086; the police station

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Morning glory. The sun shone through the blinds of the small guest room in the chateau. It was quite early as Myra awoke, or so she thought at least as she turned around and saw her older brother laying sprawled out and sound asleep next to her. She couldn't remember a thing from yesterday more than the sirens of cop cars ringing inside of her head, although she wasn't sure if that was a dream or not. Myra stirred around a little, feeling her whole body hurt. It was like a giant bruise everywhere. Her throat felt dry and her head pounded. She heard quiet talking outside of the closed door, it sounded like John B and Sarah but it was too far away for her to be able to pick up what they were saying.


JJ's raspy morning voice rang out into the hot air as he awoke, flipping around in the bed. Myra turned her head towards him, rubbing her eyes. "Morning" she hummed back. Neither of them spoke the word good. It wasn't a good morning so purposefully leaving it out felt right. "How are you feeling?" JJ asked, worry laced within his tired voice. "I'm alright" Myra breathed, over exaggerating a little as to not worry JJ. "Mhm" he hummed as he nodded his head. "What time is it?" Myra then asked. "Uhm..." JJ trailed as he turned around, gazing at the old battery clock that stood on the nightstand, "10:14"

So not so early then Myra thought with a sigh. "I'm gonna grab a bottle of water" she spoke as she dragged her legs out from underneath the covers, placing her feet on the old floorboards. JJ nodded his head, staying in the bed as Myra drew closer to the door, opening it. She walked out into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle before she unscrewed the lid and gulped down some of the clear liquid. The water was lukewarm, yet she didn't care cause it felt so soothing to her dry mouth and sore throat. As she lowered the plastic bottle from her lips she saw John B and Sarah standing in the living room. It looked like Sarah was about to leave and John B was trying to keep her from doing so.

"Hey, where are you going?" Myra asked, walking out of the kitchen with the half empty water bottle in her right hand. Blurry memories of yesterday were slowly coming back to her. Both John B and Sarah looked up upon hearing Myra's voice. Neither of them had noticed that she had woken up. They thought she'd be out for at least a few more hours. "Hey" Sarah uttered, sounding a little surprised. "Where are you going?" Myra asked again. "Uhm" Sarah mumbled as she scratched the back of her head, lowering her voice as to not be heard by JJ, "to see my brother". John B's gaze flickered in between the two girls as he kept his silence. "Where is he?" Myra asked, having a vague memory of asking Sarah the exact same thing last night. However she could not remember what Sarah had answered. "He's uhm..." Sarah trailed as she glanced around carefully, "he's still at the police station"

"I'll come with you"

"I don't think that is a very good idea" John B stepped in to stop Myra, but her words were more of a demand than a suggestion. Myra looked up at the tall boy for a split second, a serious expression upon her tired face. She then turned her gaze back to Sarah. "I don't care, I'll come with you" she spoke again. "Okay" Sarah nodded. "But..." John B tried to intervene. "It's fine John B" Sarah urged, turning to face her boyfriend, "go and grab JJ and bring him out to fish and I'll take Myra with me"

John B sighed, dragging a hand through his chocolate brown curls. He was frustrated, Myra could feel it ooze off of him. Yet he agreed. "Fine" he muttered, walking off. "Don't tell JJ a thing, play it cool" Sarah instructed him. "Yeah yeah, fine" John B muttered again before he disappeared. The two girls watched him. Sarah then turned to Myra. "Go change and then we'll be on our way" she urged. Myra nodded, downing the last of her water bottle.

A few minutes later Myra had changed into a pair of fresh denim shorts and a t-shirt. John B and JJ were on their way out to go and fish somewhere out on the marsh. John B had told JJ that Sarah were taking Myra out for smoothies and some other girly things, which JJ thought sounded like a good idea. If he only knew, Myra thought to herself as she put her shoes on before following Sarah out to the Twinkie. "God I hate driving this thing" Sarah sighed as she turned the keys in the ignition. "The brakes barely work, I know" Myra laughed. "Yeah and the gas pedal is slowly giving up too, it feels like I have to push down with all of my body weight to even more it" Sarah laughed back. "I'll drive it for you if you want" Myra suggested, earning a weird look from Sarah. "You're not old enough to drive" she argued, pressing her foot down on the gas pedal. She car rustled as they took off.

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