Chapter Seven - Giyuu

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Watching (Name) dash forward with such speed had my inner Alpha howling praises. This Omega is fearless. Not a single second of hesitation as she coats her blade with more of her rare blood.

"Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths." Her voice is calm and clear as she closes the distance.

Her bloodied blade throws crimson droplets as she performs dozens of quick curved slashes. The attack seems to miss as Muichiro side steps her katana. But as soon as the dust clears from his movement, multiple of her signature pale pink crescent blades, glinting dangerously with her blood, follow the path of her blade's earlier movements.

Tokito doesn't have time to block all of them, and the blades impale themselves in his shoulder. The smell of burnt flesh permeates the air as smoke rises from his uniform. The teen's stance doesn't falter as he looks blankly at her.

"Total Concentration; Mist Breathing, Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds."

The Mist Hashira seems to disappear, moving in quick circles as he throws disorienting attacks. (Name) is able to block all of them, not even seeming phased as he speeds up. Thick mist blankets the dirt surrounding them. My eyes could barely keep up until he suddenly appeared behind my Omega with his sword ready to strike her nape. I could feel my heart stutter until she said the words only I have spoken.

"Total Concentration; Water Breathing, Eleventh Form: Dead Calm." I could hear gasps around us as Tokito was thrown to the ground by a kick nobody saw coming.

My fangs drop when I see (Name) dragging her blade along her exposed thigh. The fresh supply of her blood is applied to the pale lavender katana. She moved inhumanly fast into her next form right as Muichiro got to his feet.

"Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon." Her voice is powerful, echoing through the silence of the air.

My Omega unleashes what looked to be hundreds of insanely quick curved slashes in every direction as she twirls gracefully. The small, blood coated, pink, crescent blades surround her. Since she used this attack against Kocho, the Mist Pillar knows how to counter it.

"Total Concentration; Mist Breathing, Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash."

The dark haired teen lunges forward, his stance lower than the blades sweeping above him as he throws multiple slashes in quick succession. (Name) doesn't dodge his blade, allowing the steel to slide through the (Skin Color) flesh of her exposed thigh. Muichiro delivers a kick to her already wounded leg, but he doesn't connect as she launches herself above him. Blood splatters the dirt as she unleashes her next attack.

"Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant." The bloody lavender blade glitters dangerously in the light as she delivers several curved slashes.

A wild barrage of her signature crescent blades in all their bloody soaked glory slice through the area. There's too many to dodge or block and Muichiro is too close to perform a counterattack. They shred through his uniform, several lodging themselves in his arms. Before he has a chance to do anything, (Name) is flipping through the air to gain distance. As soon as she lands, he goes back on the attack.

"Total Concentration; Mist Breathing, Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Mist." Muichiro charges towards her in a surprising burst of speed.

He moves in a zigzagging pattern, continuously swinging his blade until he reaches her. The sound of metal clashing together causes all of the Hashira to gasp. How could she have moved fast enough to block him? Muichiro doesn't back down, shoving forward with strength most don't believe he's capable of. (Name) doesn't falter, pushing back with more force.

The tip of her blade nicks his chin and she delivers a wicked kick to his stomach that sends him somersaulting to the ground in front of us. He lands in a heap and before he has a chance to properly get to his feet, the (Hair Color) haired Marechi is running at him.

"Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace." Her voice is a snarl as she halts.

In the blink of an eye, she sends her blade in a single horizontal crescent - sending a shower of blood from her blade for the Mist Hashira. As soon as the droplets leave the sword, she is sheathing it and the blood transforms into pale pink crescent blades. They all hit their mark, pinning Muichiro to the ground and disarming him. (Name) walks over, placing a dusty foot on his chest right as the blades disappear.

"Do you accept defeat, Mist Pillar?" Her leg was shaking but everybody could see that Tokito couldn't move.
"I yield." The teen coughs out and she beams at him, lifting her foot and falling to the ground.
"Sensei would be proud."


Sanemi carries our Omega in his arms, walking silently beside me as we head for the men's Hot Springs. Oyakata-Sama ordered the area closed for us to help (Name) clean up. When he was given news of her victory, he seemed pleased and sent his regards.

I open the door for my fellow Alpha, allowing him to carry the still weakened female Marechi across the threshold. She is going to be fine, a simple examination from Amane-Sama told us that her wounds weren't serious.

(Name) whines slightly at the heated air but quiets when I come into her line of sight. Sanemi hands her off to me before heading to the changing room. It was our Omega's choice who undressed her and luckily she chose me.

I settle her down on one of the large rocks, taking Shinazugawa's bloody haori off her. She whines slightly at the loss of his scent but is easily placated when I hand it back to her. My fingers untie the dirty kyahan leg coverings and I keep my eyes on her (Eye Color) eyes. (Name) stretches out her legs as I undo her belt. The open thigh skirt flutters to the ground as she lifts her hips for me to remove the shorts underneath it. My fingers hook under the waistband of her underwear and pull them down as well.

The scent of snow and honey fills my nose and for a second my eyes move to her exposed (Body Type) body. My fangs drop at the sight of her soft (Skin Color) thighs. I let my fingers linger on her wide hips, rewarding me with a loud purr.

"Tomioka?" She murmurs and my eyes meet hers.
"Giyuu." I correct, smiling at the pale pink dusting her cheeks.
"My Alpha." (Name) purrs, leaning in.

My eyes drift closed as I feel her soft, pouty lips on mine. A soft whimper escapes her as I slide my hands up her back. My claws skim over the bare skin as I slide her shirt off. Small fangs tease my bottom lip and I happily open my mouth for her.

While she slides her tongue against mine, gentle and shy, I get to work unwinding the wrapping that bound her breasts. I could smell Sanemi as he settled beside (Name) at the edge of the spring. After a few moments, our Omega pulls away from the kiss and I smile at her.

Sanemi lifts her naked body, being careful of her unbandaged wounds, before helping her into the soothing water. I don't bother to go into the changing rooms, stripping down in front of them as (Name) locks her lips with the scarred man.

I could smell the arousal in the air and it was intoxicating. As soon as I finish untying the ribbon holding my hair, I join them in the warm water. While Sanemi keeps her busy, I get to work lathering up a cloth to clean her wounds.

(Name) hisses slightly against his lips when I gently dab at the gash on her thigh. Shinazugawa rubs circles against her bare back to relax the (Hair Color) haired woman. Once I get a majority of the dried blood off the laceration, I rinse the wound with disinfectant.

"Fuck." Our Omega whimpers, pulling away from the Wind Hashira's kiss.
"I'm sorry honey, I'm being as gentle as I can." I reassure her before washing the disinfectant away.
"Our Omega is such a brave girl, beating up the other Hashira like a badass." Sanemi coos, nuzzling her neck.
"Seeing you use my technique made me so proud baby." I give her a soft kiss on her forehead before returning to tending her wounds.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now