Chapter Thirty Seven - Giyuu

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It was barely after sunset when we gathered in the backyard. Poor Gyomei had been used as a pack animal by the other Hashira. He placed all the bags and boxes at (Name)'s feet.

Nezuko and the other younger slayers were off doing whatever the fuck they do in their spare time. So us adults relaxed, well we had Muichiro but he's definitely not leaving (Name)'s side. The long, (Hair Color) haired woman looked at the bags and boxes in confusion.

"Why did you bring gifts?" She asks and Kanroji giggles.

"Well, we all wanted to get you something as a congratulations for defeating two Kiziuki on your own and surviving." The female Alpha explains.

"You didn't have to get me anything..." (Name) mumbles, blushing as a box is pushed into her hands.

"This one is from me." Muichiro says and I watch with a smile as the Omega lights up.

She carefully unwraps the silver colored box, not allowing a single rip in the paper. I don't even bother to hide the laugh that bubbled in my chest at the annoyed look Sanemi had. It was clear he didn't share the same sentiment as our Omega when it came to opening gifts.

Once the box is opened, (Name) chokes on a gasp. She holds up a beautiful deep blue haori. It had furin¹ designs on the front and when she turned it to look at the back, the Moon Hashira squealed in delight. The back featured golden crescent moons along with more furin.

"Mui! It's beautiful!" She hugged the Mist Hashira tightly and he blushed in embarrassment at her reaction.

A silk bag, easily distinguishable by the butterfly designs, is handed to the distracted Omega. My eyes met the purple ones of the Insect Hashira and I could tell she was nervous about her gift. It wasn't a secret that (Name) and Kocho don't get along.

"Kocho?" Marked, (Eye Color) eyes look up from the obviously expensive silk bag in confusion.

"Open it." The Beta's fake smile seemed to waver as (Name) gently untied the cords keeping the bag closed.

She gently slides the contents into her palm and looks up at the petite woman with a large smile. It was a necklace with a leather cord and a simple vial pendant. There looked to be a clear liquid inside the corked bottle.

"It's an anticoagulant to apply to your tsuba before battle. I thought since your sword needs to be coated in blood to use your breathing style, it would be easier if you didn't have to repeatedly inflict damage on yourself." Kocho explains and (Name)'s smile widens.

"That's so thoughtful! Arigato!"

Nobody expected the Omega to stand up and wrap the smaller woman in a tight hug. The Insect Hashira stiffens for a moment before awkwardly returning the hug. When (Name) releases her, another box is held out to the Moon Hashira. She settles back into her seat, carefully opening the very brightly wrapped box. We all knew it was from Uzui.

She gently opens the box, lifting the gift out of it. The shock in her eyes was clear when she held the hair comb in her hand. It was beautiful, no doubt. But the design was unusual. The golden comb had a spider lily on it with two separate colors in the petals. The outer petals were a very pretty blue while the inner ones were the same pale pink as the markings on (Name)'s forehead.

"With such a dazzling performance of your extravagant skills, I believed the most flamboyant gift would be the very thing you took from that lackluster bastard Kibutsuji!" Uzui states while both Sanemi and I glare at him.

"It's very pretty." (Name) says, forcing a smile to hide her discomfort.

Gyomei places a ridiculously tiny white bag in (Name)'s shaking hands. She places the hair comb back in the box and focuses on the simple bag. Just like with Kocho's, she gently tilted the bag for the contents to land in her awaiting palm.

A bracelet made of shiny, bronze colored Mala² beads falls into her hand. She picks it up, looking intently at the glossy finish. (Name)'s smile came back in the most genuine way.

"The beads are made from tiger eye gemstones. They will guide you to think with more clarity and bring peace to your self-doubt. A yellow Mala represents enlightenment and clarity, I believe it will help to heal your inner eye after you use it." Gyomei explains and the (Hair Color) haired woman gently pats his shoulder.

"Arigato, I appreciate your wisdom as well as your gift."

Kanroji eagerly pushes a very, very pink box with a bright green bow into (Name)'s lap. Once more, the Omega carefully unwraps the box and opens it to reveal the gift. She holds up a pair of rectangular wooden earrings. The design was simple, just having the phases of the Moon carved into each earring.

"I'm going to wear these for the rest of my life." (Name) gushes, looking over at Sanemi and I excitedly.

"They're from both of us." Iguro states, while the large white snake around his neck began leaning towards the Omega.

She gladly accepts the snake and he curls himself around her throat while she looks at the final gift. A plain, black box remained unopened. (Name) glanced up, as if trying to think of who it could be from. Rengoku shyly smiles at her and Sanemi growls at him.

"Nemi! Behave!" (Name) scolds and the snake around her neck hissed his agreement with her.

The Moon Hashira gently unties the black ribbon holding the box closed before she lifts the lid. Its contents made her gasp and look up in shock. I already had a bad feeling that poor Rengoku was going to be attacked.

(Name) glances at me and I move slightly to grab the scarred Alpha before she could show us the gift. As soon as I had a hold of him, she carefully lifted a gold and diamond hair pin out of the box. It looked to be designed to showcase a phoenix. I could tell by the nervous look in Rengoku's eyes that he wanted her to like it.

"Rengoku, I cannot accept this." (Name) begins but he shakes his head.

"You misunderstand my intentions, (Last Name). In the Rengoku clan, if someone comes back from death, they are given a token of the Phoenix. You may not be part of my clan but you deserve to be recognized for your selfless decision to save my life at the cost of your own! A true Phoenix!" The Flame Hashira exclaims and I tighten my grip on Sanemi.

1: Furin are Japanese wind chimes that represent friendship and good omens.
2: Mala are the prayer beads from many types of Buddhist religions but can also be worn by non-Buddhists.

Photos of everyone's gifts:

Photos of everyone's gifts:

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