089; climbing through the window

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Myra climbed through Rafe's tall window, swinging her legs over the edge of the window sill. He reached his hands out, wrapping them around her waist to help her down safely. Her old worn out shoes hit the wooden floorboards with a faint thud. The two of them then came face to face, mere inches apart. Electricity bolted through their bodies, pulling them even closer together. "Hey" Myra hummed lowly, blinking her blue eyes up at him as she let the nice moment drag on a little longer. "Hey" Rafe hummed back, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. He lifted his hands, cupping Myra's cheeks. She looked at Rafe as she felt him gently rub his thumbs along her cheekbones soothingly. "It's good to see you again" Rafe then spoke, his voice low and soft. "Yeah, you too" Myra hummed back in agreement, laying her hands on top of his, "how was jail?"

Rafe laughed as he let go of Myra, taking a few steps back. He gazed at her, seeing a certain kind of playfulness lingering upon her tanned face. "You're funny" Rafe laughed, raising his eyebrows in the same kind of playful way, "I wasn't in jail, jail couldn't hold me". Myra laughed too, clasping her hands together in front of her small framed body. "I know" she cooed, once more blinking her blue eyes towards him before she got a little more serious, "but honestly though, I'm sorry you were brought into custody... was your dad mad when he picked you up?"

Rafe stuck his hands into the pockets of his pants, still looking at Myra as a low sigh slipped past his lips. He thought she looked tired, like she hadn't slept well last night. Her blonde hair was in a messy braid, strands of it falling out. He thought back to all the things his dad had yelled at him, to the way he had looked at him. His eyes had been so filled with disappointment, yet again. The feeling of being completely worthless and a waste of space on this earth was only growing stronger and stronger with each passing day for Rafe, and this thing happening didn't exactly help. Yet Rafe didn't want to seem bothered by it, he wanted to just brush it off like it didn't matter to him. "Nah, it wasn't too bad" he lied in referral to his dad, sitting down on his bed, "but he knows about you now, about us"

"Oh" Myra mumbled, pushing her lips together. Rafe patted his right hand on a empty spot on the mattress next to him, indicating for Myra to come over. He wanted her closer. Myra did so, slowly dragging her feet across his big room. It was the first time she was ever seeing it and it was almost as big as her entire house. The furniture looked expensive and his bed, which was double size of hers, looked comfy. Thick curtains hung by the windows, curtains that looked like they cost hundreds of dollars a piece. A door to the right was left ajar, a door that led to his very own on suite bathroom. His room was was huge and so nice. Not that she had expected any less as Sarah had pointed her to his window.

"What does he know exactly?" Myra asked as she sat down on the bed, glancing up at Rafe. "Not much, just your name" Rafe answered, leaving most of the details out, "and that you're a pouge". Myra smiled halfheartedly. "Like that's a secret" she joked, poking Rafe's side. "You're loud and proud, I know" he joked back, looking down at her with a small smirk upon his lips. She had this special way of making him laugh, even if he felt like shit. "Oh but also..." Rafe then trailed, the smirk slowly fading away. "Yeah?" Myra asked, sitting up a little straighter. "He uhm, he thinks..." Rafe kept on trailing, his gaze traveling around the room for a moment until it landed on Myra again, "my dad thinks we're together"

"Oh" Myra mumbled yet again, feeling her heart drop. There was something different in the way Rafe looked at her now, something uncertain that she hadn't seen before. "But we aren't" Myra then added, making Rafe push his lips together. For a moment Myra almost thought he looked disappointed by her words, but he quickly shook it off as he nodded his head once, glancing down. "Yeah right and that's what I told him" Rafe agreed a moment later, his voice a little lower by now. Myra sat quiet, a yawn escaping her lips. Rafe looked up, his blue eyes scanning over her face. "You tired?" he asked. "A little" Myra confessed with a nod of her head. "Did you get home okay last night?" Rafe then asked, a new type of seriousness lingering within his voice. "Yeah, Sarah helped me" Myra told him. "Mhm, Sarah" Rafe mumbled kind of displeased, gazing off. Myra moved a little closer, laying her hands on top of Rafe's arm, "cut her some slack, I'm not sure what I would've done if she hadn't stayed with me"

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