꧁༺ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓧𝓧𝓥𝓘𝓘: 𝓐 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓵𝓵 ༻꧂

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Kazi slipped out of the king's study, her heart racing in her chest. The weight of her discovery lay heavy on her, both terrifying and exhilarating. She needed to return to the ball and blend into the background before anyone noticed her absence.

As she entered the ballroom, the music and lights enveloped her. The light-heartedness of the scene felt surreal after her serious exploration in the king's study. Before she could find a quiet corner to gather her thoughts, a familiar warmth clasped her arm.

"K, there you are!" Princess Athiel exclaimed with childlike delight. "I was afraid I had lost you." She held onto Kazi's arm possessively, her eyes scanning the room with a hint of suspicion.

Kazi suppressed a groan. Princess Athiel's clingy behaviour was becoming tiresome. "Your Highness," she said in a strained voice, "is everything alright?"

The princess inclined her head, her eyes wide and innocent. "Certainly, K! Why would not it be? I just want to spend the entire evening with my closest friend."

Internally, Kazi rolled her eyes. 'Closest friend' indeed. More like her overprotective shadow.

Suddenly, a new group of women entered the ballroom, their laughter resonating through the room. Tall and muscular, dressed in shimmering gowns that emphasized their powerful builds, they were unmistakable – princesses from the Werewolf Territory of Lupimor.

Princess Athiel, never one to miss an opportunity to assert dominance, scoffed loudly. "Look who decided to grace us with their presence," she muttered under her breath.

Kazi, however, found herself mildly intrigued. The Lupimor princesses exuded an aura of confidence and strength that was a refreshing change from the simpering courtiers that usually surrounded the royal family. Ignoring Princess Athiel, she stepped forward with a polite smile.

"Hello, Princesses," Kazi greeted the Lupimor group. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

The lead princess, a woman with vibrant red hair and intense green eyes, smiled, showing her sharp canines. "Actually, K," she said in a playful tone, "we were wondering if you could do us a small favour."

Princess Athiel became defensive, feeling jealous. "K is not at your beck and call to run errands for you!" she retorted.

Kazi silenced the princess with a look before turning back to the Lupimor group. "Please, Princess, go on," she encouraged.

The redheaded princess winked. "As you know, Prince Azrael is quite the catch. Unfortunately, none of us have had the chance for a proper introduction. We were hoping for you, being such a close friend of his," she added, casting a meaningful glance at Princess Athiel, "could speak highly of us."

Kazi experienced a strange pang in her chest. She should have felt relieved at the idea of Azrael being pursued by strong, capable women. Instead, she felt a flicker of jealousy. No, that couldn't be right. She was Kazi, a loyal soldier with a mission. She shouldn't have any feelings for the arrogant prince.

Before she could respond, Princess Athiel barged in. "Leave it to me, princesses," she declared with faux sweetness. "I will speak with Azrael right away. I am sure he would be delighted to meet such distinguished ladies."

Kazi clenched her jaw. Princess Athiel's transparent attempt to sabotage any potential connection between the Lupimor princesses and Azrael was infuriating. Just as she was about to intervene, Athiel turned to her, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"You are such a wonderful friend, K," she purred. "I am so lucky to have you by my side. Perhaps even more than just a friend?"

In the training courtyard, the sunlight illuminated everything, casting Kazi's elongated shadow on the cobblestones

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In the training courtyard, the sunlight illuminated everything, casting Kazi's elongated shadow on the cobblestones. The rhythmic sound of her sword striking the practice dummy reverberated through the otherwise quiet area. Despite the sweat on her brow and the burning of her muscles, Kazi persisted, determined to sharpen her skills to perfection. The weight of the mission was heavy on her mind, and she refused to be caught unprepared.

Unexpectedly, a shadow fell across the dummy, momentarily breaking her concentration. Kazi spun around, anticipating an assailant, only to find Azrael standing there, wearing a curious expression. Her heart, previously pounding with the exertion of the exercise, now raced for an entirely different reason.

"Take it easy, K," Azrael chuckled, his voice filled with warmth and friendliness. "Are you practicing for a duel with a particularly stubborn pigeon?"

Kazi sheathed her sword, feeling a blush rise up her neck. "Just some routine exercises, Your Highness," she mumbled, sounding uncharacteristically breathless.

Azrael's smile grew wider. "Ah, yes, your 'indigestion' from last night. Quite the convincing act, I must say."

Kazi's cheeks burned even brighter. She had completely forgotten about her made-up illness. "I...uh...it seems to have miraculously cleared up," she stammered.

Azrael raised an eyebrow. "Convenient, do not you think? Look, K," he continued, his voice softening, "why do not you take a break? All this swordplay is making even me tired just watching."

Kazi hesitated, torn between her duty to train and the unexpected desire to spend some time with Azrael. Seeing her indecision, Azrael gestured towards a nearby bench.

"Come," he said, his voice gentle, "let us sit for a while. Tell me about this...'indigestion' of yours. Perhaps I can offer some royal physician-approved remedies."

A small smile tugged at the corner of Kazi's lips. Azrael's playful teasing and genuine concern were a disarming combination. With a nod, she sheathed her sword and walked towards the bench, her boots crunching on the gravel path. As she sat down beside Azrael, a comfortable silence fell between them, a stark contrast to the frantic turmoil brewing within her.

The courtyard was bathed in the warm sun, enveloping Kazi and Azrael in a golden glow as they sat on the bench. A comfortable silence settled between them, occasionally interrupted by the chirping of birds nesting in the nearby trees. Still reeling from the discovery in the king's study, Kazi found herself engaged in conversation with Azrael.

"You seem to have quite a following, Your Highness," Kazi finally remarked, a playful glint in her eyes. She couldn't resist teasing him a little, recalling the bold request from the Lupimor princesses the day before.

Azrael chuckled, throwing his head back in a carefree laugh that stirred a strange flutter in Kazi's chest. "Oh, I am well aware," he admitted, a hint of amusement dancing in his blue eyes. "Seems like being a prince has its perks."

Kazi raised an eyebrow. "Indeed," she countered. "Though, a few of those admirers seemed particularly...enthusiastic. They even asked me to put in a good word."

Azrael smiled, and for an instant Kazi could see the troublemaking boy hidden behind the princely airs. "And you actually confronted me about it?"

Kazi shrugged, pretending indifference. "Why not? You are royalty after all."

Azrael tipped back on the bench; one side of his mouth quirked up higher than the other. "Well," he said teasingly, "for one thing I am supposed to be marrying your aunt General Kazi."

"Ah yes," she said dryly, "but you have never met my aunt. And...well, I mean you are not really obligated to marry someone you have never met?"

He looked at her for a moment with an unreadable face. "That doesn't...change anything," he finally said. "Look, K—I may not be jumping for joy over this arranged marriage thing, but I am not a monster." He paused. "Until I have met General Kazi my respect—and ...loyalty—goes out to her."

The word hung heavily in the air, full of meaning. Kazi stared at him, a swirl of emotions within her. Kindness, loyalty, respect – these were not the qualities she had expected to find in the arrogant prince. Maybe...maybe she had misjudged him.

A flicker of a smile touched Kazi's lips. "Loyalty," she repeated, testing the word. It felt strange, considering her true identity, but also strangely comforting.

Azrael gave her a warm smile, with a genuine glow in his eyes. "Yes," he said sincerely. "Loyalty. To duty, to family, and... perhaps even to a stubborn guard who pretends to be ill to avoid a conversation."

A flush of warmth crept up Kazi's face­. "I... um..." she stammered, struggling to find the­ words. How could she articulate her conflicting e­motions, her convoluted loyalties? Azrael was everything she should distrust, ye­t his words and deeds were­ gradually chipping away at the barriers she had built around herse­lf.

Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now