Chapter Twenty Eight - Giyuu

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Eating with my Mates was slowly becoming something I look forward to. Cooking had never been something I had a passion for, yet I didn't hesitate to start cooking for Sanemi and (Name) when we first began spending time together.


Five Months Ago

“The hospital food isn't very good.” Shinazugawa mutters as we eat with the Omega.
“It isn't?” (Name) questions, looking down at the simple chicken and rice bowl she had been eating.

While Shinazugawa is correct, I do know that all the food served in the Butterfly Mansion is to help the body. But I agreed, the food is bland. Even adding a bit more seasoning would take it to another level.

Confused, (Eye Color) eyes stare into mine and I blink a few times. It seemed the Marechi wanted my opinion.

“The food will make you stronger even if it's bland.” I state in a monotone voice.
“Tomioka, what do you like to eat?” She asks and I bite the inside of my cheek to suppress a smile at the thought of my favorite food.
“Simmered salmon and daikon.” My response was immediately met with a few blinks of more confusion.
“Never heard of it.” (Name) says softly, looking over at Shinazugawa.
“My favorite is ohagi but I also like spicy udon.” The Wind Hashira answers before she asks.
“I don't remember what my favorite food is, but I like chicken and rice.”

I finish my food and take my leave, suddenly feeling the need to cook for the two.


Present Time

I finished cooking the food, all three of our favorite dishes as well as some simple dango for dessert. The large, yet cozy kitchen had been stocked with everything I needed. I gather bowls and plates, setting the table.

“Giyuu!” (Name) calls from the bathing chamber and I chuckle, already knowing they needed clothing and towels.

I pad my way to the wardrobe that held clothing for all three of us. A simple, white colored kimono with pink and purple floral details catches my eye. I grab it as well as the black pants Sanemi prefers to sleep in.

When I make it to the bathing suite, I grab two towels from the closet next to the room. I walk inside, placing the clothing on a dressing table. Then I open up a towel, waiting for my Omega to stand up.

When she does, her long (Hair Color) hair sticks to her breasts and I blush as I wrap the towel around her. Now that she was able to dry off, I offered the other towel to Sanemi. He takes it, standing up and shaking his fluffy, white hair out.

“Not going to help me dry off, Tomioka?” He teases and I look away.
“Don't be mean, Nemi.” (Name) scolds, leaning over to give me a soft kiss.


“Itadakimasu!” My Mates exclaim as they see their favorite dishes.

I smile, sitting down on the left side of (Name). We had already moved the seats so all three of us could sit next to each other. The female Marechi happily picks up pieces of tempura chicken with her chopsticks, dipping them in the sweet sauce I make for her. I could hear Sanemi slurping happily on his bowl of spicy udon.

“The food is delicious as always, Giyuu.” The Moon Hashira says softly, smiling at me after she swallowed her food.
“I'm glad you like it.” I say, smiling before I take a bite of my salmon.
“Nobody would believe us if we said this man can fucking cook.” Sanemi says between slurps.
“I don't want to tell anyone. Then we would have to deal with Rengoku everyday.” I state after I finished swallowing my bite.
“Did you just make a joke? Tomioka can fucking joke?” The Wind Hashira snickers and (Name) giggles quietly.


The Next Morning

“Message for Moon Hashira, (Last Name) (Name) from Mist Hashira Tokito Muichiro.” Atsuka says, fluttering into the bedroom with a soft voice.

(Name) holds out her arm, not moving from her spot on my chest. The small crow perches on it and allows her master to take the scroll off her back. She opens it and skims the contents before sighing.

“Return to Tokito-San and tell him we can spar tomorrow.” The Marechi says, yawning and handing the message back to her crow.

Atsuka flies off and I allow myself to lie my head back into the pillow. Just as I'm about to close my eyes, we all are jumping out of bed at the loud sound of something falling to the floor.

“CAW! WAKE THE FUCK UP! HASHIRA MEETING! CAW!” Sorai screams as he flies in.

I look to whatever had fallen and smack my forehead, seeing my own crow in a heap on the tatami floor. He stands up, shakes out his graying feathers and looks at me. I sigh before walking over and picking him up.

“You guys go ahead, I'll feed the crows.” I tell my Mates and they nod before beginning to get dressed.

Sorai perches himself on my shoulder while I walk out to the kitchen. Apparently the kakushi had been informed of the close bond the Moon Hashira has with the Kasugai crows. There was a whole bag of shelled sunflower seeds in the pantry. I settle the crows on the kitchen window sill before getting small bowls from the cabinet. Portioning out three separate bowls, I place two in front of the waiting crows and leave the other on the counter. Atsuka comes and goes as she pleases so I knew she would find the food.


When I arrive at Oyakata-Sama’s garden, my Mates are waiting for me. They stood near Kanroji and the tree Iguro sat in. I made my way over to them just as Rengoku and Uzui arrived.

“Is it true you were able to hold your own against Upper Moon One?” Rengoku asks our Omega and Sanemi glares at him.
“More like she nearly fucking killed him.” Sanemi replies and I sigh, this is going to be a long meeting.
“THAT IS THE FLAMBOYANCE I EXPECTED FROM THE DAZZLING MOON HASHIRA!” Uzui nearly screams and I don't bother to speak.
“It is wonderful to have such a strong comrade!” Rengoku exclaims, smiling widely at (Name).

I couldn't suppress the deep, animalistic growl that fell from my lips. Sanemi seemed to feel the same, baring his wicked fangs at the Flame Hashira. A soft giggle rises above the sound and I look over to see (Name) smiling at me.

“Giyuu, he's just being friendly.” She says, her voice holding no annoyance at my impulsive display.

Our Omega opens her arms for both Sanemi and I. We each snuggle into her side and she kisses each of us on the cheek.

“The Master has arrived.” The twins state and we all kneel.
“It is wonderful to see you in such good health, Oyakata-Sama.” I greet softly and everyone looks over at me in shock.
“Thank you Giyuu. Would you and Sanemi allow (Name) to step forward?” The Beta asked and we immediately obliged.
“Hello, Oyakata-Sama.” The Marechi woman says as she kneels in front of the rest of us.
“I would like to formally announce you as the first Moon Hashira to your peers.” Oyakata-Sama states and she nods.
“Rise. This is (Last Name) (Name), the Moon Hashira. I understand many will question the wisdom of allowing a woman with demonic blood to be a Hashira, but I believe she has proven herself to be a strong, competent and reliable slayer. Are there any that oppose her?” He asks and nobody says a word.
“Then without further ado, I present the Moon Hashira, (Last Name) (Name). Welcome to the family, my child.”

A/N: The next chapter will be after a significant time skip. We will be skipped two years approximately so that we can finally start in on actual canon events.

I will be adding a note at the beginning of the chapter to notify the time skip so no worries.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now