Chapter Thirty Eight - You

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After everyone left, I stayed frozen in my spot. My Alphas both seemed to understand I needed a few minutes. The memory of my fight with Upper Moon Three was hazy but I knew the basics of the fight.

One Month Ago

As Rengoku was kicked away from me and the pink haired demon disappeared from my line of sight, I drew my sword. Anger burned through me; does Soyama-San not remember me? I rushed to where the pair were standing, jumping in front of the Flame Hashira.

“Move. I don't fight women.” Soyama-San states, not even looking into my eyes.
“(Last Name), let me handle this.” Rengoku says from behind me and I shake my head.

My former friend attempted to get around me but this time I was ready. I don't use my breathing style, knowing it would reveal my identity. As far as the demons know, I've been dead for nearly three years. He tries to dodge the swing of my sword but isn't fast enough.

The bloody blade slices into his arm like butter, severing one of his hands. When it doesn't regenerate instantly, he stops in his tracks. Marked, yellow eyes meet my own (Eye Color) ones.

“What are you?” He demands and I sigh.
“The Hashira that will free you from your eternal grief.” This caught him off guard and I used that moment to strike.

I don't bother with breathing techniques, knowing most of them wouldn't come close to hurting him. Time and time again, my katana cuts him. Each hit adding more of my blood into his body.

“I don't normally offer this to women, but I believe you would make a wonderful demon.” Soyama-San quips as he jumps away from me.
“No thanks.” I growl out, rushing back towards him.

It was infuriating to see him just dodging and avoiding my attacks. The Soyama I knew wouldn't let someone land this many hits on him. Was he wasting time?

“What do you coat your blade with, Slayer? I barely can regenerate the wounds you're leaving. Truly, impressive.” When I go to attack his leg, he jumps away.

He landed right in front of Rengoku. Fury had me moving faster, knowing that I couldn't allow the human Flame Hashira to get hit by a single blow from his lethal fists. My comrade instantly begins attacking.

The adrenaline rushing through my bloodstream made my ears ring. I couldn't hear what technique he was using even when I closed the gap between Akaza and I. It didn't matter what the attack was, it wouldn't be enough.

As soon as I was close, I aimed for his neck. But right as the tip of my Nichirin sword connects, he jumps behind my comrade. With his fist raised, the Upper Moon Three throws a devastating punch into the shoulder blade of the Flame Hashira. The sound of bones breaking shatters the silence and I don't hesitate to jump over Rengoku.

Total Concentration; Water Breathing, Second Form: Water Wheel.” In mid-air, I flip my body forward to gain the momentum needed.

Once again, right as my blade bites into his flesh, Akaza jumps away. I barely could contain the scream of frustration that bubbled up in my throat. But I didn't have time as Rengoku joined in on the assault.

“Fucking stay back!” I snarl, blocking his blade with my own.
“We need to fight together!”
“You're putting yourself in danger, I need to focus!” I snap, dragging my blade against my exposed thigh.

Once I have reapplied the necessary blood, I let my breathing falter. It didn't fully transform me anymore when I used the Forbidden Arts, so I had one chance.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Forbidden Art: Hunter's Moon.” I was already locked in on Akaza, he was practically covered in my blood.

With inhuman speed, I strike. My sword cuts through his arm once more. This time however, it doesn't regenerate. I felt my body heating up and the beat of my heart speeding up.


In time with the erratic beats of my heart, I move my blade. Swing after swing as I circle around my injured comrade. The bright blue moon blades surround him in a protective barrier and I keep going.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Forbidden Art: Eclipse of the Soul.” The splatters of blood flying off my blade transform, becoming thousands of senbon needles.

My stance falters when I sense Akaza sliding underneath the barrier. In an instant, I had to make the choice. I could only hope that it would be the right one.

“Drink it!” I yell at Rengoku just as I jump.

Right as I land, he downs the vial filled with my blood. But that wasn't the priority. I felt the air shift as the blow came at Rengoku. Dashing, I manage to make it just in time for the hit to land on me instead.

Pain blossoms in my stomach as I look down to see the arm firmly embedded into my torso. I couldn't let that slow me down. Akaza was frozen, staring at me in shock. It didn't matter, I knew my Mates would understand my sacrifice.

My purple sword digs deep in his neck. I put every ounce of my demonic strength into the swing. Right as the first rays of the sunrise break through the horizon, his head falls from his shoulders.

“Soyama-San, I'm sorry.” I murmured as his body began to disintegrate.

I fall to my knees as the arm holding my wound closed fades in the bright light. My grip on the blade in my hand wavers but I had to perform the final stage.

My vision was getting blurry and my body felt cold. The rapid beating of my heart slows. I barely registered it when Rengoku began applying pressure to the gaping hole in my torso.

“Rengoku… Tell them…” I cough, spitting up blood.
“No, you're going to be fine, you can tell Tomioka and Shinazugawa yourself.” He states, owlish eyes frantically assessing the damage to my body.

I attempted to lift my blade, but it felt so heavy in my hand. All of the Hashira are aware of my Blood Demon Art, which means I wasn't surprised when a firm hand grips my wrist to steady it. Rengoku guides my hand, allowing me to complete the crescent shaped slash.

Total C-Concentration; Moon Breathing, Forbidden Art: L-Lunar Renewal.” I manage between pained gasps and coughs.

I drop my katana, my eyes closing. My body wasn't going to make it, no amount of regeneration could work fast enough to stop me from bleeding out. The price I pay for not devouring humans is slower regeneration.

“Stay with me (Name)! The kakushi are on their way!” Rengoku's voice sounded so far away.
“Giyuu… Sanemi… I love you.” I whispered right as I felt my heart stop.

Present Day

I later learned that in a last ditch effort, Rengoku force-fed me his blood until my heart started beating again. He had nearly died from the blood loss when the kakushi showed up. The whole way back to Headquarters, several kakushi took turns pumping their blood into me. By the time we had made it to the Butterfly Mansion, the hole in my torso was nearly healed.

The extravagant hair pin in my hands felt like it was too much to accept. I am not a phoenix. If Rengoku hadn't nearly killed himself trying to heal me, I would be dead. I know I should be happy that I survived, but the guilt of knowing that my comrades risked their own lives to heal a demon ate away at me.

“You're just as human as the rest of us, (Name).” The familiar, harsh voice cuts me out of my daze and I look up.

Violet eyes full of love stared into mine and I felt a stinging sensation in my nose. Blinking away the tears, I don't resist when Sanemi wraps me in a tight hug. I bury my face in his chest, allowing myself to accept the scarred Alpha’s solace.

“I'm so scared. What if…” I begin but he pats my back.
“You won't lose control. Just like Nezuko, you're different.” Sanemi hushed me and I didn't have the energy to argue.

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