Chapter Twenty Seven - Sanemi

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As soon as we made it to headquarters, (Name) headed towards the Butterfly Mansion. Giyuu and I follow her, wanting to make sure our Mate would be alright after her battle with Upper Moon One and the aftermath. It seemed every Slayer in HQ was staring at the large bite marks on Tomioka and I.

"Did the demon attack them?" A slayer asks as we walk past.
"Why is Tomioka-San not wearing a shirt?"
"He has two Marks."
"Shinazugawa-San does too." A female slayer squeals.

"If you've got time to gossip, you should be training." Giyuu states, glaring at the cluster of Slayers whispering about us.
"It seems they let anybody be a Hashira. Why train when Oyakata-Sama gives out the rank to everyone?" A bolder guy asks and Giyuu sighed before turning away from him.
"Listen here you little cunt. Talk shit about my Mates again and I'll show you why they call me the feral Hashira. Fucking understand?" I growl, flashing wicked fangs as I clench my fists.
"What, you gonna sick your demon slut on us?" He smirks and I crack my knuckles, ready to pound him into next week.

A flash of mismatched fabric and pale skin is all I see before I hear bone snapping. Giyuu stood, one hand holding the guy's wrist and his foot on the center of his back. His wrist was bent at an unnatural angle and I knew without a doubt it was broken.

"Talk about our Omega like that again. I fucking dare you." The Water Hashira growls, pupils turning into slits as he bares his fangs.

Apparently seeing the always stoic and aloof Water Hashira blatantly lose his cool is scarier than me. Each slayer that lingered, scattered as they ran for the hills. Giyuu drops the slayer to the ground and we continue our walk to the Butterfly Mansion.


"Ara, Ara, what interesting marks." Kocho says as she looks over (Name)'s body.
"What's so interesting about them? Aren't they just initials?" (Name) asks while peering over at Giyuu and I.
"Shinazugawa, Tomioka, show me yours." Kocho demands and we both remove our haoris for her to inspect our scent glands.
"So, my hypothesis was correct." She hums and writes something down on her notepad.
"Kocho, please get to the point." Giyuu says and she giggles.
"Your marks are similar to demon marks, I thought that since (Last Name) is half demon biologically, her Mating venom would react similar to a demon. I am unsure as to why Tomioka and Shinazugawa's marks look like that though. It's intriguing." Kocho explains and I spin Giyuu around to look at the mark I left on him.

It was a bunch of green swirls, similar to what I imagine wind would look like. Beside the design was the kanji for my last name. I had to admit, it looked beautiful. I look over at the mark representing our Omega. A simple, pink crescent moon with blood dripping off of it. The kanji beside it matched the ones on (Name)'s eyes, Upper Moon Child. Both marks filled me with pride, they are perfect.

I looked over at (Name), curious of what Tomioka's Mark on us looked like. She seemed to understand, tilting her head to the side to showcase the blue wave pattern that seemed to move with each breath. I recognize the kanji for Tomioka next to it. When I finished looking at it, the (Body Type) woman tilted her head to show me my own Mark on her. It was identical to the one on Giyuu's neck and a grin made its way across my face.

"The marks are beautiful." (Name) smiles back at me.
"Not as beautiful as you." Giyuu and I speak at the same time.


"Congratulations (Last Name)-San, Tomioka-San and Shinazugawa-San!" Mitsuri gushes as we leave the Butterfly Mansion and (Name) smiles at the Alpha female.
"I believe I owe you an apology for hurting your Mate. Please pass on my sincerest apologies to Iguro-San for putting Kaburumaru in danger." The (Hair Color) haired Omega states, dropping down to one knee and bowing.
"Kyaaa! Please rise (Last Name)-San! Obanai and I have no bad feelings about your battle with him!" Mitsuri chirps, looking shocked and panicked as our Mate stays in her position.
"I uphold Bushido, it pains me that I went against that code and put Kaburumaru in danger. Please, accept my deepest apology." There she goes again, surprising me with the level of understanding and kindness.
"We accept your apologies, (Last Name). Kaburumaru would appreciate it if you stopped by the Serpent Estate, he likes you." Iguro's rough voice states as he hops down from the sakura tree he had apparently been lounging in.

As (Name) stands up, the white snake in question hisses at Iguro. His heterochromic eyes narrow before he sighs. The Serpent Hashira holds his arm out, allowing the reptile to slither down towards our Mate. The marked (Eye Color) eyes of the Moon Hashira light up as she holds out her own arm for the creature.

"He is quite an elegant snake, Iguro-San." (Name) coos, holding the snake close to her.
"Don't flatter him too much, he is already quite prideful." Iguro states, seemingly embarrassed.
"He is prideful for a good reason, I suspect Kaburumaru is vastly different from most of his species." Our Mate murmurs, planting a small kiss on the albino reptile's head before returning him to Iguro.
"I hope you will visit us soon!" Mitsuri exclaims before dragging the Beta away.


(Top left to right: Study/Library, Living Room, Bathing Suite, Kitchen

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(Top left to right: Study/Library, Living Room, Bathing Suite, Kitchen. Bottom: Exterior, Bedroom)

When we got to the Moon Estate, it pleased me to see the kakushi had moved Giyuu and I's things in. The Moon Hashira was excitedly running around, looking in all the rooms and babbling to Giyuu. Poor guy was being dragged around like a dog but the small smile on his lips said it all. We would do anything for this woman.

"Nemi! Look, they stockpiled the kitchen with stuff to make ohagi!" (Name) exclaims and I run towards her voice.
"Oi, Tomioka, are you cooking for us again?" I ask the still shirtless Alpha.
"Of course, I will make dinner. You both should go wash up." Giyuu states, pulling off his haori to drape it on a nearby chair.
"The bathroom is huge!" Our Omega squeals, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the said room.

My breathing hitches when I see the beautiful room. The center of it was a large rectangular tub that went into the floor, filled with lotus petals and pleasant smelling bath oils. Apparently, Giyuu had already drawn the bath for us.

(Name) removes the borrowed shirt and begins unbuttoning her skirt. I don't bother to turn around as I begin to remove my own clothing. When she finishes taking her skirt off, she gets to work unlacing her boots. I had already discarded my shirt and zori sandals. As I unbuckle my belt, I watch in fascination as the long, (Hair Color) hair of my Mate falls over her (Skin Tone) shoulders.

She removes her undergarments and smiles over her shoulder, marked (Eye Color) eyes sparkling. I practically rip my pants off as my Omega slips into the fragrant water.

"Dammit!" I mutter, hastily undoing my kyahan leg wraps.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now