Chapter 21 - 24

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Transfer Order


"Ensign Gijirō Suga. You are hereby assigned to the Magitek Research Department."

Having returned to Japan, Suga was informed of his transfer. He had assumed he would be assigned to one of the remaining operational aircraft carriers or perhaps be reassigned as an instructor to train a large number of pilots.

However, when the assignment was revealed, it was a transfer to the Magitek Research Department. He recalled Sub-Lieutenant Miyauchi and the female pilots of the Kuzushima Air Group whom he had met on the aircraft carrier Seydlitz—or rather, Zuiyō.

"I'm a fighter pilot," he had said, but he was told to follow orders from above.

"I hate to lose someone with your experience, but we're also short-handed. There are some shady rumors, but do your best."

Receiving strange sympathy from his superior, Suga had no choice but to pack his things and head to Tokyo. From there, he took a car to Kasumigaura and then boarded a Type 2 flying boat (Kawanishi H8K).

And there, he had an unexpected encounter.

"Hello, Gijirō-chan."


Inside the flying boat there was a woman in a naval officer's uniform. The moment he saw her face, Suga was surprised.

Hatsuko Masaki—she was from the same hometown as Suga, a childhood friend. She was two years older and had always been a kind older sister figure, but meeting her again as an adult, she had become even more beautiful. Her gentle kindness still radiated from her. Suga felt his heart race, something that hadn't happened in a long time. When was the last time he felt such a thrill for the opposite sex?

And next to Hatsuko was another familiar face.

"Uhhh... Taeko-chan?"

Looking embarrassed and hiding her eyes with her military cap was Hatsuko's younger sister, Taeko. She was two years younger and should be twenty this year. With her short hair and military uniform, she had a boyish charm. While Hatsuko exuded femininity even in uniform, Taeko had an androgynous appeal that was likely popular among girls. What stunning sisters.

"I-it's been a while, Gijirō-chan... I mean, Gijirō-san."

'What's wrong, Taeko-chan? You were so energetic and mischievous as a child. Well, I guess we're both surprised by how much we've changed.'

Suga was happy but also confused by the unexpected reunion with his childhood friends in the military.

"Indeed, it's been a long time. But... sorry, I'm getting a bit confused."

"Um, I understand, Gijirō-chan."

Hatsuko giggled. Taeko gave her a reproachful look, and Hatsuko nodded slightly in acknowledgment.

"Let's introduce ourselves again. I am Lieutenant Hatsuko Masaki, from the Magitek Research Department."

"And I am Ensign Taeko Masaki, also from the Magitek Research Department."

They both gave a formal salute, and Suga quickly straightened up and returned the salute.

"I am Ensign Gijirō Suga, assigned from the 1st Air Fleet to the Magitek Research Department. Pleased to meet you!"

His new assignment had reunited him with childhood friends. However, he almost remarked about female officers in the navy but remembered Sub-Lieutenant Miyauchi from the aircraft carrier Seydlitz and grinned. —Yes, they do exist.

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