꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓛𝓧𝓥𝓘𝓘: 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 ༻꧂

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The doors of her father's study sprang open, revealing a panicked Kazi. Her eyes were wild with an emotion that was part anger and part despair. "Father," she said, her voice shaking, "I must speak with you, urgently."

Her father, startled by his daughter's sudden entrance, looked up from his desk. His eyes narrowed as he took in Kazi's agitated state. "What is the matter, child? You look as if you have seen a ghost."

"I have figured out the traitor!" Kazi blurted out. "I know who It is, Father. I... " Her voice trailed off as she struggled to find the words to express what she had discovered. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before continuing. "Uriel is the one behind it all. She has been working with the witches, trying to kill me. I think... I think she is a changeling."

"Who?" Governor Nari asked, his expression confused.

"Uriel is the personal handmaiden of Princess Athiel, last and only princess of Althea," Kazi explained, her voice filled with bitterness. "She was especially kind to me whilst I was in Althea, treating me like a sister. I... I thought she was my friend. But it was all a lie."

Governor Nari's brow furrowed. "Uriel? But... how can, you be sure?"

"The letters," Kazi explained, her voice shaking with emotion. "The letter she gave me and the warning note... they are written in the same hand. Uriel... she has been playing us all along."

Governor Nari stood from his chair, a gloomy expression on his face. "Are you absolutely sure, Kazi. This is a serious accusation. You must be certain before we accuse someone of such treachery.

"Absolutely," Kazi said, her mouth clenched. "I need to write to King Eldarion immediately, warn him about Uriel."

The doors slammed open again before she could storm out. A breathless messenger rushed into the room; his face etched with worry. "Governor Nari, I bring urgent news from Althea!"

Kazi's heart thumped in her chest. "What is it?" she demanded, her voice tense with anticipation.

"The royal family of Althea... they have been kidnapped!" the messenger blurted out, his eyes wide with fear.

The room burst into startled quiet. Kazi and her father looked at the messenger, mouths open. Finally, Governor Nari spoke first.

"Kidnapped?" he asked, his voice full of scepticism. "How? "But they are powerful warriors!"

"The information we received is still unclear," the messenger said. "According to what Prince Aradiel and Lady Layil said that they were all travelling from an event when they were ambushed. King Eldarion, Queen Evangeline, Concubine Coriel, Prince Akiel, and Princess Athiel..."

"And Prince Azrael? Is he also..." Kazi's voice trailed off as she struggled to find the words.

"Prince Azrael, thankfully, managed to escape," the messenger continued. "But his whereabouts are unknown."

Panic surged through Kazi. One moment she was about to expose a traitor, and now the entire Althean royal family was missing. "I must go to Althea!" she declared, her voice shaking with determination. "I cannot allow this to happen without trying to stop it."

Her father shook his head, his face etched with worry. "Kazi, wait! It is too dangerous. I will send the army; we will find them."

"I am the General of the Niamedan Army," Kazi reminded her father, her voice shaking with determination. "It is my duty to protect the Althean royal family. I cannot send my men to face this danger without me."

"No Kazi, you cannot go," her father said, taking her hands in his. "I forbid it. You are the last hope of Niameda. I need you here. You are the only one who can protect our people now."

"But Father," Kazi pleaded, "I have been to Althea. I know the kingdom well. I can help find them faster. Please, let me go."

The Governor looked from his frantic daughter to the messenger, whose face remained etched with fear. After a long moment of hesitation, he finally sighed in defeat.

"Very well, Kazi," he said, his voice heavy with resignation. "You may go to Althea. But...but be careful. This is no ordinary situation."

Kazi hugged her father tightly, her heart pounding with determination. "I will find them, Father," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I promise."

She raced out of the study and directly to her chambers. She wore her armour over her finest clothes, strapping on her sword. She dashed to the stables, her pulse pounding in her breast, and sprang atop her trusty horse.

As Kazi rode into the army grounds, a single thought ran through her mind: she would find them. She would find Azrael, the King, and the Queen, and she would make anyone who attempted to kidnap them pay terribly.

A cloud of dust rose from the ground as Kazi charged into the army training grounds, her horse causing a frenzy of activity in its wake. Soldiers snapped to attention, their training instincts shouting for order in the midst of the abrupt chaos.

Kazi tugged on the reins, and her horse came to a standstill with a strong snort. With a determined look in her eyes, she dismounted and walked towards the assembling troops. Silence fell over the audience as she examined their expressions, each pair of eyes displaying a mix of wonder and worry.

Kazi shouted, "Soldiers of Niameda! I come to you today with terrible news."

A collective gasp echoed throughout the ranks. Their General rarely delivered cheerful news, but the gravity in her voice sent shivers down their spines.

Kazi persisted, her voice firm despite the agony inside. "The royal family of Althea... they have been kidnapped!"

The soldiers let out a shocked murmur. Althea, one of their closest allies? The powerful King Eldarion and his family, vanished? It seemed impossible.

Kazi held up a hand to silence the murmuring. "We have reason to believe that the traitor responsible for the missing trade ships is also responsible for this abduction," she said, her voice filled with rage.

A deep grumble of collective fury echoed throughout the ranks. "They will pay!" a soldier exclaimed; his voice hoarse with rage.

Kazi nodded and curled her lips into a hard smile. "They will, indeed," she pledged. "We will be the ones who make them pay. But first, we have to discover them.

She examined the sea of faces before her, looking for the warriors she would need for this deadly task. "I need the best men and women Niameda has to offer," she said. "Those with courage, with skill, and with an unwavering loyalty to our kingdom and our allies!"

The assembled soldiers shouted a wave of cheers. Swords were raised into the air, creating a sparkling group of steel that reflected the determination in their eyes. The Niamedan battle cry rang across the air, a strong expression of unyielding resolve.

Kazi lifted her hand to silence the cheers. "Normally, we would take a ship to Althea," she continued. "But recent attacks on our ships have made the seas too dangerous."

A sigh of understanding echoed throughout the ranks. Taking to the sea was definitely faster, but it was not worth the risk if the orchestrator of the trade ship attacks lurked in the shadows.

"So," Kazi said, her voice firm, "we will ride." It will be a lengthy ride on horseback, but we will get there. We shall find the Althean royal family and return them home. We ride out tomorrow at noon tomorrow!"

Another surge of cheers erupted, much louder than before. The prospect of a long and gruelling journey did not depress their spirits. They had their General, a leader who inspired fierce loyalty, and a cause worth fighting for. They would ride to Althea, and they would not return empty-handed.

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now