꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓧𝓧𝓘: 𝓐 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮'𝓼 𝓐𝓹𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂 ༻꧂

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Kazi pushed deeper into the Althea castle forest, the trees thickening around her as she walked, the morning sunlight filtering through the leaves above. Her outburst this morning felt reckless, impulsive. But the frustration, the constant demeaning treatment, it had all built up inside her until she couldn't contain it anymore. Now, all she felt was a hollow emptiness, as if she had shed some part of herself along with her anger.

Had she jeopardized everything? The mission, the alliance, her own life?

Soon Kazi came across a stream, its clear water rippling over smooth rocks. She knelt by the water's edge, cupping her hands to splash some cool liquid onto her face. A shaky sigh escaped her lips.

This was more than just a job. This was about securing Niameda's future, protecting her kingdom. The thought of her missing soldier's families, their faces twisted in anguish and loss, haunted her even more. She couldn't give up now.

But the frustration remained, a bitter taste in her mouth. Azrael...he was more than just an annoyance. His constant demands, the way he treated her like a servant, it was maddening. Brushing his hair, fetching his food, even assisting him with...more intimate tasks. He was a prince trapped in a child's mentality, demanding constant attention.

Yet, a strange thing happened whenever she was near him. That unsettling flutter in her chest, the quickening of her heartbeat. It was illogical, unwelcome. Especially considering the infuriating nature of the prince himself. Perhaps, Kazi thought with a sigh, a touch of paranoia creeping in, a visit to the royal physician would not hurt. Maybe there was some strange Althean herb that could explain these...unnatural feelings.

A rustle in the bushes sent her head snapping up, hand instinctively reaching for a nearby rock. Instead of an attacker, a dishevelled Azrael emerged, leaves and twigs clinging to his white clothing. He scowled, brushing himself off with exaggerated disgust. "Ugh, these woods are a nightmare," he muttered.

Kazi couldn't help but roll her eyes. "And what brings Your Highness to this...nightmare?" she asked, a hint of mockery in her voice. "Have you come to officially relieve me of my duties?"

Azrael did not respond immediately. He stood there for a moment, seemingly at a loss. Then, to Kazi's surprise, he sank down onto the ground beside her, a comfortable distance separating them.

Silence...deafening silence. It stretched between them, thick and suffocating. Then, finally, Azrael broke it. "K," he began, then stopped, clearing his throat as if to clear the awkwardness that clung to his words. "I... I apologize."

Kazi's eyes widened. An apology? From Prince Azrael? She whipped her head towards him, expecting a smirk, a mocking glint in his eyes. But Azrael was staring towards the stream, his face a mask of what looked suspiciously like...embarrassment?

"What did you say?" she asked, her heart racing as she struggled to process his words. It couldn't be possible. Prince Azrael, apologizing to her?

Azrael flinched at her sharp tone. "I said I am sorry, okay!" he blurted out, his voice rising slightly. He looked at her, a flicker of vulnerability in his blue eyes. "Look, I...I am not heartless. I am not a monster."

Kazi scoffed. "You act like one," she muttered under her breath, turning her gaze back to the stream.

Azrael let out a long sigh. "Perhaps I do," he admitted. "As the second prince," he began, his voice stumbling slightly, "I was always seen as...the spare. Everything I did, it was never good enough for Father. I was always overshadowed by my older brother, the heir. I suppose..." he trailed off.

"I started acting superior, putting myself above others before they could put me down." Azrael's words hung in the air between them. Kazi listened intently. His words explained his behaviour but did not excuse it. "But Your Highness," she interjected, "being arrogant to such an extreme only pushes people away. It makes them dislike you."

"I know," he mumbled, kicking at a pebble by the stream. "I just..."

"Want to be seen," Kazi finished for him, her voice softer now. "Want to be appreciated for who you are, not just your title."

Azrael looked up at her, surprise written on his features.

"Well Prince," Kazi began, "I do not forgive you easily, but perhaps it is time for us to start over." She paused, debating whether to continue. "If you are sincere about wanting to change, I can help you. But it will not be easy. You will have to work for it."

"I apologized." There was a subtle accusation in his tone, hinting at a sense of entitlement to forgiveness.

Kazi let out a small laugh, "You still have some arrogance clinging to you, Your Highness," she teased. "But that is alright. I am sure with some effort, it can change."

Azrael looked sheepish. "You are right," he muttered. "I will...I will try." A comfortable silence settled between them once more, broken only by the gurgling of the stream. Kazi finally nudged him with her elbow. "So," she said, "do you actually enjoy having me as your guard?"

Azrael shrugged. "Indifferent, honestly. The apology...well, part of It is because I do feel bad. And Princess Athiel..." he trailed off, his cheeks colouring slightly.

Kazi's eyes widened in surprise. "Princess Athiel? What about her?"

Azrael coughed awkwardly. "She, uh, she...well, she likes you, K."

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now