Chapter 217 - 221

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The Progressing Otherworldly Empire Eastern Fleet


The Japanese military's communication traffic is increasing.

Reports from friendly forces deployed in the Indian area reached the Mundus Empire's Eastern Fleet, which was stationed at Addu Atoll.

The command headquarters of the same area informed that the Japanese military was assembling fleets and convoys in Singapore, and the Eastern Fleet was specifically requested to sortie and annihilate them if they set sail. The fleet commander, Vice Admiral Zonma Saulou, made up his mind.

"Well, it's about time we reached our limit."

He was beginning to feel that the staff, who now openly showed their displeasure just by seeing him, might stab him in the back.

Saulou had become the fleet commander due to the accident of his predecessor. Half of the staff were from the predecessor's entourage, so they didn't fully understand the person that Saulou was.

"So, our Eastern Fleet will sortie, intercept, and annihilate the enemy convoy believed to be carrying army troops."

As soon as he ordered the sortie, the entire fleet, eager for action, sprang into motion. The time to complete departure preparations was the fastest they had ever achieved, indicating that the soldiers were quite keen to fight.

'What an incredibly belligerent bunch.'

Ignoring Saulou's half-exasperated feelings, the Eastern Fleet departed from Addu Atoll. The Earth-manufactured salvaged ships making up the majority of the Eastern Fleet advanced in three groups.

1st Group

- Battleships Valiant, Barham, Warspite, Queen Elizabeth

- Aircraft carriers Illustrious, Eagle, Hermes

- Heavy cruisers Admiral Graf Spee, Devonshire

- Light cruisers Southampton, Glasgow, Newcastle, Sheffield

- 18 destroyers

2nd Group

- Battlecruisers Hood, Repulse

- Aircraft carrier Formidable

- Heavy cruisers Cornwall, Dorsetshire, Norfolk

- Light cruisers Penelope, Aurora, Naiad

- 16 destroyers

3rd Group

- Battleships Bismarck, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau

- Aircraft carrier Glorious

- Heavy cruiser Blücher

- Light cruisers Königsberg, Karlsruhe, Bonaventure

- 13 destroyers

The 1st Group was made of slow battleships, while the 2nd Group comprised fast battleships. The fleet included 9 battleships, 5 aircraft carriers, 6 heavy cruisers, 10 light cruisers, and 47 destroyers. In addition, nearly 80 U-boats operate as part of the Eastern Fleet.

Saulou's operational strategy is simple. They will search for the enemy landing convoy. If they find the enemy without a strong fleet, they will launch an attack; if they encounter a powerful enemy, they will retreat. When he announced this strategy, the staff's reactions were mixed. The only one who showed no visible change was Chief of Staff Peluno, while the others seemed to have something to say.

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