090; boyfriend

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Later that day,
Rafe had dropped Myra off at the island club right before five in the evening. She had a shift pending, a shift which she dreaded. She had dreaded it all day long and now here's was was, standing before the large kook building. Myra still felt completely drained after yesterday. She wished that she could've just stayed in Rafe's comfortable bed forever, to let everything else go. To lay there with him for an eternity. But no, instead she dragged her tired feet along the pavement and in through the tall glass front doors before she hurried up and got changed into her uniform in the back. She wasn't sure what Rafe's plans for the rest of the day were. He had left her with a shrug while saying that he might call Topper up for a round of golf, but Myra wasn't sure if it was actually happening. The clock was already a little late for such an activity and Rafe struck her as being just as tired himself as she was, if not even more.

Myra spent about two hours at the front desk before she was moved into the restaurant by the manager. It wasn't a very busy night, thank god, so she had her moments to just stop and catch her breath. By nine o'clock the large dimly lit room was almost empty, besides a few golfers and hotel guests that were sat out on the terrace enjoying their drinks. That allowed Myra to take a break. She sat down by the bar, placing her black tray and notepad next to her before she slumped down. She buried her head in her arms. "Rough night?" the bartender asked as he glanced at her, seeing the way she was laying on his bar. He wasn't busy at work either, a wet whiskey glass in his hands that he was wiping off with a towel. "Tonight? No" Myra answered as she looked up, her tired eyes scanning over him. "Last night then I assume?" he hummed playfully, putting the glass down before he threw the damp towel over his right shoulder. "Yeah, I didn't sleep well" Myra hummed, leaving the unpleasant details out. She figured that he didn't need to hear about everything that had gone down.

"Do you want anything?" the bartender asked as he glanced back towards the many bottles of liquor that stood lined up neatly on the glass shelves behind him. Most of them were expensive, a few a little more affordable. "No, I'm good" Myra quickly spoke, shaking her head, "but thank you anyways". She felt done with alcohol, at least for a little while. "Some water then?" the bartender asked, raising his eyebrows slightly. "Yeah sure" Myra agreed, a small smile upon her lips. "You gotta' stay hydrated right?" the bartender commented as he grabbed a clean glass. "Yeah right" Myra agreed with a simple nod of her head. She kept her eyes on the bartender, watching him as he poured the water into the glass, just in case. She doubted that he would slip her anything, but she couldn't be sure. She had to be vigilant. She wasn't going to be making the same mistake as the other night, No never again. Myra didn't ever want to feel like that again. Like she wasn't in control of her body or mind. Like she was loosing grip of reality, like she was slowly dying.

The bartender placed the glass with clear liquid on the bar desk, sliding it over towards Myra. "There you go, premium figure eight water, the finest of its kind" he joked. Myra let a faint giggle slip past her lips. "Thank you" she hummed, grabbing the glass. She let her gaze wander over it for a moment, tapping her fingers along it. She then lifted it to her lips, taking a big gulp. "How long are on for tonight?" the bartender asked, leaning his back against the counter behind the bar. Myra looked up at him, seeing him cross his arms over his chest. "Midnight" Myra answered as she glanced up towards a clock that was hung on the wall above them, "but I'm hoping I'll get to go home sooner than that". She took another sip of her water as the bartender laughed. "With this slow pace today? I'm sure you won't have to stay until midnight" he assured her. Myra nodded her head slowly, hoping that he was right. "What about you?" she asked back politely. "I'm closing tonight" the bartender answered with a simple shrug of his shoulders. "Ouch" Myra mumbled as she looked up again, scrunching her nose slightly, "that sucks"

A few more minutes passed as Myra sat quiet at the bar, sipping on her water. The bartender got back to work, wiping off glasses and mixing a few drinks for the people out on the terrace. The other waitresses walked by every now and then. None of them were that busy since there wasn't much to do. Myra looked around the room, letting her gaze wander freely as she felt a strong longing for when she could just go home. She longed for her bed. Given, it wasn't nearly as comfortable as Rafe's one but Myra still couldn't wait for when she got to pull the covers over her body and close her eyes. She could feel the tiredness ache throughout her whole body. It was like a itch that she couldn't scratch. The two cups of coffee she had downed before coming into the restaurant didn't help much either.

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