꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧: 𝓐 𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ༻꧂

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Kazi's eyes widened in surprise, her eyes flashing with a mix of horror and confusion. Marriage was far from her mind, let alone becoming part of a royal family. She had always been against the institution, believing it to be nothing more than a tool for men to control and possess women. The thought of marrying into the Althea royal family, where women were known to be extremely submissive, was beyond her comprehension.

However, Kazi kept her composure, controlling her expression. "Your Majesty," she began, her voice carefully measured, "I am truly grateful for your kind words. It is an honour that you would consider such a bond between our kingdoms."

"Indeed," he agreed. "But would not you agree, General, that a personal union would solidify our alliance even further?"

Kazi mentally rolled her eyes. "Of course, Your Majesty," she said through gritted teeth, "However, I must confess, I am not currently seeking a husband. My duties as General of Niameda require my full attention."

"Surely, General," he chuckled, "a woman of your exceptional capabilities would not find it too difficult to manage both a marriage and your military pursuits. Besides, would not you want a partner who understands the weight of leadership?"

Kazi gritted her teeth internally, forcing a smile. "Perhaps, Your Majesty," she countered, "but would not your son prefer a wife more... sophisticated in the ways of courtly life?"

The King chuckled again, a warm, rumbling sound. "Ah, but General," he said, "that is where you misunderstand. It is not my eldest son, the Crown Prince, who needs a bride. It is my second son, Prince Azrael."

"Prince Azrael?" Kazi repeated, slightly confused who he was referring to. She knew there were three sons of the King, but she had not paid much attention to the youngest sons. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I am not familiar with him."

"That is quite a shock," said the king, his expression grave. "Azrael, unlike his brother, has always been... delicate. Shall we say, a bit irresponsible? He lacks the focus and discipline required for a life of royal duties." The king sighed heavily. "His future in the kingdom, should he continue down this path, is bleak. It is for this reason that I wish to see him married, General. To someone who can help guide him, someone who can show him the way of righteousness and responsibility."

"So, you believe I would be a... suitable influence on him?" Kazi asked carefully. She was still adamant about not marrying into the Althean royal family.

The King nodded eagerly. "Exactly! Your strength of will, your confidence, your unwavering spirit – these are the very qualities my son needs. You would be the perfect... complement to him." He paused, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Besides, a strong woman like yourself would not have much trouble keeping him in line, would you?"

A bitter smile twisted Kazi's lip. "Intriguing, Your Majesty," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Certainly, a strong hand might be just what Prince Azrael needs." Internally, she scoffed. Marriage to a weak prince? It sounded more like a punishment than an honour.

"However," Kazi continued, her tone firm yet respectful, "I am only twenty-five years old. While I am honoured by your proposition, I believe marriage is a serious undertaking that requires careful consideration and personal readiness. At this stage in my life, my duty to Niameda and my pursuit of military excellence take precedence."

"Of course, General," he said, inclining his head. "a woman of your calibre understands the importance of responsibility. I cannot say I blame you for prioritizing your current focus." He leaned back in his chair, a smile flickering across his lips. "However," he continued, a hint of playfulness in his voice, "I would not want you to dismiss this proposal entirely. Perhaps with time, your perspective might change."

"Perhaps, Your Majesty," she agreed. "I will certainly consider your words with the respect they deserve. But for now, my heart belongs to Niameda and its people."

The King chuckled warmly. "I understand perfectly, General. A true leader's heart always remains with their people first." He rose from his chair, extending a hand towards Kazi. "May your journey home be swift and safe. And General," he added with a wink, "perhaps upon your return, you will find Prince Azrael has developed a newfound... appreciation for a strong woman."

Kazi took the King's hand and bowed her head respectfully. Anger and frustration warred within her as she forced a polite smile onto her face. So, this was his way of rewarding her? Marriage into his royal family, a lifetime of political games and intrigue, and the burden of shaping an irresponsible young man into something respectable? It was more like a punishment than an honour. No. Absolutely not.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," she said "I wish you and Althea continued peace and prosperity."

As Kazi stepped out of the throne room, the doors closing behind her with a heavy thud, the mask of politeness slipped. A storm of conflicting emotions raged within her: anger, frustration, disbelief. How dare the King try to force this marriage upon her? She was not some object to be bartered and traded like a prize cow.

"He can forget his proposal," she muttered to herself. "Prince Azrael, or whoever else he has in mind, can prepare for disappointment. Kazi of Niameda will never be their puppet, their tool for political games." With renewed fire in her eyes, she walked away towards her waiting soldiers.

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now