Chapter 53 - 58

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Treatment of the British Vessels


The outcome of the Seletar heist by the Imperial Japanese Navy became prime propaganda material for the Imperial General Headquarters.

"Invincible Imperial Armed Forces Strikes at the Heart of the Otherworldly Empire!"

"The Navy Atones for the Defeat at Truk!"

"Our Bold Fleet Rescues Captive British Fleet from Enemy Naval Base!"

The newspapers eagerly reported on the attack on Seletar and the subsequent naval battle victory in the South China Sea. The Imperial General Headquarters actively promoted these events to boost the morale of the Japanese people, which had been waning due to the defeat at Truk and the struggling campaign in French Indochina.

"Enemy Battleships: 2, Aircraft Carriers: 2, Heavy Cruisers: 2, and Others: Sunk! No Losses on Our Side!"

In the Navy General Staff's regular meeting, Chief of Staff Nagano, Vice Chief Itō, 1st Department Chief Fukudome, 2nd Department Chief Suzuki, 3rd Department Chief Maeda, 4th Department Chief Kaneko, and 5th Department Chief Toki were present.

"It seems the nation's morale is improving, Maeda-kun."

"Yes, sir."

Maeda, also serving as the head of the Naval Public Relations Department, was well-versed in propaganda matters.

"The Ninth Fleet completed a difficult mission and returned safely. Not only did they achieve their objectives, but they did so with minimal damage—a complete victory. Honestly, it's almost too good to be true."


Fukudome looked down at the report in front of him.

"Bringing back the targeted British battleships was surprising enough, but they also engaged and annihilated an Otherworldly Empire fleet along the way. Could anyone have predicted this?"

"No," Suzuki frowned. "We did suffer some aircraft losses, but they are negligible. The ships are virtually unscathed. Is magical equipment this overwhelmingly powerful?"

"The results speak for themselves," said Toki, who was in charge of the magical technology research institute, with a twisted smile. "And this report was written by personnel from the 1st Section. It's not as if my own team is exaggerating."

Fukudome's expression grew even more serious.

Reports had also come from the Ninth Fleet, but particular attention was given to one from Captain Shigenori Kami of the Navy General Staff 1st Section, who had accompanied the operation. They valued reports on the performance of magical equipment from individuals not directly involved in the magical technology research, as most of those present shared Captain Kami's perspective.

"To put it simply, it's high praise," Fukudome said with a complicated look. "According to Captain Kami, the Navy should fully adopt the equipment from the Magitek Research Department. It seems he's become completely captivated by it and has been immersing himself in studying the materials and planning operations using magical equipment since his return."

"After all, they returned almost unscathed."

Suzuki scratched his head. "And they managed to annihilate a portion of the enemy's Eastern Fleet. If it weren't for Captain Kami's report, one might suspect the results were exaggerated."

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