087; the police station pt.2

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"I can't believe this" Sarah muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking miserable in her seat, "I mean Rafe had it coming with all the dumb shit that he gets into all the time and I kinda think he actually needs this to learn a lesson... but now out of all times? The one time he was actually doing something decent"

Myra sighed, feeling a uncomfortable heaviness settle within her chest as she heard Sarah talk about her brother like that. They had a completely different type of sibling relationship than her and JJ. "I'm not sure if I should call my dad either, I mean should I?" Sarah went on, a little worked up. "I don't know Sarah" Myra mumbled as she shrugged her shoulders, feeling tired and unsure, "the officer said that he's already on his way right? So I wouldn't bother". Sarah nodded her head vigorously as her mumbled words rang out into the humid air, "yeah, yeah right". Myra bit down on her bottom lip, gazing around. She wished that she could just get to see Rafe, it would make everything feel so much better. She wondered how he was feeling and what he was doing. She wondered what kind of thoughts that crossed his mind and if she perhaps occupied one or two of them.

"I'm gonna go and check how much longer this is going to take" Myra hummed to Sarah as she stood up. The blonde haired kook girl nodded her head as Myra walked off, dragging her feet across the stone floor until she ended up before the front desk again. The lady working there didn't seem to notice her. She was tapping on the keyboards to her computer, seeming busy and uninterested in her surroundings.

"Excuse me?"

The middle aged lady behind the computer screen looked up as Myra's words rang out. She let her eyes scan over the young pouge girl that was standing before her for a few seconds. "Yes? How may I help you?" she then asked, tipping her head down a little to look through her thick glasses. "Me and my friend over there, we're waiting on Rafe Cameron" Myra spoke, nodding her head over towards where Sarah was sat, "and I was just wondering how much longer it'll be before he gets out of here?". The woman kept her gaze on Myra for a split second, like she was trying to read her mind or something. She then turned her attention back to her computer screen, tapping her fingers over the keyboard once more. "We're waiting on his legal guardian to come in, so I can't really tell you the time" she answered. Myra sighed, placing the palms of her hands on the front desk. "You can't let him go without his legal guardian?" she asked. "No darling, he has a bond that needs to be paid" the woman answered, her eyes once again scanning over Myra, "you should consider yourself lucky that your boyfriend won't have to spend another night in police custody"

Myra stood up straight, a little surprised by the woman's words. "He's not my boyfriend" Myra croaked out. He wasn't, Myra wasn't actually sure what he was to her. "Mhm" the lady behind the front desk hummed in a unconvinced kind of way, raising her eyebrows slightly, "well I'm sorry for assuming then darling, I just figured you were the one he was talking about since little miss pretty over there referred to him as her brother". Myra furrowed her eyebrows, unsure what to think. "The one he was talking about? What's that supposed to mean?" Myra asked. Her question earned a obnoxious laugh from the middle aged woman. "Oh sweetheart he's been taking about his girl all night long" she spoke, pushing her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose, "thank god he finally fell asleep after a few hours, I almost didn't think he would"

Myra parted her lips as to speak but she didn't manage to get any words out before the front doors to the police station swung open, hitting the nearby wall with a slight thud. She turned around, seeing Ward Cameron walking into the building with heavy steps. He was neatly dressed and his hair was effortlessly combed back on top of his head. Myra could sense his fed up demeanour from where she was stood. She quickly moved out of the way as she saw him walking over. "Sarah" Ward called out as he caught a sight of his oldest daughter sitting by the benches waiting. He stopped for a second, seemingly surprised to see her there. "What are you doing here?" he asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked at her, his pride and joy. Sarah could sense her father's stress and anger towards Rafe and this whole situation that he had created, it was clear as day to see in his eyes. "Waiting for Rafe, but they wouldn't let me see him" Sarah answered as she stood up, taking a step closer towards her dad. "Okay, okay" Ward mumbled, nodding his head swiftly, "well sit tight darling, I'll be back in a bit" Ward instructed his daughter before he walked off, steering his sight towards the front desk.

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