꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓘𝓘𝓘: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱'𝓼 𝓐𝓽𝓽𝓪𝓬𝓴 ༻꧂

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Chaos erupted. The lead which raised her hand, a bottle of blue potion glowing within her gnarled fingers. "Istilum!" she shouted and threw the potion toward the throne. The bottle shattered, and a wave of blue energy froze everyone in their tracks as they transformed into statues. Kazi, with a gasp, flung herself to the ground, rolling under the heavy oak table just in time.

The witches, their faces twisted into cruel grins, surveyed the throne room, taking in the sight of their petrified victims. Kazi stayed hidden, adrenaline flooding her system, as the witches made their way across the room.

Her heart hammered against her ribs. Kazi reached for her sword, but then she remembered that when she arrived at Althea, they had taken it away because of strict security protocols. Panic clawed at her throat. The witches were getting closer, and she was defenceless. She glanced around the throne room, searching for anything she could use as a weapon. She had to act, and fast.

Peeking out from under the table, she watched as the three witches, their black cloaks flowing around them like ink in water, made their way closer. They whispered amongst themselves, their voices low and sinister. Kazi swallowed hard, feeling a chill race up her spine. She knew that she had to do something, but what? She glanced around the throne room, searching for anything that might help her.

Kazi's eyes darted around the room, searching for a weapon, anything she could use to defend herself. Her gaze fell on a discarded quill on the floor near a frozen advisor. It was not ideal, but it was all she had.

Taking a deep breath, Kazi knew she had to be unconventional. This was not a fight she could win with brute force. She needed to be smart, to use the environment to her advantage.

The witched circled around the table, looking at the plans laid out upon it, their expressions a mix of interest and amusement. Without hesitation, Kazi grabbed the nearest witch's leg, her hand snapping around a bony ankle with surprising strength. The haggard woman shrieked, breaking the witches' focus. The other two bent down to look under the table, but Kazi was already in motion.

Kazi did not waste time arguing. With a mighty kick, she used both her legs to kick each of the two remaining witches on their faces, causing them to stumble back in surprise. "Foolish mortal!" the lead which hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "You will pay for your insolence!"

Adrenaline surged through her veins, fuelling her movements. She scrambled out from under the table just as the third witch, the one Kazi had grabbed, regained her footing. She grabbed the blue freeze potion from the other witch's grip and flung it toward Kazi.

Thinking fast, Kazi lifted her foot and kicked the bottle back at the witch who had thrown it. The glass shattered against the stone floor, freezing the witch's legs in place. The woman shrieked in pain and surprise.

One down, two to go. Kazi met the remaining witches' glare, her brown eyes blazing with defiance. They moved toward her, their steps slow and deliberate, their hands twisted, their purple cloaks flowing behind them. They grabbed more potions from their belts, readying them to throw. Kazi knew she couldn't dodge them all – she needed a weapon.

With a growl of frustration, she grabbed the nearby table leg, the heavy oak splintering slightly in her grip. It was not ideal, but it would have to do. Just in time, the witches launched their attack. Potions flew through the air, but Kazi swung the makeshift club with all her might, deflecting them away from her.

Glancing down, Kazi spotted the discarded quill she had noticed earlier. A desperate plan formed in her mind. Picking it up, she needed the right time to strike. As the witches launched their attack, Kazi threw herself to the side, narrowly avoiding the potions.

With a flick of her wrist, she threw the quill towards one of the witches. The quill, surprisingly sharp, embedded itself into the witch's eye, causing her to scream in pain. Stumbling backwards, she neared the edge of the broken window. Kazi watched, heart hammering in her chest, as the witch lost her balance and tumbled headfirst out of the window, disappearing with a sickening crunch.

One witch left, Kazi knew she had to act quickly. The remaining witch looked around the room, her expression furious. The witched grabbed another potion...but it was not blue like the others. It was a vibrant red colour, a colour that sent chills down Kazi's spine. It reeked of something dark, something destructive.

Kazi knew this potion was far more dangerous than the others. She had to think, and fast. She had no weapon, no means of defence. Kazi's eyes darted around the room, taking in the scene.

"Looking for a fight, crone?" Kazi taunted, her heart pounding in her chest. "Come on, then!"

"You insolent mortal!" the remaining witch spat, her voice dripping with venom. "You dare to defy us? Very well, then."

Kazi needed to buy time, to formulate a plan. Her gaze flickered across the floor, landing on the scattered puddles of blue potion. An idea began to form in her mind, a desperate, risky gambit. She had to act fast.

"Is that all you have got?" Kazi taunted, trying to keep the fear from her voice. She needed the witch to believe she was still confident. "Seems like your magic is as weak as your chin!"

"You dare mock me?" the witch growled, her eyes burning with fury. This was it. Kazi planted her feet firmly, her eyes fixed on the witch's. Just as the witch was about to launch herself at Kazi, a mischievous grin spread across her face. The witch launched forward, only to land right in the middle of the puddle.

A look of dawning horror spread across her face as her legs became frozen in place. Her screams of rage turned into shrieks of pain as the cold slowly spread up her body. Within seconds, the entire lower half of her body had been transformed into a solid mass of ice.

A surge of relief washed over Kazi, but it was short-lived. Even as the witch screamed her curses, she raised her free hand, holding the red potion. With a malicious grin, she flung the potion...

Kazi's heart lurched. The potion was headed towards the frozen King Eldarion. Without hesitation, Kazi lunged forward. She threw herself in front of the King, the potion smashing against her abdomen. Pain exploded through her as the red liquid seeped into her clothes and skin. She clenched her teeth, trying to remain standing. The witch's laughter filled the room, cruel and mocking.

Kazi gasped, crumpling to the ground as a burning sensation spread through her stomach. She looked down, her vision blurring, to see the red potion seeping into her clothes, its fumes making it difficult to breathe. Her head swam, and her vision began to darken. The witch's laughter seemed stop as she completely froze in place.

The sound of heavy boots echoed in the throne room as the Althea guards, alerted by the commotion, burst through the doors. They took in the scene in silence. "What in the heavens has happened here?" the Captain of the Guards demanded, his voice grave.

But Kazi couldn't answer. Her vision was growing dark, and she could feel herself losing consciousness. She tried to muster the strength to speak, but it was no use. As her eyes closed, she could only hope that someone would find a way to stop the red potion's effects before it was too late.

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now