Chapter Twelve - Sanemi

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I woke up next to Giyuu. It seemed my Rut was over. The fact he was also asleep instead of fucking his hand like a whore - must mean his was gone as well. I didn't know how long our Rut lasted - but I knew I came dangerously close to becoming his bitch. A glance around the room made me cringe, especially seeing the prominent outline of where he slammed me into the wall.

"Good morning Shinazugawa." Kocho greets, walking in the room and not even batting an eye at the obvious lack of privacy.
"Where is (Name)?" I demand, shifting my body to cover Tomioka's vulnerable form.
"If you give me a moment, I was going to wait to tell you at the same time as Tomioka. But since nobody likes him, I will tell you instead." I had to grit my teeth to keep from growling at her because how dare she insult my co-mate to my face.
"The Demon, (Last Name) (Name), has been welcomed into the Demon Slayer Corps as the Moon Hashira." My eyes bulge as I hear her words.
"She isn't a demon." Giyuu says from behind me.
"She is now. (Name) is in a coma." Kocho gives a closed eye smile before strolling out the door - which she didn't close behind her.

Giyuu and I growl in unison, sprinting behind her. It didn't matter if we were naked and covered in cum - we would find our Omega.


By the time we finally found (Name), Tomioka had managed to grab yukatas for both of us. So now, we sat next to each other in a dark room, staring at our Omega's face.

Her eyes, even though they are closed, had strange black veins running along her cheekbones leading towards her eyes. Somebody had put her silky (Hair Color) hair up, it seemed to have grown quite a few inches at the least.

What freaked me out the most definitely would be the eye in the center of her forehead. It was closed, but the same black veins spread out from around it. A pale pink crescent marking lay on either side of the eye.

The once small, barely noticeable fangs, had grown to be double the size of my own. Her fingernails, seemingly had been painted black - were sharp enough that even looking at them made me wince.

Giyuu places a hand on her cheek, slowly turning her head. Beside her right eye, a small pink crescent moon marking laid untouched by the black veins. I felt the air slowly leaving my lungs as I thought of how to cope with this.

"Sanemi..." The raven haired Alpha beside me whimpers and I wrap an arm around his shoulders.
"I can't lose anyone else." He sniffled and I took a shaky breath because I knew how he felt.

But Genya is still alive.

Eventually, I had tears streaming down my own cheeks as I placed my hand on (Name)'s. Her claws easily sliced through the calloused skin, but the pain grounded me. It reminded me that I had to be strong.

I let Giyuu cry himself dry and it didn't matter to me how long we just sat there, staring at the love of our life. We both knew if it was one of us, she would be doing the exact same thing.

"Do you trust me, Sanemi?" Giyuu croaks out after a long silence.
"Fuck yeah I do, why the fuck you asking?" I tried to snap at him but I didn't have the energy to muster up the usual annoyance.
"I think I can help her. We need to go see the former Water Hashira."
"We can't leave (Name) here, what if she wakes up and we aren't there to reassure her?" I point out, shaking my head.
"We take her with us." He says and I scoff.
"Hello, demons kinda fucking die in sunlight, dumbass."
"I think I can wake her up but I need a piece of bamboo and a rope first. There's a box in the Water Estate, underneath the bed - go grab it, you're faster than me." Tomioka states before standing up, grabbing the pale purple katana that laid against the wall.


By the time I found the box, Tomioka had already gotten the things he needed. He sat patiently at the head of the futon, holding what seemed to be a bamboo muzzle. Giyuu glances at me and I place down the box before sitting next to (Name)'s feet.

"How the fuck do you plan on waking her up?" I demand and he just ignores me, gently lifting her head to tie the rope of the muzzle in place.

"What I tell you in this moment, you must deny whatever the cost in the future. I need you to swear on (Name)'s life." His blue eyes were piercing through my soul and I wanted to ask for more information but his eyes showed me everything I needed.
"I swear on (Name)'s life, I will deny whatever you tell me, no matter what it costs, in the future." I kept eye contact with him, wanting to express the faith I had in him.

"Remember when you found (Name)?" It was an odd question, but I nodded anyway.
"When you bumped into me, I was going to tell Oyakata-Sama that I failed my mission. I arrived a day late and a whole family was slaughtered. Except for the oldest son, who wasn't home. But he wasn't the only survivor." My eyes widen, feeling a connection to this stranger he spoke of.
"He wasn't the only survivor? But the whole family was slaughtered." I was hoping I was wrong but the look of guilt in his eyes told me enough.
"The boy's sister, she was turned. He thought he could save her, but she attacked him. When I went to kill her, the boy attacked me. But when I went to incapacitate him, the sister went from attacking, to defending her brother. A demon that still had humanity. She was freshly turned - hadn't ever eaten a human, yet when given the opportunity to eat her brother, she refused." Giyuu explains quietly and I found it hard to believe but I promised I would trust him.
"So what did you do?" I ask and he sighs.
"Knocked them both out and muzzled the demon. I sent the boy to train under my Sensei, the former Water Pillar. I recently received a letter that informed me the girl had fallen into a deep sleep, similar to hibernation. Yet she hasn't eaten a human. I believe the girl has a unique ability like (Name) does. Which means, I just have to wake our Omega up."
"How the fuck are you going to wake her up?"

He doesn't answer, just stands up and grabs the lavender katana that leaned against the wall. Giyuu unties his yukata, settling down where he was seated previously.

"(Name), baby doll, we need you to wake up. I'm sorry I have to do this." Giyuu tells her before sliding the katana along his broad chest.

By the time he is finished, blood flows freely down the blade - dripping on (Name)'s face as he leans over her. I could see her nose twitching slightly, but apparently his blood wasn't enough. I wasn't sure if my blood would appeal to her, since she is also a Marechi.

"Give me the blade." I demand, moving to sit beside him.

He doesn't hesitate to hand it to me and I also untie my yukata. I drag the sharp steel along my skin, not even flinching as I feel it biting deep. I sink to my knees, leaning down to allow the rich, crimson liquid to dribble along her lips.

The (Hair Color) haired Marechi makes a soft grunting sound and I hear Tomioka gasp beside me. I gently gather her up in my arms, cradling her between us. The blood from both of our chests smears against her beautiful (Skin Tone) skin and finally her eyes open.

Marechi (Giyuu x Fem!Reader x Sanemi)Where stories live. Discover now