꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓛𝓧𝓧𝓘: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ༻꧂

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What are you smirking about, General?" she snarled. "Do you find this amusing?" Her voice rose to a shrill pitch, the dark magic crackling around her. "You have no idea what I am capable of!"

Kazi fixed her gaze on Layil, her smirk widening. "It is a shame, really," she murmured, "that you will not be alive to see your precious plans come to fruition."

The air around them seemed to crackle with anticipation. The shadowy figure holding Kazi's arm shifted uncomfortably, as if feeling the weight of the general's words. Layil, however, was consumed by her rage. "What nonsense are you talking about?" she yelled.

Ignoring her question, Kazi shifted her weight, focusing on the grip on her arm. It was weak. She could easily break free. With a sudden surge of strength, she twisted her arm free from the shadowy figure's grasp. As she did so, the figure let out a startled yelp. Seeing that the figure was distracted, Kazi brought out her pocketknife and swiftly sliced the figures' tendril-like fingers off, making it shriek in pain.

A piercing screech erupted from the creature's neck as it recoiled in pain. Kazi seized the chance and grabbed her fallen sword and stabbing it into the creature's chest. It let out a final, gurgling groan before collapsing lifelessly to the floor.

Layil, on the other hand, appeared to be amused rather than concerned.

"Tsk tsk, General," she remarked, her voice full of faux compassion. "You shouldn't have done that."

As she talked, a horrific transformation began to occur. Layil's skin rippled and shifted, her features distorting into something monstrous. Her body swelled, her limbs growing impossibly long and powerful, her head splitting open to reveal a pair of massive, leathery wings. In the blink of an eye, she stood towering over Kazi, a tower of muscle and bone adorned in feathers, a nightmare incarnate. This was the changeling Kazi had previously fought, one she had met months ago.

Kazi felt a flash of recognition combined with a glimmer of sad hope. This was the opportunity she had fought for: to confront the genuine mastermind behind the attack.

With a growl, Layil lunged at Kazi, her claws extended. The air whistled past the general's ears as the changeling's massive wings beat the air, propelling her forward with impossible speed. Kazi barely had time to react, rolling out of the way just in time to avoid the killing blow. She scrambled to her feet, narrowly avoiding another slash of the changeling's claws.

Kazi barely had time to raise her sword to deflect its razor-sharp claws. The clash of steel against bone echoed through the chamber, sparks flying as the blades met. The changeling seemed to move with an unnatural grace, her every move perfectly calculated and executed. With a swift twist of her wrist, she disarmed Kazi, sending the sword clattering to the floor.

But Kazi was a seasoned warrior, her years of training allowing her to anticipate the creature's attacks. She danced around the changeling's massive form, landing a series of swift kicks to the changeling's legs, forcing it to stumble but Layil still managed to stay on her feet.

The changeling, annoyed by Kazi's agility, lashed out with a strong kick that knocked her tumbling backward. As she hit the ground, her eyes were drawn to the glowing black book in Layil's changeling palm. A notion struck her, a desperate gamble that could just change the tide of battle.

"So," Kazi mocked, a touch of pleasure in her voice despite the dire circumstances, "how exactly did you learn magic, Layil?" Changelings aren't particularly known for their spellcasting ability."

The changeling, temporarily diverted, let her guard down. "Why?" it muttered, a hoarse whisper. "Are you trying to use it against me?"

Kazi laughed without humour, the sound grating on the changeling's ears. "My life is not as pathetic as yours, changeling," she responded. "I was just curious.

The changeling, furious by her defiance, lunged. But Kazi was prepared. In a last-ditch effort, she rolled to the side, allowing the beast to crash its claws into the wall where she had previously been laying. She jumped to her feet and sprinted for the throbbing black book, taking advantage of the brief opportunity.

"Get away from my book!" Layil roared, spinning around to face Kazi. The changeling flung the book at her, but Kazi managed to duck just in time, the black tome slamming into the wall beside her. She lunged forward, seizing the book in her hands.

With a triumphant shout, Kazi raised the glowing black book high above her head. The air crackled with energy as the book's power surged through her, filling her with a sensation of untapped potential. The changeling, enraged by the loss of its prize, charged at her once more.

But Kazi dodged the attack with ease, her reflexes heightened by the power of the book. The changeling slammed into the wall, and she took the opportunity to aim a powerful kick at its chest. The changeling stumbled back, wincing in pain. "You fool," it growled. "That book is mine!"

Kazi ran to her fallen sword and with a surge of adrenaline, she stabbed the book. However, the book was connected to Layil so as soon as the Kazi stabbed the book, the action was mirrored and Kazi's sword pierced Layil's chest. A shriek, unlike anything Kazi had ever heard, ripped from Layil's throat. The dark magic around the changeling shattered, leaving her body convulsing on the ground. Kazi stared at the body, her heart racing. Layil melted, her changeling skin melting until there was nothing left but a puddle on the floor. The air was thick with the smell of burning flesh.

Kazi, her vision blurry from the sudden darkness, felt a searing pain erupt in her side. The changeling, momentarily stunned by the book's destruction, lashed out with a vicious swipe of its claws. It tore through her armour, leaving a deep cut across her ribs. Gasping for breath, Kazi stumbled back, her vision spinning. She clutched at the wound, feeling warm blood trickle down her fingers.

Although she was in pain, she still needed to find the royal family. She pushed herself ahead with superhuman effort, navigating a maze of passages. Each step felt like an eternity her breath ragged, her body screaming in protest. But she couldn't give up now. Finally, she reached a heavy wooden door. It was locked, but fuelled by a desperate hope, she rammed her shoulder against it with whatever strength she had left. The lock splintered with a satisfying crack, and the door creaked open.

There inside was a cage, almost like a dungeon and inside was the royal family. King Eldarion, Queen Evangeline, Prince Aradiel, and Princess Athiel – huddled together on a dusty floor. They looked up at her, their faces a mixture of fear and relief. Kazi using her last bit of strength used her sword to break open the cage door. But before they could speak, Kazi's legs gave way. She collapsed onto the cold stone floor, darkness claiming her at the edges of her vision.

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now