Chapter 7 - 11

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Retreat – The Rear Guard and Remaining Attack Group


In the bridge of the Yamato, the Combined Fleet's flagship, Yamamoto tilted his head upon receiving the telegram handed over by Ugaki.

"Ugaki-kun, unless I'm mistaken, there's no Ninth Fleet in the Japanese Navy, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

That was indeed true. As of the year 1942 (Shōwa 17), there was no fleet assigned that number.

"There's no mistaking it for the 9th Division either, is there...?"

"No. The 9th Division is here with us."

It was formed by the light cruisers, or rather the heavy torpedo-equipped ships, Kitakami and Ōi. The latter was sunk in the recent Battle of Truk, however.

"What could this mean?"

"It might be a deception. Since this was in plain text, it might be a decoy intended for interception by the Otherworldly Empire."

In other words, to hint at the existence of a nonexistent fleet, prompting the enemy to reconsider pursuing them.

"At present, it seems the enemy prioritizes the occupation of the Truk Islands and hasn't pursued us..." Ugaki raised one eyebrow slightly. "But if they were to send a pursuit fleet, it's only a matter of time before they catch up to us, being slower."

Currently, ships with engine abnormalities or reduced speed due to damage would be a liability for ships capable of full speed. If the enemy were to pursue, they thought they would have to scuttle the damaged ships to let the undamaged ones escape.

"Could this Ninth Fleet be a temporarily organized fleet?" Yamamoto said.

Ugaki frowned slightly. "I considered that as well, but how many ships capable of sailing the open seas and fighting enemy warships are there, really?"

The flagship of the Third Fleet, the heavy cruiser Ashigara, and outdated ships like the light cruiser Kuma. The Fourth Fleet had already been wiped out and was out of the question. There was only the 5th Destroyer Squadron left, and the submarine fleet...

Our submarine fleet deployed around Truk has already gone silent...

They must have been taken out by the enemy as well.

A few cruisers and at most one torpedo squadron were all that remained. With minesweepers, patrol boats, and subchasers, they wouldn't stand a chance against the ships of the Otherworldly Empire.

"Sir! We intercepted an urgent message from a recon plane!"

A communications officer burst into the bridge.

"Urgent message... read it."

"Y-yes! Report from Chitose's seaplane, enemy fleet sighted, 450 nautical miles to our rear—"

An enemy pursuit fleet! Tension ran through the bridge. It seemed the enemy had no intention of letting the Japanese fleet slip away.

. . .

The pursuit by the Otherworldly Empire was something the retreating Combined Fleet wanted to avoid.

Yamamoto ordered the slower ships to act as the rearguard while instructing the faster ones to retreat at full speed. In other words, leaving behind the significantly slowed flagship Yamato, the remaining ships were to swiftly escape from the enemy's pursuing fleet.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now