Chapter Three - Sanemi

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Tomioka had been called for a mission, which left me to look after (Name) by myself. This would've pissed me off if she wasn't so loveable. The (Hair Color) haired Marechi seemed completely unaware of how to control her pheromones - constantly causing chaos at the Butterfly Estate when left unsupervised. Yesterday was such an occasion.

“You really need some men working in this fucking hospital.” I tell Kocho as I walk back into the room (Name) is still residing in.

I had left only long enough to use the restroom, yet apparently it was enough to alarm the young omega. She curled up in the corner of the room, growling fiercely with her adorable little fangs out. It wasn't funny but I felt myself cracking a smile as I noticed she was burrowed into my haori, which I had left here to attempt to keep her placated until I returned.

“I don't understand why she's so hostile. She almost acts like a demon.” Kocho says, glancing at the small woman with disbelief before heading out of the room.

“(Name), you gotta fucking stop doing this.” I say, looking at the happiness glinting in her large (Eye Color) eyes.

“She made me upset.” Is all I get when I settle down on the floor beside her.

“You can't just go feral every time you see her, dammit.” I groan, utterly exhausted because this happens every single time.

“She reminds me of her. It makes me angry.” (Name) huffs, nuzzling her way into my lap.

My hands go to her soft, (Hair Length) hair. Tomioka found out early on that she likes it when we pet her. The female Marechi purrs constantly as I card my fingers through her (Hair Type), (Hair Color) locks.

Oyakata-Sama wants us to find out who she is, why she came and what caused her amnesia. So far, we only know the basics of who she is. No idea why she came or what caused her memory loss. 

My theory is that she met Kibutsuji and for some reason, she made it out alive. The tests on her that Kocho ran state that her body has what could be years of physical trauma. She seemed to also be strange biologically - the blood tests have told us she shares quite a decent amount of demon blood, yet still remains human. It baffles all of us, but the only person more confused than my fellow Hashira, is (Name).

“Sanemi?” The soft melodic voice asks after a long amount of silence.


“I still don't understand how I'm not a demon.” She states, her tone full of sadness.

“It's a good thing that you aren't a demon, (Name).” I reassure her, placing a scarred hand under her chin to make her look at me.

I saw the misery in her eyes, reflecting my worried gaze. As much as I hate to admit it, I've grown to like her. Memories of how all the other people in my life that I cared about have ended up, still weren't enough for me to fight the instincts (Name) brought out of me. I mean, she met the Demon King and lived. How can I doubt her ability, knowing that?

“I want to be a demon slayer.” My precious little omega says, hope shining in those (Eye Color) eyes.

“It's too dangerous.” I say, even when I know she is strong.

“If you don't teach me, Tomioka will.” She threatens and I grit my teeth, feeling my gums ache at the thought of that arrogant Alpha.

She knows I wouldn't be able to accept Tomioka training her instead of me. A growl of annoyance leaves me and I stand up, gathering the woman into my arms.

“Over my dead body.”


I settle her down outside the Wind Estate, allowing her to rest in the shade while I show her the basics.

“Okay, so as you know already - I use Wind Breathing.” I begin and she nods eagerly.

I take my uniform top off, picking up a wooden sword before getting into the proper stance.

“The first form of Wind Breathing is called Dust Whirlwind Cutter. It is best used when you have a running start. This attack requires you to do multiple horizontal slashes in a cyclone pattern.” I explained, looking at her to make sure she understood.

Something about her we have noticed is she learns quickly, usually only needing to be shown something once before she can mimic it. It would most likely be too much to assume she would pick up Wind Breathing as quickly.

“Show me.” (Name) encourages, eagerly leaning forward.

I dash to the edge of my training ground, then focus my breathing. In an attempt to make it easier to see, I don't use my full speed when I run.

“Total Concentration; Wind Breathing, First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!” I shout, swinging my wooden sword effortlessly around the training dummy.

I made a few deep cuts, even splintering some of the wooden sword’s edge from the amount of force. My eyes meet (Eye Color) eyes and see how entranced she is. A soft breeze accompanied my landing, fluttering her (Hair Length hair.

“I got it.” (Name) says, standing up confidently and picking up a wooden sword of her own.

To my amazement, she darts past me and is on the edge of the training grounds in a blink of an eye. Before I could even voice my concern, she's sprinting at me.

Total Concentration; Wind Breathing, First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!” The fierce omega shrieks, not even heading at the dummy but at me.

I barely got my sword up in time to block the blow. My knees lock, attempting to keep me steady as a forceful gust of wind assaults me. As soon as she lands, she drops the sword and I look at her in shock.

“What the fuck!” Is all I could say, seeing the sword she held so basically disintegrate as it hits the ground.

“I remembered something. I need a katana!” She excitedly babbles, looking at me expectantly.

So I did what any sane person could, got her a fucking katana. My old blade, the one I used in Final Selection, would be just the right size for her. I watch in fascination as she draws the blade - seeing the once pale green morph into a soft lavender color.

“I think I know how to use a sword.” (Name) says when I look at her in shock.

“No shit. I've never seen that shade of purple before on a sword. Do you remember what breathing style you used?” I ask, curious.

“Go sit down. I don't know if this is safe for you.” She urges and I snort.

“I'm a fucking Hashira!” I protest but she places her hands on her hips.

I sigh and go sit in the engawa. She took a moment to move the training dummy so I could see her movements. Then before I could even say anything, she's slicing her palm open and letting it drip onto the blade.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace!” (Name) swings the bloodied katana in a horizontal slash that curved like a crescent.

Several pale pink crescent shaped projectiles, all gleaming with blood, hurl towards the dummy. As soon as they touch it, she sheathes the sword and the whole fucking dummy disintegrates. The same exact way a demon would if decapitated with a Nichirin blade.

“What the fuck was that?” Several voices demanded and I looked over to see my fellow Hashira - luckily Kocho and Kanroji weren't among them.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now