Chapter One - Giyuu

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Shinazugawa hastily made his exit and I had no choice but to follow him. I needed to be briefed on the details of our mission - details that only he seemed to have. Before I left, I heard Oyakata-Sama speak to me.

“The Kamado siblings will bring a great change to our organization.”


Shinazugawa stopped at the Butterfly Mansion, shoving doors and staff out of his way as he sniffed in annoyance. I could tell he was looking for a scent, most likely the omega’s but I would be no help in finding her without knowing her scent.

Nonetheless, I follow the scarred Alpha. Right after he halts, my senses are overloaded by a sweet scent that engulfed the hallway. It smelled like honey, yet I could also pick up on a mineral quality that reminded me of snow. It was intoxicating and I could hardly control myself enough to keep my fangs from dropping.

“Tomioka, do you smell that?” Shinazugawa asks me, looking at me in confusion.

His violet eyes were wide and I could see the pupils turning to slits as his fangs dropped. Of course I could smell the strong scent - only an idiot wouldn't. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded, gritting my teeth together to keep my fangs under control. I've never been particularly affected by omega pheromones but apparently this omega is special.

“Get away from me!” A weak, feminine voice from further down the hall shrieks and it didn't take us long to come crashing into the door.

The scent was so strong it was suffocating me. Yet, I couldn't get enough. My eyes darted around, taking notice of Kocho smiling in the corner with her hands raised to placate the woman on the bed.

I couldn't look away - already feeling myself becoming enchanted by her ethereal beauty. Large, sparkling (Eye Color) colored doe eyes stare into my own dark blue ones, showing no trace of fear. The distressed omega seemed to be relieved when she sniffed around. I heard Shinazugawa growling softly beside me, a comforting rumble that relaxed the omega further.

“Tomioka, Shinazugawa - I trust the Master has sent you?” Kocho asks, looking at us both in shock at our sudden entrance.
“Yes.” Is all I say and she nods.
“I have been unsuccessful at learning anything about this omega, perhaps she will speak with Shinazugawa?” The petite woman states, tilting her head.
“We will handle this. I understand you cannot smell her, but she is flooding the whole floor with her pheromones.” I tell Kocho, shyly taking a step towards the omega sitting on the hospital bed.

When she doesn't protest, Kocho huffs.

“Ara Ara Tomioka, maybe she will like you! Nobody else does!” And with that, she leaves the room.

“Hello.” I greet the omega, keeping my tone even and calm.

She smells so good that I'm finding it difficult to keep my presence a friendly one. Shinazugawa however, didn't bother to be subtle and just strolled over to the bed. The (Hair Color) haired woman doesn't react, just looks at him in confusion as he bends down to her level.

“Hey there, Little Omega.” He murmurs and she leans towards him, most likely recognizing his scent already.
“(Name).” She says softly and my body relaxes.

Her voice felt like a caress, sliding over me and touching the broken pieces of my soul. Shinazugawa seemed just as affected, looking at her curiously as she leaned forward. I could taste copper in my mouth from biting the inside of my cheek.

“Shinazugawa Sanemi. I found you earlier.” He explains as she tentatively sniffed at his uniform.
“You smell like ohagi.” Is all she says before turning those captivating (Eye Color) eyes to look at me.

Her head tilted to the side as she seemed to be waiting for me to come and introduce myself. I shyly walk over and squat down to her level. (Name) doesn't hesitate to lean forward and take a sniff at me. I clench my fists as she lets out a soft purr of content.

“That's Tomioka.” Shinazugawa said after realizing I wasn't going to speak.
“He smells good.” She states and I feel heat rising to my cheeks as (Name) looks up at me through her thick eyelashes.
“So, why were you at the gate?”
“What gate? I don't even know where I am…” Her confusion was evident as she looked back and forth between us.
“Can you stop releasing your pheromones please?” I ask, shakily exhaling a breath.

Both of them look at me as if I had grown another head. Shinazugawa didn't seem as affected as he did in the hallway - but it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to withstand this amount of oppressive omega pheromones she is releasing.

“Don't be a bitch, Tomioka.” Shinazugawa snarls, baring his fangs at me.
“I didn't realize I was…” The (Hair Color) haired woman says quietly and I immediately feel better after I lean over and take a large sniff of Shinazugawa.
“Hey asshole! Don't go sniffing me you fucking freak!” He exclaims, holding a fist up and getting ready to swing before we hear laughter.

Soft, melodic giggles escape the omega in front of us. Shinazugawa pauses and looks at her in wonder. Even I couldn't hold off the small smile fighting my lips.

Maybe working with Shinazugawa won't be all bad.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now