Chapter Sixteen - Giyuu

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The combination of (Name)’s scent along with Sanemi's calmed the raging Alpha inside me. Her hesitation to speak had me worried so I decided to give her more time.

“We should go get you properly cleaned up, baby doll.” I tell her and help her to her feet.

The improvised uniform she still wore was soaked in blood from the demon she ate. Her single golden eye focused on me and she showed a bloody smile. If I wasn't so concerned about the blood being another demon’s, I would've already kissed her.

Sanemi follows us as I guide her towards the small bathhouse. Memories of Sabito and Makomo flash through me but I keep walking. I'm certain they were rolling in their graves at the audacity of me being happy.

I open the door, letting Sanemi and (Name) walk in first. Taking a deep breath, I walk in behind them. They began removing their clothes and I don't hesitate to do the same. By the time we are all undressed, seeing all of the Omega's whitewashed (Skin Tone) skin had me restless. It is wrong to feel this way about a demon but this demon is my future Mate. Violet eyes lock with mine and I can tell Sanemi also felt conflicted.

The (Body Type) woman climbs into the bath, seemingly unaware of our hesitation. I shyly settle in beside her with Sanemi on her other side. She sinks her head under the water, furiously scrubbing the dried blood off her beautiful face.

I looked over to the small table Urokodaki always kept soap and washcloths in. If I remember correctly, there would be a few toothbrushes. I don't hesitate to gather the required things and hand them to the blind demon.

“What is this?” She asks, holding the toothbrush up - her golden eye closed to protect it from the water.
“Toothbrush. I figured you'd want to remove the blood from those pretty fangs.” I saw, smiling softly at her as she blushed.
“Arigato, Giyuu.” (Name) dips her head to hide her smile.

While she diligently scrubbed at her large canines, I busy myself with washing the travel grime off my body. Sanemi was doing the same and the air seemed charged with nervous anticipation. Who will kiss our Omega first?

As she brushed her teeth, she sunk a little bit further into the water, leaning against the edge of the bath. The position presented her (Breast Size), uncovered breasts and I was transfixed by the shimmering drops of water trailing down the valley between them. My mouth watered and I had to physically turn away to calm myself.

“You two are acting strange.” (Name) finally states, spitting out the red tinted toothpaste from her mouth.
“I'm sorry darling, it's just so fucking strange to be in love with a demon. We will get over it. Please don't feel upset with us.” Sanemi murmurs to her and she nods her head.
“I understand. Do you wish for me to bathe later?” The heartbreak in her soft voice has me whipping around.
“Of course not, baby doll. Come here.” I pull her naked body into my arms, embracing her tightly.

She nuzzles into the crook of my neck and I feel Sanemi scoot over so he could hold her from behind. His legs cross over mine and I don't mind at all. My arm wraps around his back, holding him just as close. The scarred Alpha had long since gotten over the level of intimacy co-mates share.

“Demon or not, we won't ever leave you. Do you fucking understand?” Sanemi growls, his voice dripping with worry.
“I understand.” Our Omega replies, leaning her head back a little to place a soft kiss along Sanemi’s chin.


After we finished bathing, we took turns helping our Omega into the outfit she would be wearing to bed. The simple white yukata clung to her body in the most pleasing ways. She seemed nervous to join us for dinner but followed us anyway.

Urokodaki was waiting for us and my mouth watered seeing the simmered salmon and daikon on the table. Tanjiro sat patiently waiting for us to join and we did. With (Name) protectively sandwiched between Sanemi and I, we thank my Sensei for the meal.

The woman sniffed the rice in my chopsticks shyly and I curiously held them out to her. Her pouty lips close around the food and the golden eye in her forehead opens in surprise. After she swallows the food she smiles at me.

Slowly, I was getting accustomed to the animalistic addition to her beautiful smile. I didn't hesitate to smile back this time. (Name) eagerly munched on my rice after Urokodaki gave her a set of chopsticks. Tanjiro’s red eyes were studying the woman, most likely trying to figure out why a blind demon would exist. I wondered the same, but didn't want to push my future Mate.

“Tomioka-San?” Tanjiro finally asks and I look over at him with a raised eyebrow, my cheeks stuffed with the delicious salmon.
“She smells like the demon who killed my family.” He seemed hesitant to speak but I swallowed my food.
“She couldn't have been, (Name) is a fucking human. Our Omega. She wouldn't kill another human!” Shinazugawa growls, baring his fangs at the poor Beta.
“Gomen.” Tanjiro drops to the ground, forehead against the floor as he furiously apologizes.
“Please rise, Kamado-Kun.” (Name) softly asks and we all look at her.

The demon stands up, long (Hair Color) hair flowing as she walks over to him. She kneels beside him and grabs his shoulders, holding him in her embrace. Tears filled the boy’s eyes as he snuggled into her arms. (Name) pets his hair, making a soft crooning sound to soothe him.

We finish our dinner, allowing the Omega to give into her maternal instincts. She acted so human that it was easy to forget that only an hour ago she was devouring a demon. Tanjiro fell asleep in her gentle hug and we hesitated to disturb them.

After clearing the table, Sanemi stays back to monitor the situation and I follow my Sensei to my old room. It pained me to smell the faint traces of Sabito and Makomo still lingering in the air.

“She is a good woman.” Urokodaki says after a few heartbeats of silence.
“Would they be angry with me?” I ask and he places a wrinkled hand on my shoulder.
“Giyuu, my child, you know that they would be happy for you.” And with that he leaves.

Tears prick my eyes as I push the futons that belonged to my friends to the corner. The droplets only fall faster when I catch the fading scents of peaches and cherry blossoms. I leave them, just like I did in Final Selection. My cowardice eats at me as I set up the three futons we would be sleeping on.

Sabito… Makomo… Why did you save me?

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now