Chapter Eleven - You

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My body was on fire. That's all I could think about. The only thing keeping me lucid was the mismatched haori clutched to my chest. Giyuu's calming scent of driftwood and saltwater kept me anchored in reality. But the absence of my Alphas made me worried.

“Lady (Last Name)?” Aoi’s voice asks but I couldn't respond.

The fire in my body was consuming me. Where is Giyuu? Where is Sanemi? Are they hurt? Why am I so hot?

“When was your last Heat?” She asks and I blink, my eyes finally focusing on her face at the word.
“Late December.”
“Seasonal Heats? How odd.” Aoi mumbles and I hear the scratching of a pen on paper.
“Where are my Alphas?” I finally ask, feeling a cool breeze coming from the doorway.
“Tomioka-San and Shinazugawa-San are in Rut. They have been taken to a room for holding until it is over.” She informs and I blink in confusion.
“Take me to them.” The burning had shifted to my thighs but I was focused on keeping Total Concentration Constant to keep it under control like my Sensei told me to when I had my first Heat.
“It isn't safe for you to be with your Alphas in your condition.” Aoi explains but I growl.
“You have four broken ribs, dozens of lacerations and a concussion. There is no room for arguments, you have to stay here to heal.”
“Ain't no fucking way you're telling me I cannot see my Alphas.” I spit, baring my fangs at her.

A throat clears and my attention goes to the doorway. Kocho stood there, holding a clipboard. I snarl even louder at the sight of the Beta.

“Do you wish to continue proving your worth to the Corps?” Her tone was sickly sweet and it just made me angrier.
“Of course, but my Alphas are more important than kicking Hashira ass.” I snap and she giggles.
“They have been provided with your scent and we even put them in the same room so they will be together. I have a shot to give you. It will suppress your Heat, I only use this on Omega’s that have been forced into Heat. Your next Heat will be more difficult than normal, but this shot will keep your body on its natural cycle.” Kocho explains and I knew my Alphas would want me to take the shot.
“I accept.”


My next fight, against the Flame Pillar ended up being canceled. Apparently he had a family emergency and had to leave Headquarters. Which meant, I would be fighting the Sound Hashira instead. He insisted on a handicap, but I refused.

“You are severely wounded, Little Omega. Are you sure you can fight me?” He taunted and I growled in frustration.

“Go.” As soon as I heard the word, I rushed at him.

I focused my breathing - keeping Total Concentration Constant up so I could suppress the sounds my body produces. My blade bit into my flesh, soaking up my rare blood and I was already mouthing the words to my technique by the time I reached him. If I tapped into the unique demonic power my body possessed, I might have a shot at beating him.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Fifth Form: Moon Spirit, Calamitous Eddy

I swung my sword in long, lateral movements that layer over one another as I jump over the tall man, which surprised him. By the time I land, the vortex of pink crescent blades are already making contact with his body. He made no move to block them - just allowing them to imbed themselves in his muscular flesh.

“What a flashy start!” Uzui exclaims, turning to face me.
“You were a Shinobi.” I state, immediately realizing the error I made.

My blades won't affect him; the concentrated demon blood they are created from acts similar to a poison. Which meant I couldn't use Moon Breathing. I only manage to block his kick by muscle memory.

“Brains and beauty, you would make a glamorous addition to my family. Would you be my Fourth Mate?” The Alpha purrs and I growl.

If he wanted to ask stupid questions, he should've waited until after the fight. I kick his leg, but he easily hops to avoid it. Uzui still hasn't drawn the massive cleavers on his back. Did he believe he could beat me with his bare hands? He throws a jab but I dodge in time. Is he playing with me? If I play defensive, he could tire himself out but a Hashira - not even accounting in his Shinobi training - has enough stamina to fight from sunset to sunrise.

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