꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓛: 𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓑𝓮𝓽𝓻𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓵 ༻꧂

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Kazi walked down the hallway, her footsteps light, and her heart racing. Lost in thought, she almost bumped into Seraphinael, the royal advisor, who was deep in conversation with another councilman. Kazi instinctively moved to sidestep them, but a snippet of their conversation caught her ear.

" ... recovered the remains of the first trade ship," Seraphinael was saying, his voice smooth and authoritative. "It washed up on the eastern shore this morning."

Kazi froze. The first trade ship? The one Governor Nari, her father, had reported missing weeks ago? The one they said had vanished with no survivors, no bandits, just...silence? Her brow furrowed in confusion. It shouldn't be here. According to the reports, it had never even reached Althea's shores.

"Recovered on the eastern shore?" the councilman repeated, his expression incredulous. "Are you sure? "But...how is that possible? I... I thought it did not arrive..."

Seraphinael cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Those details are for the King to decide," he said curtly. "Our job is to ensure the wreckage is...discreetly handled."

Kazi's blood ran cold. Discreetly handled? Why the secrecy? There was something seriously wrong here. A sense of betrayal welled up inside her. King Eldarion and the council were hiding something – something they clearly did not want Niameda, or her father, to know. The very foundation of trust she had been building was crumbling.

Anger simmered within her. She would not be kept in the dark. This was not just about a missing trade ship anymore. This was about a deliberate cover-up, and Kazi was determined to uncover the truth.

Kazi walked away from the councilmen, her heart racing. She would not confront the King directly, not yet. No, she needed to see the wreckage for herself. The eastern shore. That is where her investigation would begin.

Kazi walked through the guards' chambers, her senses on high alert

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Kazi walked through the guards' chambers, her senses on high alert. The snores of the guards filled the air. She scanned the room, looking for things she could take with her on her journey. There in the corner was a suit of armour, discarded and forgotten. She smiled to herself; it was just what she needed.

Quickly and silently, she made her way to the suit of armour and began to gown herself in it. A loose buckle clanged against the floor, jolting her back to reality. She held her breath, waiting for the guards to stir. But they did not. The armour was surprisingly comfortable, and the helmet hid her features well.

Mustering her courage, Kazi continued, her movements silent as she continued to scan the room her eyes landing on a dagger on the floor near one of the guard's feet. It was just what she needed. Carefully, she knelt down and retrieved the blade, making sure not to knock anything over in the process.

But there was one more thing she needed. Kazi rummaged through the head guard's bag and found the map of Althea she had been searching for. She hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to take it, but her curiosity got the better of her. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching; she slipped the map into her own pocket. Now she had everything she would need for her journey.

Kazi slipped out of the castle and made her way to the stables. The horses whinnied softly as she approached, their warm breath fogging the air. She mounted the fastest horse she could find, her armour clanking softly against its sides. With a click of her tongue, she urged the horse into a gallop, leaving the castle grounds behind her.

Kazi unfurled the stolen map, the moonlight glinting off the parchment as she opened up it. She traced the path with her finger, memorizing the path to the Althean shore. With a nod of determination, she urged her horse forward, galloping across the kingdom of Althea.

Kazi had ridden for hours, her thoughts consumed by the mystery of the missing trade ship. Soon she spotted it in the distance, the remains of the trade ship. There on the sandy shore, it lay in pieces, the wood splintered, and the sails torn to shreds. Her heart sank as she dismounted her horse, the armour clanking loudly on the ground. She walked slowly towards the wreckage; her steps heavy with dread.

As she walked closer, she saw evidence of the royal family's attempt to keep the wreckage hidden

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As she walked closer, she saw evidence of the royal family's attempt to keep the wreckage hidden. A scoff escaped her lips. They had clearly underestimated their visitor. Kazi scanned the perimeter for any sign of guards. Seeing none, she slipped between the gaps in the barricades, her muscles tensing as she listened for any sudden movement.

Kazi walked across the ship's deck, her armoured footsteps echoing loudly against the wooden planks. Kazi's eyes looked across the deck and then she finally saw it...torn strips of cloth...Niamedan soldier's uniforms...the evidence she had been searching for. She knelt, carefully inspecting the torn cloth. The fabric was soaked with blood and salty seawater. It was clear that something had happened here...

A flicker of motion stuck her eye. Shards of glass, lay scattered across the ground, alongside the remnants of what looked like shattered bottles. Potions? A dark suspicion began to form in her mind. Could it be the work of witches? The same witches who had attacked her and the king a few weeks back. Had they returned?

Kazi pressed on, her senses on high alert. The deeper she went into the ship the more silence surrounded her. It was unnatural. Broken wood creaked as she walked. Then, a sound. Faint. Indistinct. Footsteps?

Kazi spun around, hand instinctively grabbing her dagger. But the space behind her was empty. Sweat beaded on her brow as she listened intently. Was she being paranoid? Or was there truly someone else onboard?

"Who's there?" she called out, her voice echoing through the empty ship. There was no response. Her heart raced, but she forced herself to remain calm. Just as she was about to turn back, a shadow zoomed past her, disappearing into the darkness. Her breath caught in her throat. This time, she was certain. 

 Something, or someone, was on board this ship.

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now