Chapter Twenty Four - Sanemi 🍋🔞

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This is the scene y'all have been waiting for! Being claimed by our Alphas!
Warnings include:
-Some Sanegiyuu
-Double Penetration (In one Hole)
-Unprotected Sex
-Soft Dom! Sanemi
-Praise Kink
-General Mature Content

I watch as Giyuu pulls our Omega from my grasp, settling her on his lap. Her hands go to his hair, expertly untying the ribbon that held it back. Their lips meet and (Name) softly whimpers into the kiss. I make myself useful, reaching around her and undoing the white belt around her wide hips. The air smelled so fucking good.

Honey and snow combined with the sweetness of her arousal. Giyuu didn't smell that bad either, like a beach on a cool day but his scent was on fire with the smoky scent of a driftwood fire. Both scents had my fangs dropping.

After discarding one belt, I walk around to settle behind Tomioka. His belt came off just as quickly and he moaned softly when my hand brushed his waist. I decided to stay there, wanting to be ready to mark him when he asks. My face nuzzles the crook of Giyuu's neck, gently dragging my tongue along his scent gland.

I could still see our Omega perfectly, gasping and whimpering as Giyuu dipped his head between her breasts. He takes a single hardened nipple between his teeth, suckling on it as (Name) works on unbuttoning his shirt. I place my hands underneath hers, easily undoing the buttons for her.

“You're doing so fucking good, Giyuu.” I tell him and he lets out a soft mewl, a sound I didn't know he could make.

So, Pretty Boy likes praise. I'll use that later. I don't bother letting (Name) tug Tomioka's shirt off, instead doing it myself. His pale skin contrasted with the darkness of the abandoned house. I ran my hands over his back, intrigued by the amount of muscle his feminine frame held.

“Giyuu…” (Name) whimpers after a while and I realize why.

His hands hadn't moved from her waist. Rookie mistake. I pull backwards on Giyuu's waist, settling him on his back. The Marechi woman whined as I removed him but I easily lifted her up, stripping the skirt and underwear off her. A glance at Tomioka and he gets the hint to remove his pants too.

“Sanemi?” The Alpha asks and I chuckle before placing our Omega on his face.
“Use that mouth for something useful, Tomioka.” I order and he gasps when he gets a whiff of (Name)’s sweet arousal.

(Name) looks at me with a single golden eye and a blush evident on her face. I smirk, removing my own clothing. She watches every movement, her pink tongue falling out of her mouth as Giyuu gets to work.

“Mmm! Alpha!” She pants and I kneel, hooking Giyuu's legs with my own so our pelvises are level.

When our cocks press together I hear him moan loudly. My cheeks heat up when I realize he was slightly bigger than me but I ignore it. I look up to (Name) and smirk.

“Go ahead, baby, I know you want them.” I growl and she eagerly leans down, licking at both cocks.

I close my eyes, loving the feeling of her hot breath and wet tongue. Hell, even feeling Giyuu grinding up slightly to get more of (Name)’s mouth had me moaning loudly. She lets out a constant hum, evidently pleased with how the Water Hashira uses his tongue.

“Don't forget to use your fingers too, Giyuu.” I say between low moans.

He took my advice and I feel (Name) wrapping her pouty lips around us both. I let my hands go to her hair, keeping it held in a makeshift ponytail.

“You two are being so good for me.” I praise and both of them voice their pleasure.

It felt so fucking good having (Name) dragging her tongue back and forth between Giyuu and I. When she started to whimper and bob her head faster, I knew she was getting close. I roll my hips in the same rhythm as Tomioka. The tip of my cock hits the back of her throat and she gags around us before letting out a soft cry.

I watch as her ass jiggles while she  chases her orgasm. Giyuu had placed his hand on (Name)’s hips to keep her from falling off, she was shaking so bad. I use the hand in her long, (Hair Color) hair to pull her off our cocks.

“Gonna make a mess on Giyuu's face, beautiful Little Omega?” I purr and she lets out a wordless whine.
“Tell him how good he makes you feel.” I order as I wrap my hand around our cocks and she whimpers obediently.
“So good, Giyuu. My Alpha, feels so fucking perfect. Gi…YUU!” (Name) screams while I quickly pump my hand.

I felt the pleasure building but I held off, refusing to cum before they did. When (Name) slumps, body still shaking, I let go of my own cock to focus on Tomioka. His hips were bucking frantically and I found it cute.

“C’mon slut, be a good boy.” I encourage and he lets out a strangled growl.

At his refusal, (Name) moves off him, pulling him up by his hair into a sitting position. Her movements had me confused until she settled between us. I release my grip on Giyuu as she pulls me into a kiss. I close my eyes momentarily before I gasp into her kiss.

I felt her sliding down both of our cocks, tight enough that I was worried we would both lose circulation. The heat was unbelievable and I felt her walls twitching as she struggled to fit both cocks in her virgin pussy. Giyuu was letting out pathetic whimpers and I couldn't even speak, it felt too good for my body to form words.

After a few moments she stops and whines in frustration. She had only gotten halfway before her maidenhood stopped her. A smirk spreads across my face.

“This is gonna hurt, really fucking bad, baby. But don't worry, we will take care of the rest and make you feel fucking amazing, right Giyuu?” I ask the dark haired Alpha, whose blue eyes had the far away look in them.
“Mmm, yes.” He manages, blinking as he shyly smiles - showing off fangs that had me considering letting him bite me.

I place my hands on (Name)’s plump ass after moving Tomioka's hands to her wide hips. He seemed to get the idea. I kiss our Omega's pouty lips as he nuzzles her neck.

“I need you to take a deep breath, honey. If you wanna stop, tell us to stop. I love you.” I tell her.
“And I love you as well.” Giyuu assures her.
“I love you both.” She says, nodding in agreement to my words.
“Go.” I growl to my fellow Alpha.

Our hips snap upwards while pulling our Omega down at the same time. She cries out and I feel her large fangs bury themselves into my shoulder but (Name) quickly releases me after she realizes her actions. This might be dangerous but the adrenaline was sending it to another level.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now