whiff of my own scent on him. He smelled like ohagi. Those violet eyes expressed a million words as he looked at me. I didn't understand what they said but it struck a chord in me.

“Hey there, Little Omega.” He greets, baring a soft grin.
“(Name).” I correct, immediately, as if I had done it a hundred times.
“Shinazugawa Sanemi. I found you earlier.” The white haired male introduces himself and I sniff him some more, liking the scent of ohagi.
“You smell like ohagi.” I find myself telling him before shifting my gaze towards the calm Alpha that stood frozen in the doorway.

It seemed to take him forever to walk over, but I was rewarded with a mouthwatering musky scent of driftwood and saltwater. He crouched down to my level and my eyes never left his. It was like staring into the bottomless ocean. I immediately felt safe with this unknown Alpha and purred my content.

“That's Tomioka.” Shinazugawa tells me when it becomes apparent the raven wouldn't introduce himself.
“He smells good.” I say as I look up at Tomioka through my eyelashes.
“Why were you at the gate?” The scarred Alpha asked me and I didn't understand what he was talking about.
“What gate? I don't even know where I am…” I was confused, unsure why I actually am here or where the Butterfly Estate is even located - am I still in Japan?

My eyes dart back and forth between the Alphas. It is silent for a moment before Tomioka speaks.

“Can you stop releasing your pheromones please?” The deep tone of his voice sent chills down my spine as he shakily exhaled.
“Don’t be a bitch, Tomioka.” His scarred Alpha companion snarls, baring wicked fangs at him.
“I didn't realize I was…” I trail off, feeling bad for making this calm Alpha feel discomfort.

My pheromones? I wasn't releasing any - not that I was aware of. I consciously attempt to suppress them, watching in fascination as the raven haired Alpha leaned over towards Shinazugawa. Tomioka takes a deep inhale of the scarred Alpha’s scent before settling back where he was.

“Hey Asshole! Don't go sniffing me you fucking freak!” Sanemi bellows and I couldn't hold in my giggles.

Both Alphas stop and stare at me - eyes full of wonder.


It's been a week since I met Sanemi and Tomioka. I had found out why the Alphas were sent to me and where I was located. Apparently, I was in the fabled Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters. I knew demon slayers existed, that woman with the volatile plum eyes and dark hair is a demon. I didn't know who she was or how I came to be at the gate.

So far, it has become apparent that I suffer from amnesia and a fear of women. All I know about myself is my name, age and secondary gender. Sometimes I get a blurred flash of recognition when I am being escorted around Headquarters by either Sanemi or Tomioka.

The most important memory flash I've gotten happened yesterday when I was allowed to meet the other Hashira.


“My children, I wish to introduce you to (Last Name) (Name). She is an omega that Sanemi found at the gates a week ago. It seems this child has met Muzan.” Oyakata-Sama, the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, states as Tomioka brings me forward.

Muzan. The woman with the dangerous plum eyes and dark hair. Alpha. Pain. Screaming. The sound of a biwa. Blue spider lily.

I was shaking, gripping onto Tomioka as I attempted to flee. It's not safe here anymore. I don't feel safe. My eyes lock with gentle green ones, a woman. Alpha. My claws dig into the burgundy fabric of Tomioka's sleeve. I need to leave.

“Kanroji, Kocho - leave.” Tomioka speaks, glaring at the only two women present besides myself.

I felt Sanemi rubbing my back, releasing calming pheromones to soothe me. My gaze goes to the deep ocean blue eyes of Tomioka as he pulls me to his chest, a low rumbling growl of comfort reverberating from his throat.

“My apologies, Oyakata-Sama, (Name) hasn't gotten adjusted to women yet.” Sanemi tells the blind leader.

My Alphas will protect me, I know they will. Even if I don't know myself - I am certain they can protect me from her.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now