Chapter 94 - 97

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The Otherworldly Empire's Detached Fleet


A fleet separated from the main force of the Otherworldly Empire's Pacific fleet – the Velos fleet – was advancing towards Japan's capital city.

Led by the aircraft carrier Elektron, this fleet was primarily composed of recovered and refurbished ships from the United States Navy.

While the flagship was a Lithos-class large aircraft carrier from the Otherworldly Empire, the remaining two carriers were the Lexington and Enterprise of the US Navy, and the four battleships acting as vanguards were the Nevada-class Nevada and Oklahoma and the Pennsylvania-class Pennsylvania and Arizona.

The commander, Vice Admiral Velos, was utterly depressed. Assigned as the commander of a mission with a potential for total annihilation, he was leading a fleet of obsolete battleships akin to disposable pawns toward the mainland of Japan.

His task was simple: to bombard the capital of Japan, Tokyo, with naval artillery, then move westward along the coast while bombarding significant coastal settlements and cities along the way. American ships had long-range capabilities. Leveraging their extensive reach, they were directed to directly attack the mainland of Japan and, if possible, to rendezvous with the Pacific fleet.

According to Admiral Earl, the supreme commander, "There's no formidable fleet on the mainland of Japan. Even with outdated battleships, they are able to smash them to pieces." However, it was still the enemy's mainland. Even without a fleet, one could expect counterattacks from mainland defense air groups.

"For that reason, we have three aircraft carriers. Prevent enemy aircraft and let the battleship group wreak havoc."

Velos' large carrier air group consisted mostly of fighters. Though there were attack aircraft as well, priority was given to air defense. The reason being to prevent the old battleships from being sunk by air raids. They would withstand the counterattacks of the mainland air groups with fighter planes, keeping them in the vicinity of the mainland for as long as possible to carry out naval artillery bombardment.

This would also serve to deter the Japanese fleet in the vicinity of the Philippines. They would inevitably have to turn back or divert their forces to defend the mainland from Velos' fleet.

"Listen, Velos. The fortification of the Mariana Islands requested by the army has been postponed until next year. They're quite insistent. You must fulfill that responsibility."

Velos, who was the commander of the fleet stationed in the Central Pacific and Truk area, had the Mariana Islands within his defensive scope, and he had to make up for the surprise attack incident. Orders from his superior, Earl, echoed in Velos' mind, and each time, his expression was tainted with bitterness.

A communication officer turned.

"Sir! Message from the surveillance aircraft! Multiple approaching aircraft detected from the northeast!"


At this point, they were unquestionably in Japanese territory. There were no allies. Everything that appeared was deemed as hostile.

"Northeast... not from the base air force."

Velos clicked his tongue. So much for there being no significant forces on the Japanese mainland. Judging by the direction, these planes must have come from a carrier.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now