Chapter Nine - Sanemi

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Even if I found Iguro to be the most tolerable Hashira, I still felt rage when it was time for him to fight (Name). Tomioka and I wordlessly agree that if the Beta hurt her - we would break Corps rules to teach him a lesson. Watching our Omega standing in front of the Serpent Hashira made us both worry. Iguro was on par with myself and Tomioka - which means she would be in a seriously dangerous position.

Like the snake around his neck, he is cunning and won't hesitate to strike first. As soon as the words leave Rengoku’s lips, he is dashing towards (Name).

It seemed he wasn't going to attempt breathing techniques and instead met her head on with quick movements. The (Hair Color) haired Marechi had no trouble keeping up with his movements, she even giggled as he threw a kick her way.

She effortlessly flipped away, easily landing behind him. He didn't give her a chance to raise her sword, sliding his foot out behind him in an attempt to trip her. (Name) jumps over the low kick, throwing her own towards his face.

The white snake around Iguro’s neck hissed a warning just as her foot connected with his jaw. The Beta is thrown away from her, but easily lands on his feet. He doesn't let the hit shake him, dashing back towards her with a powerful slash.

“Your snake is so cute, Iguro-San! What's his name?” (Name) coos, easily parrying the strong swing thrown at her.
“Kaburumaru, he is my companion.” Iguro states, his snake seemed to be giving the Marechi heart eyes.
“I hope his albinism doesn't affect his vision, it would be truly awful to have such a gentle creature suffer. He is quite fond of you.” My Omega says, blocking another swing with her sword.
“I am fond of him as well. I appreciate your concern.” Is all the Serpent Hashira says before going on the offensive.

(Name) throws kicks and swings of her katana with such speed it's hard to even believe she is human. Watching her go toe to toe with one of the strongest Hashira made my heart flutter. How strong is she?

The Beta jumps into the air, kicking at (Name)’s side. She doesn't block it in time, sending her flying through the air. I feel Tomioka grab my hand and we both growl in unison. Before she has a chance to hit the ground, she flips herself, finally calling out a breathing technique.

Total Concentration; Water Breathing, Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin.” Her blade slices vertically through the air as she lands gracefully on her feet.

Iguro doesn't stop his attack, running full speed at her. She raises her blade just in time to parry a blow. But like a snake, he played dirty, following up with a kick that she didn't have time to dodge. The Omega goes down but by the time he is upon her again, she has jumped to her feet.

“You're quite short for a Beta.” She teases, easily dodging the next kick.

Total Concentration; Serpent Breathing, Third Form: Coil Choke.” Iguro hisses out, circling dangerously around (Name).

But just like her fight with Tokito, she is able to parry each quick strike of his blade. It was insane seeing her twirling effortlessly, swinging her katana back and forth with the sound of steel clashing.

“Did I hit a nerve, Iguro-San?” (Name) giggles, performing a back handspring to dodge the low sweeping kick the masked man threw.

I watch in fascination as she drags the pale lavender blade along her exposed thigh while running towards him.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves.”

(Name) spins her blade in a circular slash, sending a shower of blood droplets towards the Serpent Hashira. They morph into hundreds of small, pink crescent blades that even I couldn't dodge. Right as the attack is close to him, no matter how many he dodges, she is rushing towards him again.

I could see the bandaged hand shielding the white snake from the incoming attack. (Name) jumps up, flipping her body forward and over his head. Blood splatters her face as she wraps a hand around his throat. By the time she lands, she is behind him. The white snake, though covered in blood, hung loosely around her throat.

The Beta lets out a gasp of surprise when he realizes his snake has betrayed him. His sword fell to the ground and Iguro collapsed to his knees.

“I yield.” He says before she is able to move her sword towards him.
“Are you sure? You can still fight.” (Name) questions, not moving to sheathe her blade.
“I won't fight without Kaburumaru.” Is all Iguro says before standing up and facing my Omega.
“I'm sorry that my attack put him in danger, Iguro-San.” She says, allowing him to reclaim his snake.
“A demon wouldn't think twice, I should've been stronger.” His parting words caused (Name) to frown as she put away her blade.

When she walked over to us, I could tell she was deeply affected by the idea of harming the snake. The (Hair Color) haired Marechi cuddles up between Tomioka and I.


“I need to apologize to Kanroji-San and Iguro-San.” (Name) tells us as we settle into the hot spring.
“Why would you need to apologize to Kanroji?” Giyuu asks her while lathering soap into a cloth.
“I was under the impression she is mated to Iguro-San. As his Alpha, she is the one I would have to ask for forgiveness?” This response was so out of the blue that even I was shocked.
“No way are they mated. His simp ass would've said something.” I tell her and she giggles.
“Would you care to explain the small MK initials on his scent gland and the overwhelming smell of sakura mochi he is covered in?” Once again (Name) surprised us both.
“Well I'll be damned, that fucker really hit it.” I mumble, annoyed that the only close friend of mine hadn't said anything about being mated.
“Didn’t they have a mission last year that lasted like a month?” Giyuu points out and my jaw drops.
“That's it, I need to go kick his bitch ass.” I growl, standing up to leave the springs.
“Sanemi, don't leave!” (Name) whines, wrapping herself around my scarred thigh.

Seeing her so close to my cock had my fangs dropping. I vaguely could hear Giyuu speaking but his words weren't registering. My vision tunneled, taking in the flushed face of our Omega. Large, (Eye Color) shining doe eyes paired with her (Hair Length) hair plastered to her forehead and soft, pouty lips just begging me to taste them. Small fangs jutted out from her mouth as she opened it to speak but I didn't hear the words.

My body felt like it was on fire and the only thing running through my head was breed.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now