Chapter Fourteen - You

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Three Years Ago

I had never been so scared. The screams of my parents, telling me to hide, echoed on repeat in my mind. Father would get me when it was safe, I just needed to wait a little longer.

How long had I been hiding? Not too far from the trail I hid in a small burrow, watching the gentle flakes of snow falling from the sky. They were the only thing visible on the night of a full moon. The blinding white mixed with the overwhelming blackness made me nervous. Mother will be so angry when she sees my mud stained clothes.

“It isn't safe for such a pretty, young lady to be alone at this time of night.” The sudden voice had me jumping from my hiding spot in the snow.

A woman with a kind smile and beautiful plum colored eyes stood on the trail, not far from my burrow. I felt relieved when I realized the voice belonged to this woman.

“My apologies, Ma'am, I am (Last Name) (Name). I've never seen you around before.” I say, bowing apologetically at her.

“Yamashige Kurami.” She introduces, motioning for me to rise.

“Yamashige-San, my parents - I think they are in danger. I live a ways up the trail-” The dark haired woman cuts me off as I point towards the direction of my house.

“Oh you poor child… I just came from that way…” Her eyes filled with pity and I collapsed to my knees in the snow.

She didn't need to explain to me - my parents were dead. I knew in my bones, there was nothing I could do now. Would I have died here, waiting for Father? I barely noticed the cold, my body was used to the freezing temperatures year round.

“Yamashige-San, would it be too much to ask for you to let me come with you?” I ask, not taking my eyes off the frozen ground.

“Of course not, I cannot leave you out in the cold like this.” She agrees and we begin walking down the mountain.

It didn't take long for us to arrive in town. She led me towards a house and quickly made me some tea. Yamashige-San settled me in her guest room and I fell asleep soon after.


Two Years Ago

Yamashige-San took me to her family home, a large mansion that seemed to go on forever. In the year I had been staying with the woman, I quickly found out she is a doctor. 

I didn't hesitate to give her samples of my blood - I owed her my life, it was the least I could do. The research she did with it, I wasn't allowed to know, but it didn't matter to me. The dark haired woman occasionally asked me about my family's connection to a special flower - but I had no idea what she spoke of.

“(Name), would you come here?” I hear her call out and immediately place down the book I had been reading.

As soon as I walked towards the laboratory, she looked over at me when I stopped in the hallway. I bowed politely and waited for permission to enter.

“I will be having guests over soon. One of them has news to share with me regarding one of my experiments. Would you mind giving me a few samples of your blood to use as a control group?” I didn't hesitate to nod and she smiled at me.

“Of course Yamashige-San. Would you like to take it now? I will do my best to stay conscious this time.” I reply, looking down at my feet in shame.

“It’s alright, (Name). I understand your Omega body isn't as strong. Come, settle into the chair.” Yamashige-San orders and I do as told.

She skillfully unties the pale pink obi around my waist, allowing the simple white kimono to open up. I didn't attempt to assist, it never went over well. Once my arm is pulled from the sleeve, she ties a wide silk ribbon tightly around my bicep.

I don't flinch as she quickly inserts an IV, but I felt my stomach clench as she siphoned my blood into a bag. Normally, I pass out by the second bag. So, as the room begins to get fuzzy, I don't worry. Yamashige-San always bandages up my arm and carries me to my room.

As my vision faded, I was positive I heard the sound of a biwa.


I awoke in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by strangers. My eyes searched for the familiar plum red ones and I let out a sigh of relief when I found them. Yamashige-San nods at me before addressing the strangers.

“As you know, this Omega has shown potential to help me conquer the sun.” She states, voice devoid of any emotion.

A chorus of interested babble starts up but she raises a hand for silence. Something told me I was in danger, the whole room felt oppressive with the amount of Alphas in it. A soft whimper escapes me as a blond man with polychromatic eyes hungrily runs his eyes over my body.

“Upper Moon One.” Yamashige-San calls out and the dark haired man who seemed to be protectively kneeled beside me lifts his head.

“Yes, My Lady?” His voice is strong, clear and I felt comforted by the deep timber of it.

“Teach the Omega how to use Total Concentration Constant. I want her to survive my tests.”

“Of course.” Upper Moon One replies, bowing his head.


I had been escorted to a dark room by Upper Moon One. He quickly dropped me to the tatami mats on the floor. Disgust filled the purple eyes that met mine.

“Teaching an Omega to use breathing techniques? You should be out breeding.” He mutters and I whimper - expecting the worst.

I closed my eyes as he walked towards me. If I was going to be defiled, I didn't want to watch. My eyes open as I feel claws burying themselves into my still exposed stomach. I grit my teeth - not wanting to give this bastard the satisfaction of hearing my cries.

“I have to hurt you in order to teach you. My apologies, Omega.” The man’s voice took on a regretful tone and I looked into his purple eyes.

“(Name). Don't call me Omega.” I manage to hiss out as the claws dig deeper.

I maintained my silent eye contact, not wanting to give in to the pain. The claws burned as they slid through my soft flesh. After what seemed like an eternity, he removes his hand from my now shredded abdomen. So I was going to die. This is how my life ends, I felt no regret - only sadness.

“Take deep breaths. Close your eyes and picture the wound.” Upper Moon One orders and I comply.

“Now concentrate on sealing the ruptured blood vessels.”

I closed my eyes, imagining the blood vessels stitching themselves together - like small tears sewn back into fabric. The burning in my belly eased slightly but not completely. My lungs felt like they would burst yet it seemed natural the way I felt the oxygen spreading and repairing my wounds.

“Amazing. (Name), now imagine the injured layer of your skin closing up - use the oxygen spreading through your blood to mend the torn flesh.”

It seemed like a lifetime passed before I no longer felt the burn of the cold air on my ruined flesh. My eyes open and look to see my stomach healed, not even leaving a scar.

“You are a talented child. I am Tsugikuni Michikatsu. A former demon slayer.”

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