Chapter 117 - 121

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Where Are the New Fighters?


December 1942

The battles in the Pacific were mainly focused on the conflicts between transport ships and their escort fleets against submarines.

The Japanese military, controlling the south and transporting resources to the homeland, faced off against the Otherworldly Empire attacking from New Guinea towards Southeast Asia while striving to establish bases in the Mariana Islands. The Otherworldly Empire forces, having its ports destroyed, prioritized the restoration of port facilities over repairing airbases. However, the transport ships carrying the repair materials were being attacked by Japanese Navy submarines, leading to ongoing skirmishes. Japan wanted to prevent the re-establishment of bases in the Mariana Islands, which could become a launch point for air raids on the homeland. With the fleet reorganization complete, Japan was eager to buy time until the operation to reclaim Truk in the Central Pacific could commence.

A small fleet was navigating the waters around the Ogasawara Islands. This included the experimental aircraft carrier Shōryū of the Ninth Fleet and its escort destroyers Amagumo, Aogumo, and Yukigumo.

It was a beautiful sunny day in December. However, the wind blowing on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier was unbearably cold.

Sub-Lieutenant Gijirō Suga, dressed in his flight suit, was idling away some time. Beside him was Sub-Lieutenant Sakura Miyauchi, the squadron leader of the fighter unit from the Kuzushima Air Group.

"So, they're making a new plane in the homeland, right? How's it going?" Miyauchi initiated some casual conversation. Because Suga frequently visited the Kuzushima Headquarters, he naturally gathered information related to aircraft, leading to frequent questions. Of course, since he wasn't privy to classified information, it wasn't a problem to share rumors as long as they weren't disseminated outside.

"Well, when it comes to fighters, I think it's still early days. Since the current Zero fighters are slower than enemy aircraft, they seem to be moving towards developing faster planes."

"Adopt the Type 99! You know, the Type 99!" Miyauchi joked. Although she was a Type 99 carrier fighter pilot, she didn't seriously suggest making it the main aircraft.

"The enemy brought out even faster fighters during the Battle of the Philippine Sea."

"Oh, you mean those new planes that looked like bees? I heard the modified Zeros took quite a hit."

The modified Zero—referred to as Model 21 Kai in the homeland—had its defense strengthened with magical bulletproof equipment from the Magitek Research Department. Its shape and engine remained unchanged, so it was considered a modification of the original Model 21.

Suga hadn't seen the new enemy aircraft himself, but according to stories from the Third Fleet pilots, they could reach speeds over 650 km/h. With a speed difference of over 100 km/h compared to the Zero, even veteran pilots couldn't rely solely on dogfighting and maneuverability.

"If the enemy fully updates their fighters to the new model, we wouldn't stand a chance, so I hear the homeland is prioritizing new models over improvements to the Zero."

"Of course, they'd push for the new models as soon as possible."

Miyauchi snorted.

"If the enemy's new model shows up, even the Type 99 carrier fighters known for their agility would be in trouble."

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