꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓛𝓘𝓥: 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓭 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓼 ༻꧂

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Frustration bubbled through Kazi as she followed Azrael through the palace garden. What could possibly be so urgent that he would interrupt their meeting like this? And why did he seem so angry? It was unlike him.

"Your Highness," Kazi began, slowing her pace to match his. "What is it that you need my help with?"

Azrael continued walking ignoring her question. "Your Highness if this is not urgent, I have a guest—"

Azrael stopped abruptly, spinning to face her. "You mean to tell me, your "guest" is more important than me?" His voice was cold, hard.

Kazi blinked, taken aback by his anger. "Of course not, Your Highness," she said carefully. "But I was in the middle of something important with my friend Ren. I am sure whatever It is can wait."

Azrael narrowed his eyes, his gaze dropping to the bandage peeking out from beneath her shirt. "That injury," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Is it healed?"

"It is...healing," Kazi said carefully, trying to understand Azrael's mood. "There is a scar, though."

The air crackled with unspoken tension as their eyes locked. Azrael's gaze made Kazi's heart race. His jaw clenched, as if he was struggling to contain a torrent of emotions. Then, just as quickly, the spark in his eyes died, replaced by a cold detachment. He took a deep breath, visibly steeling himself, before speaking.

He turned away abruptly, his voice cold and distant. "See to it that it heals properly, K," he said.

Without another word, he walked away leaving Kazi standing alone in the garden.

Kazi stared after him, her heart pounding with confusion. What had just happened? Why was he acting so strange? And why, was her heart still racing? A wave of heat flushed over her cheeks, confusing her further. She had not felt this way...around anyone...ever.

"There is definitely something wrong with me," she muttered to herself, her voice barely a whisper. "Maybe I took a harder hit from that changeling than I thought." Shaking off the unsettling thoughts, she decided to seek out Nia and the royal physician. She needed to ensure this sudden flutter in her chest was not a symptom of some lingering injury.

  She needed to ensure this sudden flutter in her chest was not a symptom of some lingering injury

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꧁༺ 𝓗𝓘𝓢 𝓟𝓞𝓥 ༻꧂

Azrael slammed the heavy oak door of his chambers shut, the sound echoing through the otherwise silent palace. His heart raced as he struggled to calm his racing thoughts. He ripped off his white linen shirt, tossing it onto a nearby chair. Heat radiated from his body, a combination of anger and a confusing surge of something else – something he couldn't quite define.

How could this be happening? He, Azrael, the second prince of Althea, one of the most powerful kingdoms – was falling for a man....

Althea was accepting but he couldn't like a man. He couldn't love a man. He was an ethereal being and yet...his heart raced every time he saw 'him'. His stomach fluttered and his cheeks burned. It did not make sense. He had always been so confident, so sure of himself. But this...this was different.

Meanwhile, Kazi, made her way through the castle corridors

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Meanwhile, Kazi, made her way through the castle corridors. Relief washed over her as she spotted Nia strolling towards her.

"Kazi!" Nia whispered her voice filled with concern. "What is wrong? You look flushed."

Kazi forced a smile. "I am fine, Nia," she lied, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down her forehead.

Nia's gaze narrowed. "Fine?" she scoffed. "You look like you have a fever! Come on, let us get you somewhere quiet."

Nia led Kazi into a secluded sitting room, away from the prying eyes of the court. She ushered Kazi onto a sofa and settled herself down opposite her.

"Alright, Kazi," Nia said, her voice firm. "Now, tell me what is really going on."

Kazi sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I think I am ill," she admitted reluctantly. "But it is not like any sickness I have ever had before." She hesitated, then plunged on, "I feel...different."

"Ill?" Nia repeated her brow furrowing in confusion. "What is wrong?"

"My heart," Kazi mumbled, her cheeks burning. "It is beating...more than usual."

"Your heart?" Nia questioned, a flicker of amusement crossing her eyes. "When does it race specifically? During training? Sleep?"

Kazi shook her head, her voice barely audible. "When I am with people."

"People?" Nia prompted, leaning forward in interest. "People like who?"

Kazi hesitated, a wave of heat washing over her face. "A-Azrael..." she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Nia's eyes widened in surprise. A gasp escaped her lips. "Kazi," she said, her voice filled with disbelief, "you mean to tell me your heart races when you are with Azrael?"

Kazi nodded, feeling a fresh wave of heat wash over her face. "I-I think so," she stammered.

Nia chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, Kazi," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "I cannot believe this. I mean, you have always been so confident, so sure of yourself. But I suppose even the strongest of us can be affected by Cupid's arrow."

"Nia, this is not the time for jokes," she insisted, her voice shaking slightly. "I need to see the royal physician immediately. This is obviously some sort of illness."

Nia's lips twitched, but she managed to keep a straight face. "Illness..." she said, her voice teasing. "Or could it be something else entirely? Perhaps a feeling you are unfamiliar with...a feeling called love?"

Kazi scoffed, a genuine laugh escaping this time. "Love? For Azrael?" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in mock horror. "That is simply ridiculous! I do not, absolutely do not, like Azrael in that way. He is insufferable! I need to see the physician," she insisted, pushing herself up from the sofa.

Nia stood up and walked up to Kazi and held her by the shoulder. "You harbour feelings for him, I can see it in your eyes. You might be trying to deny it, but it is there. And as for being unfamiliar with such feelings, well, I think it is time you embraced them."

Kazi forcefully removed Nia's hand from her shoulder, her eyes narrowing. "This is ridiculous," she spat, shaking her head. "I do not like Azrael in that way. I will not let myself like him in that way. There must be another explanation for these...feelings."

Nia watched her sister with a knowing smile. "Suit yourself, Kazi," she said playfully. "But before you rush off, remember this: love often disguises itself as other things – illness, annoyance, even anger. Perhaps all you need is a closer look at your own heart."

Kazi glared at her sister, cheeks flushed and heart pounding. "There is nothing to look at!" she exclaimed, frustrated. "I just...I just need some time." With a final sigh, Kazi left the sitting room leaving Nia smirking. 

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now