Chapter Twenty Nine - You

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Two Years Later

“Oyakata-Sama wishes to see you.” Atsuka speaks, perching herself on my shoulder as I sheathed my katana.

“Of course.” I reply and make my way from the training grounds of the Wind Estate to the Ubuyashiki Manor.

As per usual, the Beta was waiting when I arrived in his garden. He offered me a seat beside him on the engawa, another gesture I was familiar with. When I sit down, a cup full of the akai sake I always drink is deposited in front of me.

“Oyakata-Sama, you needed to speak with me?” I ask and he smiles, nodding.

“As you know, Kocho’s tsuguko Kanao will be off to Final Selection in a few days time. I have received word from the former Water Hashira that Kamado Tanjiro will be participating as well.” He says as I sip my drink.

“Master, are you asking me to infiltrate Mount Fujikasane during Final Selection?” I ponder aloud and he smiles.

“I ask you to participate, while you are a Hashira already, I believe you deserve to experience what all your peers have.” Oyakata-Sama states and I smile, finishing my cup.

“So I just have to go play hide and seek for seven days while watching both Kanao and Tanjiro. Do you wish for me to remain human during the seven days?” I question and he shakes his head with a smile.

“Do whatever it takes to survive, my child. But no matter what, do not expose your rank. I've been informed you are in need of your own sword anyway.” I hum in response to his words before taking my leave.


Final Selection 

I stand awkwardly among approximately twenty teenagers. While my size as an Omega keeps me from standing out for my age, the clothing I chose to wear did. When packing for Final Selection, I had been hesitant to wear one of the kimonos my Mates had gifted me. So, I chose the original uniform I wore.

The simple purple top with the fishnet undershirt and white shorts with an open thigh, black skirt. I kept my boots, a lovely gift from Kocho that even had a blade in the toes for when I needed to catch an opponent off guard. The large kanji for Destroy on the back of my skirt seemed to be gathering the most attention - as this skirt was made from Giyuu's old uniform shirt back in the day.

My sword no longer hung by my belt, but instead I kept it in a specialized scabbard attached to my thigh. Over the years it had become overwhelmingly apparent that my instinct to discard my sword during battle is a bad thing. So, I now carried specialized Nichirin daggers in a holster on my other thigh.

I tuned out what the Ubuyashiki twins say, because it was unimportant to my mission. But when they finish speaking and the other candidates dash towards the forest, I snap back into attention. I nod my appreciation at the twins before jumping into a wisteria tree.

It was odd that even as a half demon, the only time the beautiful purple blossoms harm me is when digested. I had already given a sample of my blood to Kanao before we parted ways at the foot of the mountain so my main priority was finding Tanjiro.

Jumping from tree to tree, it wasn't hard to track down the maroon haired male. I wasn't surprised to see he wore a warding kitsune mask. It also didn't shock me to see him protecting another candidate.

I discreetly grab a dagger from my thigh along with the awaiting vial, before sliding the blade along my exposed abdomen. The blood coats it and I take a deep breath before throwing it. Once the vial is filled, I cap it and hold it between my teeth. I had already gained the demon’s attention and I moved the warding mask Urokodaki sent me, to cover my face.

Jumping from the tree, I draw my katana. I had already made the choice not to use any breathing style while I fight the demons on this mountain. Quick as the wind, I decapitated the demon and turned to Tanjiro.

“(Last Name)-San?” Tanjiro says, no doubt recognizing my scent.

I don't speak, just nod my head and hold out the vial of my blood along with the prepared note. When he takes it, I jump back into the trees, making my way further up the mountain.

“MARECHI!” I hear multiple voices scream out, no doubt demons smelling the blood dripping down my stomach.

I find a clearing and jump down, immediately finding myself surrounded by demons. They all were drooling, some even growling. I sigh, waiting for them to come to me. It didn't take long for them to surround me. I easily spin myself, holding my lavender katana in one hand and a dagger in the other. Head rolled on the ground but not every demon fell victim to my blade. A quick flex of my toes as I kick the throat of the remaining demon has the blade in my boot severing its head.

This is almost too easy.


It had been six days and I hadn't done much besides track Kanao and Tanjiro. If either of them needed help, I didn't offer it. But when I made my rounds for the day, I saw Tanjiro fighting an abomination of a demon.

“Urokodaki has sent me another little fox!” It bellows, going to attack Tanjiro.

This kid had no chance against this demon. I could smell the amount of power it had. Drawing my katana, I drag it along one of the only places that didn't already have a bandage, my forearm. Once the blade is coated in the deep red, I jump down from my tree.

“Two foxes? How delicious.” It exclaims and I growl.

“(Last Name)-San. Please, let me handle this.” Tanjiro pleads but I don't listen, launching myself at the demon.

I dodge the attacks it throws and go straight for its neck. The thickness of it was daunting but I thought of the anguished look on Giyuu's face when I told him about Sabito all those years ago. It spurred me on and I'm throwing my rules out the window.

Total Concentration; Moon Breathing, Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon.” I growl, swinging my bloody blade upwards, sending six curved slashes raining down around the demon and I.

I didn't stop to pay attention to the demon’s reaction to the craters made around us because I was already throwing another form.

Total Concentration Moon Breathing, Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy.” The splatter of my blood from my previous attack turns into a vortex of pink moon blades that impale the demon hundreds of times.

My blade finally bites into the thick flesh of its neck. I scream in frustration when I can only make it halfway through. It laughs and I feel myself being grabbed and thrown away from the demon, leaving my katana in its neck.

I smack into a large rock, hearing loud cracks as I land in a heap. Tanjiro looks at me with worry but I shake my head and focus on Total Concentration Constant to heal.

“Kill that motherfucker.” I growl at the boy with the Hanafuda earrings.

My vision was getting blurry and I knew it would be sunrise soon so I rested my head against the ground and closed my eyes. I was confident that Tanjiro could defeat the demon.


“(Last Name)-San!” Tanjiro cheers and I groan, opening my eyes to look at him.

My whole body felt like it had been crushed and I was very aware that at least part of my back was broken. Yet Tanjiro carried me bridal style as if instinctively knowing I had hurt my back. When we cross the border of wisteria, I sigh in relief when I see the kakushi.

I lift my arm up to slide the warding mask that miraculously survived the battle back into place. Something told me I would have to do the remaining things for Final Selection in Tanjiro’s arms.

While the twins explain the ranking system, I see a familiar kakushi and smile behind the wooden mask. She immediately runs up to me, taking me from Tanjiro before treating me.

When that's finished, I am carried over to a table covered with ores. One seemed to have a purple tint to it, as if it was tainted. I immediately chose that one before Atsuka settled on my shoulder.

No wonder people were pissed I became a Hashira from just fighting the others. Final Selection was no fucking joke.

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